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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I actually do not subscribe to bad and good luck. The times that I do not catch fish is the days that I did not understand where or what they wanted. Sometimes it is just not possible to get bitten and I went fishing anyway choosing to accept that the weather or conditions would make a skunk very possible. That usually happens when I travel up North to fish where we fish every day regardless. On a "badluck" day look at what the conditions are and change something be it location, bait, timing, or other factor. By looking for the missing piece of the puzzle you increase you chances of catching fish instead of plugging on with a pattern that is not working. A tough day of fishing is an education.




  2. I am a few weeks ahead of you on the cat timeline. This is the time as the water warms up that the fish will be heading to the spawn. The channel cats are waiting for 70 F water to head to the beds. The sure sign that it is occurring is the catching of small immature cats in places that a week ago brought in nice size ones. Once the males start to build the nest they get lockjaw till the nest is empty, Often 21-30 days. The females will move in to the shallows looking for a mate and then move back off to deeper water on the points to feed. The females will be pretty beat up mostly on the tails from the spawn and as the scars fade the males will appear very hungry. In a month from the spawn you will have a great time catching both large fish again.






  3. Cast iron cutter will not work. There is a similar looking device for cutting exhaust pipes but much smaller called a chain wheel cutter. I use a 18 volt grinder with a keef or cut off blade to cut metal pipes and bolts when the plasma cutter is not around.




  4. The fuel cell can be removed but make sure you replace it with one that is rated for being covered. You can not put a mobile cell in, The fiberglass cells are prone to dissolving in ethanol so plastic or aluminum is preferred. Wires are not scary if you take your time. I usually replace all of the wiring and make my own loom but if that is not something you are comfortable with then you can get assorted wire connector blocks and cut them and install the disconnect as you go. The 2 plates that you remove to remove the fuel cell need to be reinstalled for support. Electronic shops or auto store sell the disconnects or on line is also a good option. The most important thing is to take your time it took me over 2 months to get a Ranger back together.




  5. I vote for saving up a little more and getting the lowrance hds series. i have 3 of them and they are working very well. It seems that lowrance is doing more research and has made a more expandable platform based on the HDS series.




  6. Good to see the coldwater cats are starting to move around. We have water temps around 60F now and the cats are still off secondary points with a light bite on shad cutbait and squid parts. The move to shallow water is around the corner with the bass spawn and the temps going into the mid 60s the cats will be raiding the nests and feeding on the fry in the slightly warmer shallows. When the bite drops off in the shallows around 70F then the catfish have gone to spawn with food bites dropping off for a few weeks till the fry hatch. The key is mostly catching female cats since the males are guarding the nest and rarely eat. Once the 70s are solid then the fish are predictable and will follow a pattern depending on the availability of food and shelter.






    That is because propulsion is not rooted in the flipper. The entire body of the dolphin is flexing and moving in a very smooth rythmn to generate that force.

    Look at the attack of a pike it bends into an s shape to spring forward it is using all of the muscles of its body to burst forward on a prey. Now ask the same to turn fast like a blugill and you will find it lacking.




  8. No matter what the governmental system is or whose it is there is a large amount of waste. I have no issues with a safety net that I pay into to help those that have been hit by financial issues it could be me even with all of the hard work and struggling I did to save while my friends had the shiny new cars...etc. I however am against the amount of money that is spent on those that have found a way to bilk the system with false claims or miss use of the process. I don't have the answer on how to fix it because more regulation spends more of the money. I have yet to see a government program produce better financial rewards better than a smart investment portfolio, The theory that a government can get 1.00 from each person and use that money to help a few is a waste of money that the masses could use to fund their futures. It would take a massive educational program and people willing to help themselves but in our society it seems to still be an impossible dream. Many wonder what the difference is between a man doing well and a poor person if both are given the same resources and tragedies in life. Big Cliff is a good example as some has asked how does he survive it is because he saved when he could and right now is making the hard choices to survive. With that attitude if he had not the trials that are before him he would be having a retirement that we all envy and want. The use of government resources to help him and people in his situation are what the system was designed for but it seems that the abuse of it prevents it from doing the job we empowered our governments to achieve.




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