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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Yea we have the same here with snow shovels except we wait till it is snowing and then take our poor snow driving skills and run out to Home Depot. I am thinking we would be better off if we planned ahead and bought thermoses instead and stayed at home with a nice hot cup of coffee.





  2. Dan the green crud closes down the passages in the jets so the engine runs lean. The 2 stroke engines need the mixture to be correct for the oiling of the pistons. The 4 strokes running lean will cause the temperature to go way up. Think of it as an oxy-acetylene torch the higher the o2 is within the range of combustion the bluer or hotter the gases are burning. The fuel as it atomizes in the top end not only burns and explodes it also has a cooling effect. You are correct the longer the gas is stored the more deterioration or chemical changes it goes thru.




  3. The issue with gloves is they can only be as thick as what you can tolerate between your fingers. My gloves of choice have the finger tips cut off the ends and then have a flap like a mitten over the tips. The flap folds back easily and the gloves are good enough for the short times they are exposed for knots and other delicate jobs. While they are not water proof I could see them fitting in a pair of the bulky gripper gloves that waterman use. If you can't find a pair of the gloves send me a P.M. I will shoot you a pair in the mail. A second thought for the tiller is a motorcycle hand boot it is like a muff but it stays on the tiller and you slide your hand in and out of it.




  4. Sta bil marine is what I use in all of my engines to stabilize. The seafoam is what I use to clean the fuel systems. Seafoam does also stabilize but I haven't had a reason to try it for that aspect. A combination of both has keep my engine (20 plus) running without issues.





  5. Have you thought of using a muff warmer. I use it while waiting for a bite and hunting. You put your gloves of choice on and the muff is strapped to your waist. You put your hands in and when it is really cold a heat pack. I use it and if it gets fish on it I toss it into the washer no muss or fuss.







  6. Here is a link to a book that will give you all of the basics and the habits of the fish you hope to catch.





    Saltwater fishing has extra factors than a freshwater trip does not. A few sentences from me will not due justice to the knowledge you need to have a successful trip. The good news is you have time to read the book and then hit the ground running when you get to Florida.


    Best of luck



  7. I can't ever remember a pellet gun not legal to hunt small game with.

    I did when I was a kid, and that is getting to be quite a while ago :)

    Hows about the guns that you cocked and puffed out air and a popping noise. You soon found out that you can jam the barrel in the mud and shoot people with them.




    The spring loaded BB gun that would barely break the skin if you shot your brother with it from 5 feet away. I remember many a BB gun fight in the neighborhood with "bugbites" as we told our moms. I am sure we didn't fool them but it was easier to let us be kids than to make us come inside to watch T.V. and settle down before bed.


    growing up memories are the best




  8. I guess I should clarify why I change them yearly. I am running a 1989 6 cylinder johnson gt 150 hates to cold start, smokes on the warm up and runs like a scalded dog all day long. The carburetors on theses beauties are 3 float bowl 6 barrel with fixed jets. Needless to say it runs from really wet down low to perfectly balanced as you run up the lake. I need all of the spark I can get for the soggy lower RPM,s. It is a love hate relationship if it gets out of tune it is a cranky pants motor but when it is right it will paint a smile on anyones face that runs up the river with me.



  9. If anyone really wants financial advise look up Dave Ramsey and get his books/cd's they will guide you using common sense methods on how to get the most bang for your buck. I used his program 15 years ago and he saved my financial life and is making it possible for me to feel great at where I am in my retirement portfolio.







  10. The price of ammo is going up because of demand. The demand is because people want to buy it before it goes up. The bulk buy is what is effecting this. I buy rounds usually 6000 at a time to save money per round. The Obama scare is making imported rounds harder to get so people are hording them like the .223 and any variety of 7.62 is murder. I am changing the caliper of one of my rifles from 7.62x25 to a 9mm just because I can't find miliary rounds and the civilian rounds are up to .50 cents each IF you can find them. The price of even the common rounds has driven a lot of people to reload which has caused a shortage of primers and powders in my area.




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