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Everything posted by Renegade67

  1. 90 if fine for a boat that size. It not like the package had a 60 on it! Spend the extra on electronics or an bow mount trolling motor, perhaps with ipilot! The 90 will be easier on fuel and the transom in the long run. Plenty to pull up a water skier....
  2. Wow, the only one I've had was made with ground pork and potatoes....Yours looks infinitely better!!!! Now I'm hungry!
  3. Sweet deal! The nice thing is when you have your first ooppss moment hopefully no one will notice. Its always painful to put that first scratch in your new rig. That boat should fly with a buck fity pushing it! Try not to speed past all the fishes! lol. Congrats!
  4. If you had 8 lines down and you get a laker on it will wrap around all of those in a couple of seconds and then what? Usually when more lines are close together it makes the fish leary to bite. More lines does not equate to more fish caught. You want a second line then ask the operator to cut you more holes outside the hut. Perhaps perch fishing in 10 feet of water you could try using that many lines but it still sounds like a gong show....
  5. Never ice fished Erie..would the operators be on perch grounds? Maybe walleye?
  6. Hopefully this does not go against any board rules! A site with excellent resources for Canadian currency is; coincommunity dot com If you post good pictures the members there will provide a good estimate on grade and value if you ask.
  7. Mmmmm, lemon squares! Your presents are just awsome! I received a new boat, to me this fall, and that combo and motor would fit the bill perfectly! Keep them coming ppl.
  8. Oil injection issues was more with the 3 cylinder Johnson's/omc. If your concerned you could just put a mark on the bottle and keep an eye on it to make sure its using some. The compression is a little low but it could run for long time yet. You could rebuild the fuel pump as the diaphram is probably getting old. Fairly easy to do just make sure you clean both surfaces well. you could use a razor blade. My friend just got one, I think it was an 83. Cleaned the carb, rebuilt the fuel pump, and its running like a champ. Such a fun sled!
  9. Yup that ice report was bitter sweet.... Nice to know but it does ring the dinner bell for many. They say theres millions of perch in Simcoe.... lets hope that report is true!
  10. That sucks, only one eater. lol. Just an awsome display of trouts! Thanks for the wicked porn!
  11. Yeah, did the Carolans for some time. It is attractively priced, but it isn't quite right.... For those looking for a less exspensive alternative, try Panama Jack. I stayed away as it is wine based, which sounds gross, but it is surprisingly good! And it's tre cheap! Cheap enough for daily use! Get the forty cream soon as last year most places lcbo's were sold out leading up to holidays. Nothing else comes close....
  12. For anyone that enjoys a little baileys in their joe, try Forty Creek Cream. It's way better! As far as drinking whisk. Start with two or three of the good stuff and then go on clean up duty!
  13. Grappa cold? I've only drank it with tea. Definitely nice after a dinner! CTV is suppose to have a special on tonight to show how to make/consume legal moonshine.
  14. Surprised to hear from so many winoh fisherppl! Might be an interesting topic for a pole to hear what the fishing masses consume. I'm a beer guy but when its really cold and there is freezing potential I'll change over to a good whisky. From watching Moonshiners I think that's a tad dangerous and way to risky for this guy! Would sure like to try some. Closest I think I've had was some homemade screech from out east.
  15. I brewed my on beer for a bit at one of those u-brew locations. The problem is your on a schedule and need to empty the bottles quite rapidly as another batch is just around the corner! Cheaper yes, but your work production will suffer and your intake will go up, bigtime! I'd like to make some rum or whisk. That would be awsome. Hydroponic cane. LOL.
  16. Sounds more like the flap in the heater box is stuck closed; Is there a strange noise from inside the dash? My guess would be he needs to replace the small electric motor that moves the air recirculation flap.
  17. No worries on being a leftover. Its the best way to go as you get a decent deal and have a new unit with warranty. Being a year or three off the curve is not a big deal, especially if you are going to keep it for years. You also can read reviews of people who have bought and used the make and model you are interested in to learn of any possible issues. Your dealer will go through the machine. There are a couple of new 2011 ventures on kijiji but they are not lite and do not have the rack, which I'm fairly certain you want. That sled is pretty damn ugly but for ice fishing it looks very functional! Good luck!
  18. Great work! Thanks for the report.
  19. Well I must say that's cool! Never had any ink done but something like that would get me considering one! Hmm, the question quickly becomes which species? Hard to pick favourites! Thanks for sharing.
  20. I'd say he was doing the marching chicken dance in that video, not the stupor stumble....Or just maybe he was doing his best Macho Man Randy Savage impersonation!
  21. Every dime he has saved the people of Toronto will be spent ousting him. The RCMP will drag on the circus with a "no stone left unturned" mentality but the stones have already been pummeled to sand all the whilst nothing gets done. The media is quite happy as they can continually press the replay button on both local and national broadcasts. A new mayor will eventually be voted in that will fit some fantasy mold of how a mayor should look and act. Their first job will be to raise taxes to pay for this mess! Who has ever heard of an overweight big city mayor who overly enjoys the bottle? It was the magical word "crack" that raised it to a global event......
  22. The most practical solution is to let him finish his term and vote someone else in. Get onto the business at hand, not waste all of his term defending himself. The idea of digging hoping to find a reason to incarcerate him will only cost US money. What a waste of oxygen....
  23. Thanks for the replies. Those Tempress seats look great and have favourable reviews. Being about 25 bucks each cheaper than the ones I've been eyeing is a bonus as well. Perhaps I should spend the difference on better pedestals? There are so many. I would like air for the captain. The others could use pin/clip. Any suggestions?
  24. Just wondering if anyone could recommend some replacement pedestal seats. There for a Lund Renegade. I'm 230 and my brother is probably 280lbs. Unfortunately I'm on a budget but will spend what it takes to keep my arse off the floor! I see what appears to be a decent big guy seat at Bass Pro; http://www.basspro.com/Wise-Blast-Off-Tour-Series-17-Center-Buddy-Boat-Seats-WD-1455/product/10226913/ These would be top of the mark in terms of cost. Comments?
  25. Turn on the CBC today and they were actually talking about something else! They spent a minute or two covering the drone killing of Hakimullah Mehsud who was one of the most wanted and feared men in Pakistan with a $5 million U.S. bounty on his head. Then they went right back to attacking Ford, then the senators. Makes me want to hurl. Channel changed and just enjoyed the one of the Beasley's take a trophy whitetail. Now thats entertainment.
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