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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. As some have voiced the desire to split the forum we have hashed over this a few times and if we continue putting NF on the non fishing reports then it does the same thing. The issue that this will not solve is people commenting on a great report,The forum layout is not the issue. I have seen lots of boards that have so many subcategories that nothing moves you will see stuff days and sometimes a week old. The fewer categories that we have the fresher the reading material is. The political threads are going to be less of an issue they will be fewer and farther between them. I just don't like what they do to the friendly atmosphere of the board. If people would after taking the time to read a report just take the 10 seconds to say a few nice words it would make the fishing reports worth taking the time to write. We have done what few other boards do and that is not fill it with ads and popups to make it nice to read. We do not make you refresh the main page after just a few headers. This forum is modeled after being enjoyable the decisions have not been about making this profitable we pay our bills can make a few donations and sometimes my internet bill gets paid for a month or two a year.



  2. Art, I did 215 k once on my GPz 750. It always feels twice as fast on a bike....I miss that thing, but my riding days are done....

    You should see what I have in the garage now. My brother and I restore old motorcycles and cars as a hobby. We have some good examples of the 70's and 80's Yamahas including an RD and a RZ 350 two strokes. A SR 500 and XS650 are our current 4 strokes. A VW convertible was a few years the winter restoration and for this year a Karmann Ghia gets restored.



  3. I have fished with many people and the courtesy that we pay to each other is I will take you to all of my top producing spots but ask that you not bring a boat load of people to it in the future. I will give you the same courtesy if you are having a hard day and you want to return to the spots that is fine. A Guide up North was nice enough to help me add to my map up North and in return I showed him a few that he hadn't seen before. He fishes it all season and I fish the areas for a week if someone at the lodge is having a hard week I will give them a few of my spots but the ones shared with me are sacred. I don't want to be the guy that goes fishing with you and you go to crappy spots that day because you think I might damage them for future trips. Real or not it is that belief that makes people decide if they want you back in their boat for future trips.



  4. Looks like a good time for sure. The blade blank on the knife is a 154 CM if it is made by the manufacture I think it is. It is harder than 440c but has the same corrosion resistance and the edge while harder to sharpen it holds an edge quite well. The case is a thermo plastic that comes in sheets that once heated with a paint stripper gun becomes moldable and gives you the nice tight fit so try not to leave it on the dashboard of a car in the summer it can be reshaped from heat above 160f. That's like a billion Celsius right lol,



  5. Give that food, security and comfort is there then it makes sense that the fish would be there. I fish for mainly Catfish and Bass and those are the key ingredients to locating apex predators. The push for apex feeders to move usually is food and if the area supports schooling fish then a move to the winter ball ups would be a reason to go deeper. The Large blue catfish and the channel cats move to deep water in the fall/winter cycle and will move long distances to get to wintering holes.These areas are critical that C and R are practiced or you can deplete the area of future trophy spawners quickly. The good news is the water temperature slows the bite way down and most times you have to hit them on the nose to get a response.




  6. Once again a political discussion turns into bashing and bad feelings. I had hoped this time would be different but it wasn't. This thread cost me 12 p.m.s 3 messages and over two hours of reading and writing. It also cost me peace of mind slowly showing me that behind some people's back they have a knife for the American way. I think that is the real reason that these threads hurt so much.



  7. Simply put if this descends into argumentative he said she said crap that happens when people critique each others knowledge and bruises ego it will be locked. It goes better if you disagree with someones facts ignore/discard them. The world does not need an internet warrior to point out the obvious.Now if you point it out to them and the thread goes sideways then it gets locked. We got rules here if you don't follow them then you pay the price it is your choice. I step in when they are broken I do not wish to be a babysitter and answering a wack load of P.M.s that such and such is breaking the rules and he said something that I don't like. Given the amount of time I have for family and friends I will use the rules to make this place run as smoothly as possible and if it means taking away posting privileges so be it.So continue on and you will have made the choice for me.




  8. Russia continues to try diplomacy


    The US rejects it


    It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see who is in the right

    On the surface you see diplomacy however there actions behind the scenes not so much. Should the US be involved short answer is not anymore but we are committed to try to rebalance what was upset. Even without interference the timeline would have been extended but the end results would still be oppressed citizens. It is tough to be big brother because you are always in the wrong in someones eyes.



  9. I totally agree. We now live in the world of false equivalencies...where truth and fiction have equal weighting.

    Read the books and then comment a wiki search hardly puts you in a position of debunking his list of references. Reading all sources of information both the good and the bad gives you balance and allows you to identify what is the consensus of opinions among like minded people. That is what the thread is about.



  10. You can't debunk or vett someone else's sources? I might as well use the onion or the beaverton as my sources. The biggest battle in politics these days is the plethora of misinformation and opinion being touted as fact, or people disagreeing with facts because it disagrees with their opinion.

    You're right, art, this thread was doomed from the start. Enjoy your echo chamber.

