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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Good thoughts for sure and it is something (winternet) that we are going to try to curtail. I have found that if you are unwilling to sign your name to a post then chances are you should have not said what you did.



    Best of the holidays




  2. This place started as a club and now it has grown into a community. The number of friends that I have made stretches from the beginning where I was member # 77 ( 4 boards ago) on into our future. I have found some of my friends have faded from the board but I talk to them in other media. The spirit of this place is still here as the core and that is share what you know and help the man next to you as best you can. As with all good things in life it is a 2 edged sword thankfully the sharper side is the one that makes this place great.




  3. The files would get to full if it saved before you typed lol We would just be jammed packed with 0 bytes. I found this one by accident after I worded a big reply and my computer powered down for an update. I was grumpy and started clicking on things and it saved it.





  4. Art; I've looked and looked, tried all the different background theme settings, I don't have a "last auto saved". I use Mozilla F/Fox.

    When you want to type a reply to a thread in the "reply to this topic" such as the one I am using right now. Look in the lower left hand corner and you will see "last auto save 9:05:14 AM " the time will change but that is what is there at the bottom of mine right now. Now left click it and a explanation of what it is will pop up. If you blank out return to the thread go to the "reply to this topic" and click on the auto save it should bring it back up to the last saved point. I am using Chrome with no issues.




  5. It's most likely a browser issue Brian, but regardless it's symptomatic of a bunch of issues with the site the last little while.



    I'm at the point now myself where I may not be posting anymore lengthy reports because serious issues with the site have caused me hours of grief. I sincerely hope those issues get resolved.

    This may help you in the future Mike at the bottom of the reply to this topic box you will see where it says last auto saved click on it. We have auto save enabled so if you reload the page it will call up from the last saved point. It usually resaves every minute or so.




  6. they fish well with a look that is similar to a senco in movement. It lacks the flavor and consistence that makes sencos such an awesome lure. They also have poor hookup because of the way they are attached hook in front of the lure and if you get a hook up they can be easily thrown. Get a few packs of sencos on an unweighted hook and you will be miles ahead.



  7. I hear you I am not a fan of oil fired water heaters. I have avoided them like the plaque. The big issue is the smell of the diesel fuel and the soot. It gets all over the place and it never can be removed completely from the house. The HE water heaters are usually around twice the cost of the old style heaters but will pay for themselves fairly quickly. The only advantage the non HE has is it does not pump the surrounding air out of the room it is installed in and in most cases it is air that has already been heated by a furnace. The more often the heater runs the greater loss of heated air occurs. The newest generation of Air heaters have raised the efficiency of the heaters by drawing cold air from outside for the combustion chamber thus not sending heated air out the flue. The water heater has not been able to be designed in this manner that is cost effective.





  8. There are two styles of gas heaters. One is the high efficiency which uses a power vent (a blower motor) on the top that takes surrounding air and mixes it with the exhaust from the burner to cool it down so it can be run thru PVC. The old style or non high efficiency unit has a steel vent because it can reach temperatures that would melt plastic pipes. The liner is needed if the flue is in poor shape and decaying from acids that occur as flue gasses cool.It is not a big deal to do it is just running B vent pipe thru and up to the top of the roof. You are using the flue as a chase for the pipe.




  9. While my lab was good at the cabinet noises I have a red tick coon hound that really tests the limits. I can put the dog outside eat a few jelly beans, let him back in and he will come over and look at me and then check the coffee table for his jelly bean. He has one heck of a nose for sure to watch him run the farm for scent is a pleasure to watch.




  10. The drain valve is located at the bottom of the heater. There are mainly 3 types. 1 Is a draincock that has a screwdriver head on it. 2 is a draincock that has a round handle on it. 3 is a white plastic roughly 3 inch around that has a hose thread on the end of it. The third one is my guess as to the one you have. Put a garden hose on the threaded part of it and run it to a drain. By turning it counterclockwise you will be opening it go 1/2 turn past where you hear water running (Go to far and it will pop out of the heater ) thru it. Let it run till clear or 2 min. which ever comes first. Then close the valve in reverse and hope it closes and is not now full of debris. My personal guidance is if you have not been draining the heater from the start you are asking for trouble. While draining the heater will extend the life the first time the valve malfunctions due to debris you will then be paying a plumber to come out and replace the valve. I have not drained my heaters but instead replace them every 10 years so far never flooded and never fixed my own heater.




  11. I hear ya Cliff! These pop ups are a pain! Sorry to hijack your thread but perhaps the person(s) that offer you an explanation could reply to my problem. I'm like you - need some help to get rid of this one called AVG. They want me to buy their protection & I don't have a clue??


    AVG is a program you installed for security it is the freeware version so it will continue to ask you to buy the whole program. I personally us a purchased copy of norton for my security some like it others don't.




  12. Download these two programs they are freeware and run them.


    Malwarebytes and CCleaner. They are designed to sweep your computer manually and remove malware and clear all of the caches your computer can get a program stuck in. They will not erase anything that your computer uses to run itself. You will lose any cookies that keep you signed in on websites so you will need to reenter the name and password for this and similar sites.




  13. Strictly oil. Haven't bought lard in nearly 30 years

    Why is it science keeps proving some of the best tasting things our parents got to eat get taken away from us. WELL NO MORE I am going to eat lard till it kills me because it makes things taste that good.




  14. My favorite was the creepy crawler maker. You poured goop into a metal mold and put it on a hotplate as you leaned over it so you could smell when it was done. You then used a cheesy clip to lift it out and dunk it in to a bowl of water. Man I still remember the smell of the goop and the burn scars on my arms. Now that was a toy.





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