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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. First thing I pattern is habitat. I locate where the fish are by using the signs around you. I am a firm believer that if you take the clues that are around you such as wind direction, cover, depth, and bait signatures you will be in the area of what you are fishing for. The old adage of 10% of the water holds 90% of the fish I feel is true. Once an area is found it is important to see what the fish attitude is cold, neutral or aggressive. I try for the aggressive bite using fast moving lures to see if they are in an aggressive mood. If not then I slow down until I get bites and then refine the colors of lures. Most of the time I use colors selected by the amount of light, the color of the water and the natural prey in the water body. One thing that is often ignored by fisherman is cadence of the bait. We all get into auto pilot and we throw the lure then swim it back again and again and again in the same speed with out pauses or interruptions. How many times have you been fishing and untangled a backlash only to find a fish on the end? How often have you gotten a hit while you where messing with the trolling motor direction while you where reeling in? The predator has built in instincts that guides them in other words apply the proper stimulus and you will get a predictable reaction. A pod of baitfish all swimming healthy will rarely be attacked however let a few of them swim in an odd manner and a predator will attack the pod and single out the strange swimmers. Keep this in mind as you fish and you will find your catch rate goes up.





  2. This thread is getting out of control and on my nerves with the threats and disparaging remarks. You want to comment on the games, players and hockey related things I am good with that. You want to insult and mock swear take it to a P.M.. Be spirited is fine being impolite is not. Hopefully we are on the same page because alternatives as Roy so politely put it are closer than you think.






  3. Down South they are known as DNR or department of natural resources. For years we had a club on the river that we could set up picnics and etc to make it a real comfortable place for the summer. The DNR would swing by to talk and check a few of the jet skis or boats on the launch. As time went on they started to tell a few of us in the club when they saw someone in the jetski community break a rule and ask us to make it stop before they had to write tickets. This was the turning point where we all respected and understood each other. They would come over when ever they wanted and food and drink were always offered to them no matter who was down at the club. Don't get me wrong they did have a job and they did do there job when needed and wrote tickets to some of the club members when we got stupid but it never felt like they had a grudge. Time passed and three years later they got reassigned and the next DNR crew rolled in and started off with a meeting with the club to assure us that things would remain the same. The good news was the old officers bought jetskis and joined the club. Uniformed or not if you take time to see the person you will find usually they are just as nice as you are to them.




  4. I think I am 10 checks for 10 visits to Lake Nipissing in my boats I haul up from Virginia. They have always been polite asked me how my vacation is going and then a check for license and equipment and any fish in the boat. I keep one or two pike for the fish fry but other than that they all go back into the water. Most of the fishing I do is in resort areas so I try to leave as many good fish for the next vacationer to catch as I can. The lodge owner appreciate it and it keeps us going back year after year.




  5. Yes pond X has been very very good to me. I was just scouting and didn't stop to fish any of the pods I found which was about 30. Big fish was 15 inches most were 10-13 inches few were smaller than 9 inches. As a bonus I got a few platter sized bluegills and a few nice bass to mix it up.




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