    No you can not attack someone's point of view and make it personal. CD listed over 5000 pages of material and because the first author does not pass a 30 second wiki search he gets flamed? To read all sources of information and then form your own opinion from the information is what this is about. If you want to argue call your wife or girlfriend,if you want to amass knowledge then discuss it here. Rules are simple follow them or pay the consequences. It is your choice. It is your choice. Choice choose.........se




    Talking about Media bias....


    I'm guessing the list above is a great place to start for Media bias. To fact check I started with "The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama", written by Mondo Frazier. Simon and Schuster who published the book states about the author, "Mondo Frazier is a graduate of West Liberty State University, Mondo Frazier is founder/editor/writer at Death by a Thousand Papercuts and has published more than 2,000 articles online". Death by a 1000 papercuts is an online blog of poor quality. He gives us nuggets such as this post,"The Bible says that in the end times, it will be mostly fables which are believed. Here are five of the most popular fables told in the those buildings known as the churches".


    There is no credible review of his book. The author doesn't even rate a wikipedia page. The only known quantity to review his book is the National Enquirer, "The explosive tell-all by take-no-prisoners blogger Mondo Frazier reveals the command­er in chief is a “chain-smok­ing wreck” who could be hooked on prescrip­tion drugs, and claims he may have spied for the CIA in col­lege". The author goes on to boast, “I’ve uncovered that Presi­dent Obama has spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep the details of his past hidden,” Frazier told The ENQUIRER. “This new book will surely impact his re-election campaign.”


    In a nutshell we have a nutbar who authors an Obama hatchet job and a major publishing house publishes his book and brags about a blogger/author??!


    Neo-cons seem to believe anything if they are fed by the right teat. That anyone would still think that the Birther movement isn't dead, or push titles such as the ones above prove my point. We now have industries of misinformation for profit and flat out propaganda. Hitler and Gobbles would be proud. That Paul Ryan can get up and say that 70% of the American people want change and then fail to be at all accountable for his own parties failings in this regard is totally mind boggling. People don't want the Bull crap anymore.

    This is the type of posts that will get this thread locked. Refrain from debunking or flaming people. If you have knowledge or a point of view then share it. It is up to each person to do what they want with it. We do not tolerate bashing or debunking other opinions it takes the threads into hurt feelings and people ganging up on each other.





  12. Art, you have to understand when your next door neighbour is the most powerful neighbor in the world you look over the fence with great interest. I know more people up here that are more interested in and are more involved in US politics and politicians than Canadian politics and politicians. Canadave is a great example. You have to be on the outside of the US looking in to understand that. The US farts and we get covered in crap.


    I do hold dual citizenship, I have recently found out that I am eligible to vote in this election. I do not think that is right and refuse to vote. Just because Mom was a US citizen when I was born shouldn't give me a say in US matters whatsoever other than concerning my property there.


    That Defcon site is suspect for sure. It says the Defcon rating is not set by the US government? Unless all those movies that I have seen where the President turns to the General covered in scrambled eggs and says "Go to Defcon 3!" have it all wrong.


    Rick, locker room talk is usually about the game and where you are going for a beer. Guys in any setting that brag about sexual exploits are usually the ones that go home to their PC's for sex.

    Believe me I understand but until it is something that you have control and an ability to change you are just wasting your breath. Even the almight Canadave who I have known for years and feel he is a very credible source has zero pull with the voting public in the US. Except me but that is because I see the same things he does. So far this has not fallen into the typical politic thread pattern and it can go on until alcohol or stupidity steps in. We are not repeating last winter trust me on that.


    Just so you know the defcon rating for the average US citizen last held relevance in the 60's Cuban missile crisis with a brief resurgent after 9/11 for 6 months.



  13. With the information that is twisted by US news media and the spin second hand information that you have available you realize that this thread is doomed before it is even started. I (not being Canadian) have yet to comment on a Canadian political thread because of this fact. The other reason is no matter what my opinion or fact filled thoughts are I have no say in the outcome of Canadian politics much as you have no say in the outcome of the US political system. Keep the discussion fact filled and the first rock thrown at the US political system I will lock it. The owners have discussed the political thread guidelines and we do not feel this board needs to go in this direction it always goes wrong.



  14. that would work Dan the drawback is the max amp load between the generator 12 volt to the battery on a 4400 watt load minus the storage capacity of the battery would be 4400 watts divided by 12 volts = 366 amps. After 2 hours of running the battery of 700 amp would have cycled at least 2 times That would need quite a big cable and the heat load passing thru the battery would likely short it out quickly. For just running a computer or other sensitive items use like a 1100 watt converter and then allow the dirty electricity run all of the more tolerate loads.



  15. Running a generator at 80% or higher will cause fluctuations that can damage todays electronics. Computers, microwaves, and other circuit intensive products need a clean steady source of power with a 60hertz sine wave. Less expensive generators put out a "dirty" sine wave that will over time damage or in some cases will not even power up some electronics. The off brand units have a much wider sine wave and it gets dirtier the closer you get to the max capacity. Motors that use brushes could care less how dirty the sine is because the brushes create more "noise" than the worst generator. By pressing a generator to run over its intended rate or close to its max is hard on the generator but can shorten the life of electronics running on it.




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