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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I came back from up North and found my truck front, mirrors and radiators covered with bug bits and pieces. I used a towel soaked in hot water and dish soap and placed it on the bug surfaces for a few minutes then hit it with the pressure washer. What was left was fairly easy to hand wash off. I also have had success using just a spray bottle with soapy water and keeping it wet for 5 minutes or so. You can get them off the radiator with vinegar and a spray bottle but make sure you clean off all of the vinegar it is an acid and can etch the aluminum.



  2. If you are pulled over he has probable cause to inspect your vehicle for violations, see your license and registration and ask if you know why he has pulled you over. An answer of yes or no is all that you legally have to say. He will then inform you what your violation is and then do a back round check with his computer. A ticket is issued and if there is no other issues to deal with then you may sign and leave. If you get cocky then he will change his formate to mirror yours. Are there bad cops the answer is yes and i have been interviewed by a few over the years (bodyguarding) and it is something that I addressed later with their commander. The flexing of someones constitutional rights is a guarantee not a toy to play with. It is never a good idea in the real world to dig a hole you have to get out of when you can walk around the edge. I won't change your mind and I am good with that but if we both are in the same situation I am sure my path will have less bumps than yours during the journey.



  3. Joe PA You may decline to incriminate yourself but you have to inform an officer if you have a weapon or item that can hurt him. If you don't then additional charges can be levied. Who wants to go from a broken tail light to endangerment of a police officer or not declaring a concealed weapon on questioning. The legal issue of declining to talk to a officer you will be handcuffed and placed in the cruiser. A trip to booking and an over night stay till you can declare to the judge that you wish to go to trial. Just to use your 5th amendment ???? You use it only when you need it trying to intimidate or instigate the legal system is asinine unless you are trying to hide something that you did wrong. Stop it people it is not a game do as you are told if it does not involve bodily harm to yourself. If you feel it is wrong save it for when the officer is not in a stressful state of mind. You will get a chance to prove that you are innocent and how you where mistreated. Defusing a situation is the first rule of negotiation then work for a solution or negating damages. I wish this was a class taught to the average citizen it would teach not only how to act but how to respond as well.



  4. If you are approached by a law officer he needs to be comfortable approaching the vehicle. If you are staring in the rearview mirror fidging around, reaching under the seat nervousness or reaching for the glove box you have changed the way the officer will conduct the traffic stop. He has to escalate his guard until he knows what is going on. Any gun that is in reach and loaded regardless of if you have a CC is a potential cop killer. The load of CRAP that he was a good guy because he had a kid in the car makes no sense at all you might as well say I am rich because my wife is a blonde....... I can line up 10 people who look like they will kill you for saying hello but actually are nice people and for the other line up we got plenty of people in jail who look so innocent but will cut you fast and deep. You cant look at someone and make that judgment it just isn't possible. When I have a policeman come up to my windowless work van for any reason I place my hands fingers out seatbelt on till he looks inside of my van and asks me for my license and registration. Simple common sense is what is need by people when approached by an officer. If I had a gun in the car with or without a CC you do that while doing what I do and then inform him you have a loaded weapon in the vehicle so he can remove you from the vehicle and assess the location and legality of the weapon. This is lesson 101 when you get a CC no if's and's or but's. Who is wrong I do not know but if he had done this he would be alive.

    You can not judge a police officer unless you have been in the situations he is in every traffic stop. Keep driving and badmouthing the good cops and they will decide their desire to protect the innocent is not worth the crap people are feeding them. If you think they do it for money guess again if you want to have a police force of poorly paid disgruntled officers then keep poking at them. We have a legal system to measure out justice the cop is in charge of seeing and siting people not deciding the penalty of the infraction.



  5. Look at all of the trees and figure out which are junk trees (soft wood) and which will be an asset to keep. Thin them out as needed but leave as many as you can for shade and wind barriers. Check out the placement of the house, well and septic before you start to remove trees. Some septic fields need to be root free and not compacted by vehicles. The well needs to be a certain distance and a certain elevation in comparison to the septic field. The house needs to be faced not only for view but for weather resistance.


