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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I think this is following the lead of the US states along the infected areas. Hopefully this can be contained.
  2. I'll make a post in the Help area about safe internet usage. Maybe Corey and Gerritt will give input also.
  3. There seems to be a new wave of spam bots coming across the internet. Lots of fishing sites are getting pummelled by them. I saw four fishing sites today alone that had been slammed by spam/porn bots. We have a very small modification to our registration process that has kept them at bay so far, but if they do get past it, please report the bots immediately. Don't click on any links they put up if they get in cause I can pretty much guarantee you it will dump some nasty cookies on your computer.
  4. Which fishing site is the best? Click here?to find out...
  5. There are many types of attachments that can be used to spread malicious scripting. Microsoft has a vulnerability in the PowerPoint system that makes it a risk. Most PP files are also very large and we are making sure our discs don't get filled up with things like that.
  6. Recieved this announcment today in the mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are pleased to announce that Getting Hooked with Aaron and Barry will begin to air on the Outdoor Life Network nationally across Canada for the first time this Sunday morning! Getting Hooked will air at 8:30am and 10:30am EST this Sunday and will be airing for 13 weeks every Sunday morning at the same times on OLN. The new Getting Hooked winter issue is now available, and it is busting with great articles for the winter fishing enthusiasts. It is our largest issue yet, and the top ten entries to the first GH Fishing Photo Contest are in the new issue, so be sure to check it out. http://www.gettinghooked.net/Magazine.htm Enjoy the latest and greatest issue of Getting Hooked! Happy New Year! Aaron Shirley Executive Producer Getting Hooked www.gettinghooked.net Now the whole country will want to know what Aaron is feeding Barry prior to the show!! Congrats to you two..you deserve it.
  7. Yeah but you ain't in yer 40's like me
  8. I think Nip will be in the Canada chip and not the Great Lakes chip, but not sure, Lew.
  9. Yes..was at the Pelham arena. This time of year around here ain't much to do! It is funny cause they were playing all 70's music and it was just like being a kid again...cept I didn't care what the girls were doing.
  10. For the first time in 22 years I went skating tonight! I had bought new skates over a year ago and never put them on. I haven't skated since I played hockey in college. The first few steps were tentative at best. Once I remembered I was skating and not walking it all came back to me. There was a ton of kids at the arena tonight (Tuesday nights is free family skate night) and it made me pay close attention to what I was doing. Very odd being on the ice with a few hundred people at once. It was a total blast and I can't wait till next Tuesday night!
  11. I picked up my new Lowrance H2Oc today from Fishing World. I'll have to go back in a few weeks or so and get the ram mount and the Navionics chip. Navionics will have Lake Nippissing on this years cards and the price is coming down too! Now I just gotta figure out how to dump a few cards into one so I don't need to carry (and therefore lose) a few different cards.
  12. Many of us here are old enough to remember when we turned Lake Erie into a cesspool. It was unswimmable and unfishable. It was a giant sewer. We did that. It wasn't a natural phenomenon...it was us. The air is no different. We keep dumping junk into it. It has a limit, just like the lakes. There is only so much you can do to a system before you break it. Global warming is real. There isn't a credible ecologist who believes otherwise. There are more than enough reasons for us to get away from the oil driven economy we have now. Time and research will get us into hydrogen powered vehicles soon. Oil is a non-renewable, finite resource. It would be foolish to not be prepared for the day it is gone.
  13. I know I would be...maybe they're catching so many their arms are too tired to type!
  14. Most lakes in Ontario do not let you use two rods in soft water. The great lakes do when you are in a boat. During ice season most lakes allow 2 rods provided they are both attended by the angler and you are on the ice.
  15. The club skin was reassigned as the new default skin. The Xmas skin is now retired till next season. The chat room was redesigned to reflect the new default skin. Around the 15th of January we will be doing a massive software upgrade. We will have tons of new features including a huge personal profile area, fishing blog and upgraded gallery. The site may be down for an hour when this happens. THere will be no change to anyones log-ins or status. We simply upgrading the existing software. There will also be a 'Digest' installed to replace the current front splash page. This will hold info like links, newest posts, newest polls, etc. We're quite happy with the system we have, but we'll never be finished making it better for you!
  16. Okay..here's the poop. The '07 tourney will be completely differnt in a few key ways. First..it will all happen here! We have created a board (still invisible to all but moderators) that will house all the entries. Your team and its captain will be responsible for your own stats. There will be bonus points awarded on a condition or two. Each team will have their own forum with a thread for each species of fish. The team captain will be given moderator abilities for their forum. Because of this the captains will be selected by the site admins prior to the draft. Sign ups will occur on a special sign up thread. No more emails! No more complicated draws. We'll simply go down the list in the thread and assigning teams. There will be ten teams. There will be 11 fish categories. CATFISH ARE IN!!! As soon as we have the final rules and legal junk done, we'll open the new forum area to the public.
  17. Haven't heard from you nor the wife lately. Hope everything is okay. We sure missed ya at the swill! Talk to you soon.
  18. There will be a preliminary page put up with results this week. But since we know we lost many entries to hackers and to captains 'pursuing other interests' we'll have a window of a week or two for entry recovery.
  19. This year is going to be different. Somehow I let the spring, summer and fall slide right by me. I hardly fished at all. I worked...alot...too much. I took on too much and too many things got half done or not done at all because of it. This year I will spend way more time on the things I love and the people I love. I will spend less time letting fools get under my skin. I will ignore and delete stupid emails. I will live more like my dog..rest when I'm tired, play when I'm not and enjoy a good roll in the grass (or hay) from time to time. I will spend more time being nice cause it is just as easy as being a goof. I will fish...lots. No one has ever been on their death bed and said they wished they spent more time at work. I will work to support living...not the other way around. I will listen to the music really loud, I will flirt with the not-so-pretty girls, I will occasionally get stupid drunk, I will occasionally eat too much and I will occasionally daydream about ridiculous fanatasy. Moreover, I will let the people around me know that I appreciate them and tell them they enrich my life and make waking up each day worth it. This year I will pay it forward.
  20. Man I hate work. I had to arrive late and leave early. Then I found my camera batteries were dead. Anyway.....for the short while I was there it was really good to see everyone. I don't get to see you guys often enough, so it was a great treat for me. I was pretty beat from work cause we've just been getting crushed by crowds so I wasn't all that talkative (WOW!). Thanks again for putting it together Tony and thanks for the beer Spiel. It reminded me of why we put so much time into this.
  21. Global warming is a fact of life no matter how you slice it. It's impacts likely lie somewhere between the predictions of the naysayers and the doomsayers. Certainly we have created a terrible situation. It is hard to stir up Canucks to action when we think the outcome will be winters like the present one.
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