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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I use a slow troll with a jigs tipped with a mealworm. I try to get down 1/3 the water column so 12 feet water 4ft jig depth. Once I get a hit I drop a buoy and fish behind it 10ft or so . Today I used 50 mealworms and caught 75 fish it was a bright sunny day so don't let the sun keep you from fishing.




  2. I have a 4wheel drive with 3.72 gears and 4 wheel E locker which tows a 3600 lb boat do you think gas milage was the deciding factor on my purchase??? It still gets an amazing 17 MPG but if you want to play you got to pay. I have had this truck in 2 ft of snow and ice on some hairy places with no one around to help me get unstuck but I have the right equipment to do the job. Buy what you can afford and buy what will do the job. If it needs 4x4 and the price is to high for a new one then get a used on. To buy a new truck that will not do the job is to buy a new truck that will not make you happy or worse not fulfill the job you want it to do.




  3. While we wait for Roy to return I will add my .02 cents worth. What the members see on a thread is not all of the information that the Moderators see. We see the reports from members that alert us to a thread that is breaking the rules. We see the comments that we remove that are inflaming the threads. We then have just a few minutes to make a decision on will this thread be corrupted again or will it fly straight without consuming our time. We all have lives to live we get the fact that every one wants to be the hero of the internet and say the right thing and have people hang onto our every word. It will not happen on either end some of the members will always be disappointed with the way the forum is moderated and the moderators will once again ask themselves why do I keep this site open when all we get is kicked in the balls again and again and again.


    Food for thought folks this is not a money maker for us I make over $100.00 an hour as a Company owner and Master Plumber the time I share with this board and the people are because I love the people and the community it has grown into. If you think it is a power trip for me to lock a thread your world is to small in any given day, the decisions I make at work on one job affect projects with costs that affect both people and business that could buy and sell the net worth of this board 20 times a day.


    Winter is coming and we allow a little more lateral in this season but realize it does not mean you can break the rules. Keep in mind as you bash the moderators that we are people to and when the last one of us says "Uncle" the light will be turned off.


    Thanks for reading my rant I am glad I asked Roy to watch over this thread My first impulse was to lock it down, he has taken a better course of action. I am grateful both for his knowledge and tact.



  4. It gets fun when a 2WD is spinning the tires and the boat launch has enough angle to it to drag the truck backwards. I bought a 4X4 for the weather and towing of boats for down here in the South I imagine you can get more use and justify it easily up North Don't forget to look at the Eco Boost you will not regret it.






    It seems somewhat disingenuous to me that you claim the mods here don't tend to be more lenient of conservative comments and commentators than progressive ones.


    It's their site and they can control content in any way they see fit...but let's not delude ourselves.


    Fishing is a traditional pastime and tends to attract individuals with traditional "values". The site administrators recognize this and would be cutting their own throats if they allowed a few wavy-gravy hippies to be spouting off ideology that most of the Community disagrees with or, in some cases, finds downright upsetting to hear. Who can blame them for crafting the page to appeal to their core audience? It just shows they're good at running the site that they do. If they were running a site for agnostic poverty-activists who are fans of the Daily Show, they'd be just as prudent to lean a lot further the other way.


    They certainly do a good job of keeping things respectful. When someone (regardless of political persuasion) steps out of line, or things between more than one individual gets heated and civility starts to break down, they lock stuff up and reprimand rule breakers. I just think they tend to lean to the right in how quick they are to take action. But like I say, that's their prerogative and in the best interest of the site to do so.


    By the way, if anyone knows of a site for agnostic poverty-activists who are fans of the Daily Show, please message me the link. Hey-oh!

    Actually I spoke for myself as a moderator in that I do not judge political views in Canadian politics I am not Canadian so I read them for rule breaking not for views. I do rely on the other Moderators to judge things as they see with the insight of the Canadian system as they rely on me to Moderate the ones on US political views.


    Hope this clears this up. :D




  6. i have had threads locked and my account priveleges "modified" for speaking ill of the conservative minority. don't upset the old boys club.

    No actually you were "modified" for breaking the rules. I don't have anything vested in Canadian politics so I judge them not for there views but for their content as they apply to the rules.


    please keep this civil and fact based and it will continue.





  7. Yaa did fine keeping the same size bar on it will make chain purchases easier. We run 20" bars and have 12 chains at various ages it makes it easy to run thru 11 chains and then sit down and sharpen them at once on a CS sharpener. Good choice and use quality oil in the saw and special Chainbar oil to keep them happy for a long time.




  8. Just had this done on a job site today. Only difference was broken water line.


    3 men @ 40/hr X 7 hrs = 840.00

    excavator @ 65/hr X 7 hrs = 455.00

    material - 150.00 +- = 150.00

    disposables = 100.00

    total of : 1545.00 plus HST

    I was looking at the quote and refigured it for what it is worth down here,

    1 mechanic @ 85.00 x 7 hr = 595.00

    2 helpers @ 40.00 x 7 hr = 560.00

    excavator @ 125.00 x 7hr= 875.00

    mat 100.00

    10% misc 125,00


    tax 4% material 4.00


    2259.00 total


    I don't see any issue with the quote the set up time and the break down time for the job is 3 hours. profit on the job is 650.00 if you don't count set up or breakdown plus waiting for the inspector and tying up the equipment for an extra day.





  9. I have a lot of teak on my boat from 1985 and we sanded it down to fresh. We then on the interior used teak oil but the outside wood we sealed with 5 coats of spar varnish. The finished product has not grayed out in 6 years but the teak treads have discolored where the varnish has been worn off. If there is evidence of rot it is not teak wood.



  10. Describe the blade you want long short, flexible,stiff handle material main uses for what size fish. All of these make a difference in choosing a knife. Here is a link to steel and handle material and what it is best for http://www.midwayusa.com/technicalnotes/application_pages/knife_steel_and_handle_material_chart.htm. They have some of the more basic knives on the site also. A final name is SHUN they are some really nice blades and I like the edge the take and hold.




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