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Posts posted by aplumma


    Isn't a welding torch dry heat too?

    Very dry it is scorched air so the humidity is 0. The ability to evaporate is greater the further you are from 100% humidity. See when you exercise you and generate body heat which you bleed off by sweating. A person who is at 50% humidity will have a slick or small beads of sweat while the same person will have sweat all over themselves at 75% humidity. The cooling effect is the evaporation not in the actual sweating. It is possible to be in a high humidity place and have heat stroke.( overdressed in the winter). You also can have heat stroke in a dry place if your body can not cool off by evaporation.




  2. Glad to hear Cliff. If they did put a valve on the hot and the cold line as you wanted make sure the gas is off to the heater before closing both valves. The reason we don't and down here it is against code is if you close both valves and the heater tries to generate heat it will expand the water as it heats and hopefully just trips the blow off valve. If it doesn't do that you have a bomb in the basement. Bradford white is a good heater you should be fine with it for many years. Good call on the rental with such a small amount for the repair as needed costs it is worth it. One service call down here is 100.00 for the first 1/2 hour plus parts you can burn up the 240.00 in a hurry.




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    My dad grew up in Saskatchewan and always talked about 40 below in the winter, but said you never noticed the cold because it was dry......ya right, 40 below is 40 below :lol:


    Funny they say the same crap here about heat. It gets to be 102F and they ask is it a dry heat? The theory of dry heat is you can sweat faster with less resistance so you it feels cooler.




  5. The rental thing has not caught on here in the US and for good reason. Total waste of money it is a rip off for the customers. Cliff A propane heater treated well will last over 10 years if there is no defects. You can purchase a 10 year warrentee heater if you want but after that few if any companies will extend past that. Here is the key if you buy the heater for $2000.00 installed you have paid $200.00 a year to use it. After 10 years if it does not leak throw it out and start over again. I like the power vent series they are rock solid and have just as good a chance to be trouble free as the older standing pilot heaters. I personally find that the tankless heater to be more of a trouble than a blessing. They need a certain amount of flow for them to trigger on meaning some water conservation showerheads or aerators can keep it from turning on. They are not easy to work on and the lack of parts availability usually means two service calls to fix it. They will leak just as easily as a tank heater and will have less life due to the high temperature that they fire on at. Example is a heater fires 48,000 BTUs while a tankless runs at 150.000 to 240.000 BTUs. The piping size to the heater is most likely to small for the tankless so that has to be added into the cost. Finally a tankless heater uses more gas..... The reason some people get out of the shower is because the water gets cold with a tankless you can stay in for as long as you have fuel. The selling point of storage of hot water is wasted heat is not really true the heat you lose from the tank is inside the house so it heats the water as well as the house.


    If you have any questions I haven't answered feel free to P.M. me your phone # and I will be happy to talk to you.




  6. No you are correct the city hubs are priced higher by corporate. It is also priced higher in places where there is less competition. We have 3 shell stations local and the cheapest one always is the one that has a sheetz across the street. Now sheetz waits for them to post there price and then drops it a penny or two. As far as being less gas dependant that sounds like a great idea and we all can help to some extent. I have a huge carbon footprint due to the van and the pickup truck I drive. While both have the most economical motors I could find that will tow the boats and haul my plumbing supplies it still is a hunk out of my wallet. I can't even comment on my boats sheesh they get about 1.5 miles to the gallon due to there size and the waters I fish. O well the price we pay to have fun fishing with friends and family.....




  7. The old method of how gas was sold was price of the fuel paid plus X was the price till the tank was resupplied. Now it is sold just like the stock market. A purchase of fuel by the dealer could net large profits in troubled times. The price is broadcast to the individual dealers from corporate. This is why two of the same dealers separated by just a few miles can have prices that vary up to a couple cents per litre. Not much you can do except buy stock in the companies and use the profits to offset the prices.





  8. I had a yamaha 80 4 wheelers it didn't tow anything however it would run like a scalded dog. The best part of it was if it got bogged down you just picked it up and moved it. I found that it was an issue if the snow was deeper than the clearance of the chassis. Stay away from the knockoff units they are junk with an attractive price you will break them quickly and find that parts are not easy to find if at all.




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