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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Most of my walleye baits are bigger than that. Just kidding. Nice fish and a great way to start teh contest!
  2. In Sudbury I think licensing is not really an option.
  3. Ever thought about seperating carbs and proteins?
  4. There was an article in the current OOD isue about the bake sale in Sudbury (?). It was more of a protest over the current situation than a genuine fund raiser. If they wanted to raise cash for gas, they should sell beer.
  5. We've reorganized the forums a bit as you may notice. The Computer Help Center was so very popular it now has its own forum rather than being a sub-forum to this one. Also we have placed a fishing announcements area as a new subforum. This is for announcments from fishing organizations and shows. We've yet to really set the parameters for that forum, so bear with us as we figure out how much to allow in there.
  6. If anyone else here gets this type of email please let us know. We had someone register from the Ivory Coast and I was concerned enough to block their ability to post and if it turns out they are here to get email addies I will ban them nine ways from Sunday.
  7. Certainly would Pope, however the members have repeatedly and overwhelmingly preferred to keep the current format. Once the spring hits there will be much less and way more
  8. Sorry for your loss fishergirl. I hope you have many fond remembrances.
  9. Dang..broken ribs suck. Can't cough, laugh or sneeze. Done it a few times. But any accident you walk away from is a not-so-bad event. Hope she is on the mend soon.
  10. First..the cross ferry thing has died a million deaths already. Second, if they have security issues it certainly will not be fixed by implementing a ban on out of town fishermen. If the problem is so temporary, why was such a measure put in place?
  11. If you haven't got on a team yet and still want to, please go to the tourney area and read the rules and sign up. I've cleared out all the names there so we know who has a team and who doesn't. If you were putting your name in while I was deleting everything, please replay to that thread again. We will draft anotehr round as soon as we have a few names in there.
  12. I think you can take a piece of paper and write OFC COmmunity.com wayyyy faster than your printer can spit this out, but anyway...because you asked.
  13. Not the logo..just something with OFC Community.com on it. Write it in lipstick or whatever is handy. On a napkin or on some masking tape with a marker.
  14. Here's the captians list for this seasons tourney. The initial draw for teams will take place at 9:00 and will be done by simple random draw by numbers. Team and Captain Spiel Joey Gerritt BricknBlock DMasse Taper Biteme TJSA PatB Steve_Paul Yes there are ten teams. The captains will have their names added to the system at some point tonight in order that they can fix up their forum. We will have examples for the captains so they can see how to set it up.Captains will receive a new member bar and some minor permission adjustments. Thge draw will be live in the caht room at nine. There's still time to get in and don't worry if you miss the draw. IF you miss tonites draw just sign up on the sign-up thread and we'll assign you to the next teamin the queue.
  15. You have to be VERY careful about not catapulting you or a passenger overboard. Mine is a bit too much for my boat. I can see the front deck flexing if I use the motor on full power in a turn. This spring I will have to try and find a way to reinforce the deck. Get a good deep cycle battery.
  16. I dumped a cola all over one a few days ago. Totally pooched. Got me a new wireless one now.
  17. Thanks..I just spit coffee on my new keyboard. I'll send you the bill. Still laughing my butt off! You are funny!
  18. A little pledge. I hope some of you agree and perhaps pass this along to others. Feel free to add more passages. I pledge to be an ethical angler. I will be an ambassador for my sport. I will leave my fishing area in better shape then when I first encountered it. I will use sound harvest practices based on sustainable resource conservation. I will not take more than I need. I will respect private property and ask permission when it is needed. I will follow all the laws that pertain to angling and safe operation of my watercraft. I understand my obligation to future generations in protecting the environment and protecting my right to fish. I will encourage the young people in my life to participate in fishing and show them what it means to be an ethical angler. I will politely encourage those around me to follow these same principles. I understand my duty to try and prevent poachers and those who would do harm by reporting offenders to authorities when possible. Above it all I will enjoy myself and remember that fishing is much more than catching a fish.
  19. Well we'd like to take credit but we can't really. There are two forces that make the site what it is. The membership is, of course, the driving force. Collectively we have set the culture and tone of the site and have created the community aspect. The software allows us to do things no other fishing board can. It just makes life much easier for us.
  20. Yes I have been in contact with Felix Barbetti who is the Zone chair for OFAH. I was also in contact with Suzanne Mason who wrote the original story for The Standard. Basically we're still gathering information at this point. We will be coming up with some type of response. In the meantime keep the emails flowing. There are some on council who are sympathetic. Are there any NOTL residents who are members here?
  21. I think, more importantly, we have to be far more proactive in educating our fellow anglers on the importance of being good citizens. We've all seen the damage left by that small group of anglers. It isn't pretty. Unfortunately this is the lasting impressing most people get about anglers. The ethical angler leaves no proof he was even there, so no one really knows he was there. These littering idiots leave no doubt of their presence. This is why these clean-up days are so important. It is a chance for anglers to get back some of the respect lost due to these clowns.
  22. Lord Mayor is the official term for the Mayor in NOTL. It is actually from England and is the way Mayors are titled there. Many of the older towns still use the designation, though most have shortened it to Mayor. NOTL has a rich history in Canada and is a lovely town. They just practise some very strange politics and have a reputation as being very exclusionary and elitist, which is odd for a town whose principal industry is tourism.
  23. As was stated teh team and captains selection will be today. Look for the captains list to appear around 6 Pm and then the team random draw will take place around 8 PM. Results of the draw will be in the chat room and on the toruney thread. Once the draw is done, a new section will appear in the tourney area forum.
  24. I did the last batch of upgrades the other day and my PC is running like crap since.
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