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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. A well maintained unit does not lose 2% of its efficiency per year. Renting any appliance is not advisable it locks you into them maintaining the system at their convenience as well as nothing to show for your spent dollars. You pay off your system that you financed in 5 years and for the next 5 years you have no payments. If you save the money from the second 5 years you can pay cash for the next system.




  2. Make sure you put the heli coil in with an oil proof thread sealer it needs to be sealed since it is a set of threads. Check the thickness of what you are heli coiling it needs to be as thick as the coil is at least. in this case i would drill and tap it rather than helicoil it. Make sure you have the clearance for the tap to be threaded all of the way into the space behind it. Use a larger size plug. you can also tig weld the old hole and drill/tap another one next to it this will allow you to use the stock plug.




  3. In situations like you described if you do not have anything physically to add be it a fire extinguisher or medical aid you would be in the way. I drive a full size van for a living and carry 2 fire extinguishers on board hoping to never use them on my vehicle but i have used them on a few others cars over the years. I do it because many years ago I had all of my worldly possessions in a 1968 mid engine van and the engine caught fire when I pulled into a mcdonalds for lunch. I had nothing to extinguish it with so I went into the Mcdonalds jumped the counter and grabbed the extinguisher off the wall yelling I will be right back. It saved my van and its precious cargo and I went back in and asked the manager what I owed him for the use. He replied nothing just pay it forward.




  4. Yup my Virginia sticker get me a yearly visit on the west arm of lak nipissing they even made noise about my life vests not being Canadian approved till I showed them that until my boat was in Canadian waters for 90 days it didn't have to meet their guidelines. I however did have the few items that Canada requires that the US doesn't.



    I don't begrudge them checking me but to collect tourist money is really short sited in my opinion.




  5. As some know I restore old motorcycles, cars and small engines just as a hobby and the number of carburetors I have rebuilt is in the hundreds now. The size of the jets and the passages in a carb. can be clogged by poor fuel and ethanol quickly. If you haven't been inside of a carb the passages as well as the jets are in some cases as small as a hairbrush bristle. The amount of sludge that i remove from the bottom of the float bowls that have been put away wet without stabilizer is just sick. I use stabilizers in all of my engines that will have gas sitting in it for longer than 3 weeks. The others get treated twice a year. For a motorcycle RnR on a carb set is usually $300.oo that buys stabilizers for many a year.



  6. I do some canoeing in the summer sun and what I found works best is a white dress shirt 1 or 2 sizes too big from Goodwill or Sally Ann. Not very fashionable but I don't GAS.

    I have been doing the same for years. You can either wash them or throw them away if they are to messed up. Most of the time they are a buck or two usually.



  7. We had issues with people joining and filling up the classifieds using the board as a sales tool rather than being a part of the community. We have a few people that are very active on selling in the classifieds who have over time become not only good supporters of the board but in most cases selling items that are excellent products with discounted prices for our members.




  8. I am sure that she will be put to rest with the utmost honor that she deserves Lew. The pride of helping protect the country and world is something that some can not grasp until they have signed up for service. Once there, the bond between shipmates and the ship that they lived on is stronger than people can imagine.



    Rest well HMCS Annapolis you have earned your next mission of peace.




  9. We turned off the ads to show that it is not our site. As soon as we turn the ads back on APB will react with our ads and we will return back to an issue.


    Just a note also that APB works differently in each browsers which is why it will filter Chrome and lets IE thru.



    So we can ask T.J. to turn off the 4 ads we have and run out of money in about 3 weeks or thank everyone for turning off APB and help fund this site and keep it open. I prefer to say thank you to everyone myself.







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