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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Art, that last boat looks like something the minnesota vikings fish on

    The Marrinette boat was built in Holland Michigan until 1996 when the company was forced to close due to the price of building materials. The whole boat is built out of plate aluminum all hand welded from the skin to the sub structure. The flooring and interior was the crafted from more common materials with teak wood used for the accent pieces and paneling. The craft is a twin screw with (2) 318 Chrysler (240 HP each) engines and the transmissions are velvet drive. The back of the boats is set up for fishing and the front is available for sunbathing with the lower deck reserved for cat napping out of the sun. Being all structurally built the front deck as well as both of the roof sections will support a person with ease and most of the time cannonballs from the top deck are the name of the game. Of all of the boats I have built or owned this one just needed the electronics updated the wood resurfaced the fluids changed and a few other repairs to make it one of the most perfect fitting boats for me on big water.



  2. I built this back in the early 2000 it is for river fishing with a jet drive motor.




    This is my 28ft all aluminum 1985 MARINETTE it was a great lakes boat .




    A 1989 rebuilt ranger is my traveling bassboat for when the river is not the best place to run.


    Sorry no picture


    A 10ft pontoon pond crawler pelican rounds out my boats.


    Between all of these boats the fish from farm ponds to the ocean are not safe.





  3. Sorry Rick for the loss. I have had the pleasure of many four legged companions and as each one passed on the memories they leave reassure me that it was the path that we both were meant to travel. Future adventures and companionship await you when your head and your heart are ready till then celebrate the memories you have.




  4. I have had my taste of government drive health care in the military. I was not happy then because time in rate trumps knowledge (doctors) and you have no choice as to who you get to see. However it was "free" NOT you paid for it with your contract you signed to protect the country as well as a reduced income. Needless to say I will continue to fight government interference in our medical system even if I have to pay 100% more to have my choice of doctors. Don't get me wrong the horror stories you hear from both sides of the boarder are true we have issues as well but I have the option to fire one doctor and locate a better one if they do not live up to my expectations.



  5. While not a lure I had a buddy in the boat hook one of my rod and reels and sent it down into the depths. $ 450.00 down the drain and the hardest part was convincing him it was just an old rod and reel that I didn't like anyways. Poor guy felt bad for a year but on his fixed income I didn't want him to worry about it.




  6. Personally I hate debt. HATE IT! Don't borrow if I don't have to, don't lend much either, that way there's little chance for issues with the turn-around.


    For young people to save money, two things...


    When you get out of school with any and all of your debt, or your parents finally kick you out... well, GET TO WORK. And work, and work, and work. You'll need food and shelter while you work so pay for that and WORK! Clear your debts and keep going into savings. Then work and save, work and save.


    When you've got savings, invest. Save and invest. Save and invest. Even if rates aren't all that great on what you can afford to invest in, your money will be tied up making money so, technically your mindset should still be at zero $$$... Which is like debt because, you'll continue on with work and save.


    Work... Save... Invest. Once you do this for awhile it becomes you. You set financial goals, you spend within your means, you lose nothing to interest. You save without feeling like you're always "saving."

    Well said I was given this advise when I was 21 and now at the age of 50 I am financially secure with no debt and will be ready to retire before I am to old to enjoy it. The road that some take by going to college was not a path I wanted at the age of 18. I went into the Seabees a branch of the Navy and came out a plumber. Between working hard and a few classes to further my education I escaped the debt that college places on our youth. A driving ambition got me to the point of starting my own company 20 years ago and it has become a secure world for me.


    A final thought is "The difference between being in debt versus not is when you spend the money."



  7. Actually we all are winners as long as that ad is on the banner we get to stay on the internet another day. We have over the years kept our banners and ads to a minimum to pay the bills however if you know of a quality person who wants to place an ad with us feel free to have him contact ROY for a great price.



    ( the one millionth person also)



  8. If I were the guy with the nice clean, well stocked boat, and I was charging the same as the guy next door with a dirty ass old boat, id feel pretty dumb.


    If the clean boat charges more than the dirty boat then you point is invalid.



    LOL keep it coming!

    Actually you have no idea if you hired the dirty ass boat till you get there. I have seen $500.00 charters that had broken poles,bait wells that will turn your stomach. lunches of wilted lettuce and lunch meat that should have been condemned. Now if you charter very rarely then you might have not ever chartered with a bad Captain so you don't have a comparison to see how good a trip can be. The other side of the coin is are you a good customer? I have had a few charters that I would allow to come back out for free on a day that I was not chartered but scouting for new spots. I also have a few that I am forever booked and can't possible take them out again. It really is up to how you act as to how you will be treated.


    Case in point I was up North and a guide was waiting on the dock for his customer. We talked for a few minutes and I was throwing a saltwater bait and he like the action and said that should be a good Muskie bait. I had another one in my boat so I cut it off and gave it to him. We talked a few minutes more and he asked how my fishing had been and I said great but I was looking for a few more good pike spots. He then did the one thing that most guides never do he started to mark up a map for me of good pike spots. So I got my map and we traded notes of places to catch what we were after. In 10 minutes we both had expanded our knowledge of the water more than we would have in a month of fishing. His only request was not to show others the map since it is how he makes his living and because I fish the waters one week a year he was not concerned about me burning out his spots. That is a GOOD guide who helps everyone he can no matter if he was getting a tip. So you wonder did I give him a tip.... well not in money but I gave hima secret arsenal of baits that the Muskies haven't seen yet.




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