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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. No don't get me wrong I am sure there is a time and place for shifting into neutral in a driveway is a perfect example. I wanted to point out that it would be a bad way to stop while you are driving with other vehicles on the road like coasting to a stop light . Snow and ice have little effect on me while I drive down here in the South because it is usually less than a foot and goes away in a week. I also drive a full size loaded Ford F150 or a loaded Sprinter (think heavy) vehicles. They both have all of the tricky auto brake and anti skid features so as long as I don't encounter any idiots on the road I am good.




  2. No Art, this is a completley different scenario taught during (DDC) Defensive driving courses. You're trying to stop of a rain laden, or hard pack snow or icy surface, you slam it into neutral or clutch it. Try it sometime if you can find a healthy patch of ice down there. Hard to explain, but it works.

    I understand the physics of it and you all have a much better idea on ice driving than I do for sure. My thoughts are to lose your ability to drive out of a slide is counter productive to being able to avoid an accident. While we do not get the same amount of snow and ice down here we actually have poor road clearing capacity the snow and ice comes and goes usually in a week so our amount of snow equiptment is small . The action of a skid or sliding removes your ability to control the direction you are pointing. With a sliding motion if you have traction then you may counter steer to drive around an issue rather than sliding into the issue. I am sure there is a time and place for both methods so far I have not found the slight benefit of neutral to be more to my advantage than being able to drive out of a situation.


    Our racing mantra was gas gas GAS when in trouble. lol





  3. My concern to popping it into neutral is you lose the capacity to get going again in an emergency. Case in point I was at a stoplight on a motorcycle with a friend who usually puts it into neutral so he don't have to hold the clutch. I reved the bike to see if he wanted to race so he kicked it back into gear. Just out of the corner of my eye I saw the car coming up was not going to stop we both gassed it to the side of the car in front of us and when the car did stop he was just short of the car that was in front of us.





  4. Fishing has always been a part of my life. I used to ride my bike to a local farm pond after school and weekends and fish. I joined the Navy SeaBees and did a lot of saltwater fishing. Once out I went back to river fishing and had a chance to start collecting boats and gear. I faded back from fishing to further my career and opened my own Plumbing business. I still fished but it was not near as often as before. I am now able to go on fishing excursions for 2 weeks a year and fish locally with friends once or twice a week. I also find a trip all by myself a good time to relax and unwind with no pressure to produce fish for everyone in the boat.





  5. It is the profession you chose that dictates how much you can earn. From the example list you provided except the etc. I made more than they do by the age of 30 when I opened my own plumbing business. My house was on track to be paid off in 10 more years (past history) with 10 years of a 401K funded. College is a tool, one that is needed for select areas that have a heavy front loaded cost. It is not a bad thing it is one that a lot of the youth don't realize is my point. My pops is a retired Nuclear Radiologist I watched this process unfold from internship to retirement. The end did justify the means he retired with no worries of financial issues for himself and my Mom. The years when he was an intern and a few more we had a lot of mac and cheese and older cars to drive.




  6. I am going to lock this down it has gotten to far from the original post.


    If you all have issues with each other instead of ruining a thread take it to P.M.



    Winternet is something that I do have a cure for and I will use all of the tools I need to keep it to a minimum.


    Good evening to all




  7. Some of the smartest people I have ever met never spent a day in school after 9th grade. If someone gets a job right out of high school he can be investing and saving at the age of 19. If you spend 5 years and 100,000.oo (easy to do) you will be 10 years behind in time and money from the non college person. By the age of 40 the NCP can have his mortgage paid off 21 years paying only 20% more than the base payment and 21 years in his chosen job. Our college person is 10 years into his mortgage and only 10 years in a company if he had no problems finding the job and paid $20,000.oo a year plus interest to get back to neutral at the age of 30. Both are 40 years old. One has 20 years of blue collar training and has paid for his house and has investments and saving with the real potential to open his own business. The other depending on the field will have 10 years experience at least 10 years of mortgage some savings and a investment account. Guess who gets the business loan? Right the blue collar guy. When people look at college as a money ticket they rarely at the age they make that decision realize the timeline they are embarking on. Most find themselves out of college and heavily in debt with few jobs that can make the kind of money they need to get out of debt in a timely manner. I have nothing against college I think that everyone should make there decision as to what they want out of life. I am a hybrid I took classes as I found the need and interest which adds up to no degree but information that I use everyday. Remember it is not the employers job to pay off your debt he needs to get the best person for the job at the best price for the company. There are a lot of blue collar owners of companies that play golf on Friday with the doctors and the lawyers....




  8. no not at any one specifically I read ALL of the threads and it seems people are drawing assumptions across the board. It seems to get hairy around here when people don't see that few things are black and white and the color gray is the correct path for most people to take when they are discussing opinions.







  9. I wish that people who see just a small portion of a countries acts or places would not leap to the assumption that the majority subcribe to that thought or action. The media from what I read is so miss informed and slatted as to be little use to judge a Nation by. This go both ways it is not just a Canadian VS US assumptions. Live a week in a situation before you judge the situation. We had a great Black Friday here in my neighborhood with no tramplings or horrible things happening. While it is not something that I attend I did run out for some sandpaper and a few blades for the bandsaw and guess what it was normal as can be in the stores I went to. If you find you need to cast stones to make yourself feel better than you neighbor then you are living life wrong. If you feel you live in a better place then good for you telling someone that they live in a place that you dislike when you haven't ever lived there is just asinine.


    Sorry for my rant but really people think before you type it will make the winter go a lot smoother.




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