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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. 5000 wattts will support 41 amps. A space heater at 1500 watts is 13 amps, 4 amps for lights and 4 for chargers and computer. 21 x 20% is 4 or 25 amps load. A second heater will put you at the max for the generator. Your average heavy duty drill, skill saw or other tools will also max out the generator with only one heater running.




  2. Make a list of what you will be running at the same time. you then look at the items and find the amp rating for the device and the voltage. Then you take the amps multiply by the voltage to get the watts it uses. Add all of them together and add 20% more. That is the wattage you need to run the items including start up amp draw.

    The brand is the best one you can buy and can get serviced locally. There is a reason off brand generators are cheaper it is either the stability of the generator to provide pure AC or poorly made engine.



  3. Art I need to come up with a question for you that you don't know anything about, not likely. Ironmaking maybe? I know you would be interested in that. You are one of the most well read men that I have never met. A virtual cornucopia of information. I could spend a good week asking you about stuff and learning from you. You remind me of my dear " Nono " (Grandfather) that I miss badly to this day. I would sit next to him for hours as he taught me to speak Italian and going through every page of a Colliers Atlas that was pre WW2. I have his Atlas and is my most treasured thing I have. He passed in 67'. I will have been the 4th generation of Steelworkers in the family. I wish he could have seen how I turned out, maybe he does.


    floater, I wouldn't spend a 100 on a basket case battery when I can buy a very good new one with warranty for 150 to 200. If I had a fleet of vehicles on the road maybe. Why would this be a smart thing to do?

    Thank you for the complement I have a wealth of knowledge both from my friends as well as life experience. I was very lucky that I was part of the Navy SeaBees that trained you in you desired rate mine was water, and refrigeration along with access to building, steelworking, mechanics, electrical and heavy equipment.I have sense surrounded myself with experts that I can ask questions on different subjects and they trade info with me as well. Some of the best money I make is on water treatment and sewage reprocessing design and repair. When I do get stumped I will go to the internet and read up till I understand and form my answer from there.


    Cheers Art

  4. Cut paste from the internet


    However, this legend is historically based in fact. The first lead-acid batteries consisted of glass cells that were enclosed in tar-lined wooden boxes. A damp concrete floor could cause the wood to swell, breaking the glass inside.

    The Edison cell (i.e. the nickel-iron battery) that preceded the rubber-cased battery was encased in steel. Those that weren't isolated in crates would discharge into concrete quite easily. Later battery cases used primitive hardened rubber, which was somewhat porous and could contain lots of carbon. A moist concrete floor combined with the carbon in the battery cases could create electrical current between the cells, discharging them.



    This is a cut and paste from a website on batteries




    Why Lead-Acid Batteries Stop Working

    8458053619_6c08867a08_m.jpgAll rechargeable batteries work by producing chemical reactions, and each new charge and discharge makes minute permanent changes to the battery’s chemical structure. In lead-acid batteries, the most popular choice for vehicles and industrial situations, the breakdown occurs because of a chemical reaction between the lead and the sulfuric acid in the battery. The two substances form a third substance called lead sulfite, and as the battery gets older, the lead sulfite starts to form crystals inside the battery. Because the battery is no longer able to use the lead and sulfuric acid in the crystals, the battery’s functionality goes down until the crystals get big enough to render the battery entirely useless.

    Hope this explains it



  6. If people continue to disrespect his property then I don't blame him for his actions. If someone in the city had people throwing trash or building a bonfire on his front lawn you would put up signs and call the cops every time some one did that. I allow people on my property to use the shooting range and walk the woods but if you abuse the privilege by not following the rules they are asked to not return. So far my judgement has been good and have't had to ban anyone but it would happen if they abuse my kindness.



  7. The price of the water seems to be offensive to some but it really is just the first in amount of money that Canada reaps. The $3.75 per Million liters is money coming into the Canadian monetary system from an external source. It then supplies an income for the workers. The second party consumer that sells it to the stores will make money and the retailer as well. The taxes paid by the consumer then goes into the government for other projects. For the water that goes to the US the initial price paid as well as the jobs supported and export fees all stay in Canada. The importing of water is not a practice that is economical when the water is available from closer sources at a lesser cost. Unless it can be sold at a higher price such as FIJI bottled water ( great marketing same H2O) canadian water for bottled resale in the US is minimum.



  8. While we're on the topic of laying blame where it's due, I see a lot of people bringing up golf courses as a contributor to increased phosphorus and nitrates in the water supply. But let's not forget about the excessive use of fertilizer, etc. on the cash crop/factory farming operations (and yes, this includes "organic" farming which can actually be more extensive). I wish I could find an actual article on it, but I had heard that the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the topsoil on many farms is somewhere in an amount that it would take several generations to return to background levels. I don't want to hazard a guess at what it must be on golf courses, though...


    edit: found it... http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/phosphorus-fertilizer-1.3535475

    Sorry for that my wording is flawed when I said Golf Courses it should have been Agriculture as well. Thanks for seeing what I was blind too.