    Best of luck



  6. Remind me on FB Joey to pass along the link to a friends page for birding in eastern Ontario. You may already be on it though... It is right up your alley, you take excellent shots.


    Fishing is not what this annual trip is fully about, that's for sure. The gang always enjoys themselves.


    On a side note, where's Roy? In the past few years I've personally maybe heard from him once or twice and he used to be quite active here. On FB I've noticed he hasn't been around at all either..? Wassup Roy!!! Where you at young fella?

    He has the 25 kids to work with so his hands are full. Send him a message when you get a chance.




  7. Ahh we call that bulging. A light spinnerbait subsurface with an occasional breaking of the surface. Burning is a heavier spinner subsurface retrieved very quickly back to the boat. Chopping is retrieving back and stop cranking to make the lure helicopter then resume retrieving. Flaring is retrieving with an irregular cadence such as 4 cranks slight pause repeat with different number of cranks. Lots of different ways to fish a spinnerbait for sure.



  8. jAs always Joe and I had a great time with our friends. The fishing was tough with 6 fish boated for the week and a muskie that short struck me three times on three different days. The visits from Leslie and Leslie and T.J. and Monique was also very special. Between Goldie , Regan and Barny the mouch we felt the week was closer to a home coming more than just another week of fishing . Danny the resident guide was nice enough to take a booking from me and the information he freely gave and the laughter will live in my memory for many a year. If you want to contact him here is a link to his website.




    Thanks to everyone for making our vacation excellent



  9. Have the shop do an analysis on the motor this fall and give you an honest opinion. On board computers can be read. Plugs and compression would tell you how healthy your motor is. I have motorcycles and cars from the 70;s that run like clockwork.




  10. If the back seat is going to be used by adults make sure you sit in the back before you decide. The distance between the wheel wells and from the front to the back should be able to fit your favorite toy and a 4x8 sheet. Ask you local mechanic which one he is most comfortable repairing. If you can buy it from a private sale you will get more for your money. Let a mechanic look at and read the computer before you buy. Some little old ladies dog there shiny pickup trucks like there is no tomorrow. All brands are good mine is the F150 and e250 ecoboost times two they have been perfect to me but I am big on maintenance and my local mechanic is a genius on fords.


    Choose the one YOU like because it will be the one you maintain.



  11. Ask any mechanic and he will tell you lubricates are cheaper than metal. Marine is a brutal environment for metals and to save a few bucks using an oil that is not designed for marine use is going to cost you a lot more in the long run. As a few others have bragged my twin 318's from 1989 are still humming along without any documented oil related issues on marine oil.



  12. The marine oils are loaded with corrosion resisting additives as well as a different shear additives(ability to cling to parts between running). They are blended differently and since we drive our cars every few days usually it is different than how often we drive the boats. the correct oil bears the FC-W trademark. The amount of rusting on bearings and piston walls increases the longer they sit without using a fw-c oil.




  13. Anyway I am packing for my week up North to fish and have fun with a great group of people. I will have limited internet so I will most likely not reply to to many posts for a little bit. Thank you to all for the discussion we all want the same thing so that in a way is a good start.




  14. dunno if anyone watched the daily show bits...


    compare it to drug enforcement...do you believe that all drug enforcement should be stopped because it does not solve 100% of the problem?


    I guess you do, because a person who wants to get drugs will just do them anyways, so there is no point in enforcement at all.


    i think the large majority of us would agree that heroine and crack should be illegal.

    The difference is the drug users are doing something illegal and are in the arena of needing to be brought to justices. The war on drugs is not lacking laws it is lacking manpower. Buying a gun legally is not illegal thus forth no justice is needed. Now if you break the law to get a gun then no matter what law is enacted you will break it regardless so more laws will not solve the issue.



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