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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. We use drysuits when we raced jetskies in the winter. Wipeouts at 50 MPH in a drysuit and not a drop of water got in. The secret was to open the zipper and then go into the water up to almost the zipper forcing out the air and then zipping it up. These suits are not insulated so you put on what ever you needed to be warm.




  2. Rich Chlorine is actually easy to remove it is volatile and actually removes itself when exposed to atmospheric pressure. It can be accelerated by exposure to sunlight band spectrum. The combination that a lot of places use is chloramine which is a chlorine and ammonia based product that resists flashing and is less expensive to use. Both compounds are easily removed using a carbon based filtration system but since the carbon absorbs the products and does not change it you then have a carbon contaminated with the products you removed from the water.





  3. It is a day of family and friends with a good dash of food added in. It also is a day to give thanks for all of the people who have entered our lives and enriched them. I am very happy to say I have thousands of friends that I am thankful for. Some I will never meet in person but will have been enriched by their knowledge and kindness over the internet.


    Thank you to all who read this and best wishes to all.




  4. Funny you should ask about bread and asbestos. Many of the big food companies have there hands in a lot more than food now a days.lol. My line of thought is you will not stop profit no matter what you do it is the driving factor for both the consumer and the producer. If the company can produce a chicken that is cost per pound cheaper by chemical or by genetically modifying they will do it and you (meaning all consumers) are forcing them to do it. Few people would pay for a better product if they felt like they could not get someone else to pay for it. In other words take on an additional expense without knowing how it is going to be paid for. It is when a person can ignore the past statement when they become willingly debted to either a person or credit company. Now we have to look at the production side we as investors are the driving force behind less expenses with better profits to the stockholders. Without advances in production we do not have the land or capacity to feed people the old fashion way where it takes 3/4 acres to bring 1 sheep to market. Chickens raised here at our farm (faux Farm) are here for the eggs and are also free range cost.... wait for it 3 times as much per egg and 300% more room. it takes 20 chickens to keep 6 adults in casual egg use with this method. For there to be a profit to support a company of art's eggs is $11.25 per dozen.... the best I can get with this method is $5.00 a dozen from the public. The data just does not support a business model that supports mass produced organic produce.





  5. A genetically enhanced cow verses a chemically enhanced cow you are already eating one of them if you buy meat at the retail level. A cow that can not get mad cow disease either by a shot or selective breeding which is better? A chicken that grows faster genetically or a chicken that is fed phosphorus to put on the pounds. We all want the best for the least amount of money yet we feel someone else should pay the difference. Would you pay $2.00 lb more for chicken if it was free range ? Would you own a company that raised free range chickens that lost money? So now we have you buying a better product that is costing you more you now need to make more money so you ask for a raise. There is a ladder that we all climb that as we ask for more labor intense products the price goes up to cover the expense.





  6. Mother nature will be just fine with this after all she has been changing and evolving since time began. I look at it this way evolution of science has shown that things change and in most cases it is an improvement. A wicker basket has turned into a 5 gallon bucket, the wheel into transportation and the list goes on. Fighting scientific evolution is to expend energy that has a very low return.




  7. For everyone who has a special talent for handmade items here is a chance for others to find your one of a kind gifts. Feel free to put a picture and a price for each item that you have for sale. People will contact you via P.M. to purchase the item and as they sell please edit your post with a sold instead of a price. If you have more than the one item then feel free to keep the ad going with a photo of the next item for sale. This is not limited to fishing items but the key is it has to be handmade not store bought please.



    If you have questions feel free to contact me thru the P.M.'s




  8. I found this company a few years back but they have a 9ft 4 piece travel rod for a decent price




    Toro Tamer Surf Explorer 25 to 30 lb conventional


    I put a diawa 300 lexa on it and it has been excellent both in performance and packability.


    The set up will cast 80 yards with a 1 oz lure and further using up to 3 oz casting spoons. This will get you out past the breakers where the big fish play. I use rattle traps casting spoons, and jigs for the most part . Don't forget to bring extra braid after a good long cast and a decent sized fish I have been spooled using 300yds of 65lb.




  9. The units now and for the past 8 years (around) are encased in a resin that is very vibration/slamming proof and waterproof. The trade off for this is they have a harder time bleeding off heat while charging. I mounted mine on the bottomside of the back lid off to the side of the 3 batteries. When it is time to charge I open the lid, plug it in and leave the lid up for air.




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