  9. Potable water is something to be concerned about for sure but it is not the bottled water plant that is an issue. It is an agenda that is being touted as a grave issue that it really isn't. The cost to desalination a gallon of water is 28 cents on a commercial scale and that includes equipment cost and overhead. The bottle water is just a drop in the bucket when you think about a flush of a toilet (water saver) is 6 bottles of water each time you push the lever. A faucet running is for 1 minute is 10 bottles and a shower can be as high as 20 bottles a minute. (1 bottle equals a liter)These are items that we actually waste water meaning it is not being drunk to keep ourselves alive. Now nature has it's own way to purify water and if it is allowed to do so then the rain water will return to the earth uncontaminated and be reused. When we pollute the basins that the water returns to (think mining run off and chemical on golf courses) the water returns to a contaminated basin. This is the where the water becomes an issue. This is no longer free water that can be drunk. This is water that has to be treated over and over to make it drinkable. This is one of the reason desalination is not a good answer. To go after Nestle is not solving the issue some say it is a start but if you want to see a result you go after the big perpetrator not the little ones. Curing 5% of the offenders will leave 95% still active. It is like saying I want to lose weight so I will no longer eat lobster instead of cutting out bread. Nestle is doing nothing wrong they are taking water to be drunk same as tap water and selling it to the public just like your local municipalities. The cost of delivery, the profit of industry and the convenience is why we pay more for bottles water.


    John you are correct the parent company is in Switzerland I am used to dealing with the US branch and it's operating structure my bad.




  10. I concede there are worse abusers. You'll get no argument from me there. I'm also not against industry. No industry means no trucking, and then I need a new job.


    I am against under-valuing our resources - $3.74 per million liters? The stuff will be worth more than oil in a hundred years (maybe less than a hundred).

    I am a consultant to companies on water treatment and water purification. From returning black water back to drinking water as well as bring mass amounts of gray water back to the environment. There is no scientific bases for the water shortage scare being used by assorted companies misleading agendas. This being said it is a precious resource and needs to be honored. The only issue is as water becomes contaminated it will become more expensive to bring back to the level that we have been getting for free. Now the bottled water removed is not adding to the increased cost of having clean water. The removal of excessive water from a source will drop the water table temporarily but will replenish when the demand drops below the supply. Very rarely will the water fractors close and remain permanently dry but yes it is possible. Now the real issue is when you have to clean up the water from chemicals and even silt both byproducts of mining and golf courses. The process of removing silt is filtration which is a cost in itself. The chemicals both organic and inorganic are much more costly to remove. To return a gallon of water flushed down the toilet to water fit for drinking is $1.85 using the Thedford system. That process is micron filtration, Carbon extraction and an ozone injection system. While it is drinkable, to do so requires extremely high monitoring so we reuse it as gray water to be reflushed in the toilet systems. Watch the industries they are the people who are damaging the water purity.



  11. CountryTotal Water Resources of potable water


    Average Precipitation

    1Brazil 8233.0 km3/yr15,236 km3/yr

    2Russia 4508.0 km3/yr7,855 km3/yr

    3United States 3069.0 km3/yr7,030 km3/yr

    4Canada 2902.0 km3/yr5,352 km3/yr

    5China 2738.8 km3/yr5,995 km3/yr


    Contrary to popular belief the US has lots of drinking water. It is not as localized in some areas but it is readily available. There is not a market or ad campaign that I know of that makes Canadian water seem better than domestic water. One of the best selling water made by the Coke Cola company is distilled water with minerals added with the advantage of no matter where it is bottled it will taste the same. A key ingredient in Mcdonalds coffee sales (coke product outlet)which is the same taste across the nation.



  12. The elephant in the room which we all see but will not say is that Nestles is an American company and the price paid for the water seems to be to cheap. The US based company bottles the water in Canada for Canada for the most part saves on trucking costs import fees and taxes. The less they pay for water the cheaper the end product is. Now double the purchase price of the raw water and the end product will be less desirable due to the cost point of business. Now Nestles will be branded as gouging and ripping off Canadians. If the end product remains in Canada then you get money from the water sale and also the taxes and 2nd person sales profit. It is money staying in Canada as well as money from Nestles.

    Now look at the other major consumers of water with the detrimental byproduct that are returning to the environment that have to be either cleaned up or left to damage the water and land. Look at mining damage as well as nitrate poisoning from golf courses. Look at the agenda before you decide to take it up if you don't see the logic you do not have all of the facts.




  13. that must be regional Art.


    my cousins live in Texas and they have one big black garbage can that everything goes into.

    I am sure it is I have been Up North in Canada and recycle is unheard of at the many small dumps. I have been bear watching in a sea of plastic and other things that could have been recycled if there was money in it somehow. It is not a nation thing it is a human thing pigs have no borders.



  14. Actually the US has a very aggressive recycle program. You must sort your trash into garbage, paper, plastic and the trash companies take it and dump/ recycle. If you hand carry to the dump again you must sort it out. We also have deposits on bottles and cans depending on where you live. We still have room to improve and it is slowly heading towards being greener here. The bulk of the metals are also turned in for scrap and with the prices high and many locations it has become for some a way to make a living.




  15. I agree lets go get them ALL though. I personally do not use bottled water unless it is to replace the bottle I have been refilling. The legitimate use for bottled water is in disaster situations when the potable water is questionable.The tax on water based products goes into the tax base but is not earmarked for water conservation. I won't even get into mining and the contaminants and high volume of water used that kill miles of rivers because they are "overlooked" as long as they provide jobs and political financial enhancements.



  16. While it sounds like a good idea. Some of the mark up is to cover shipping, bad parts, wrong parts and other liabilities. You also will have the customer that is sure the part is the reason his lawnmower blew up. Sounds like a headache with little return. If you do do it 20% off is fair to both people involved. If they are a close friend then decide if you want to go deeper into your discount but keep that private.



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