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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. It is difficult to argue with success. We have seen improvements in most lakes and in lakes like Nippissing that now face more pressure than ever before with sustainable populations. Given the pressure on Nippissing that is quite an accomplishment. My experience with big walleyes is different because of where I live. A 6 pound walleye is an average fish on Lake O. I, however, would not eat one because of the possible toxins and because I am still weary of this area of the lake and its ability to maintain the population. The Niagara to T.O. stretch of Lake Ontario has seen a huge return of walleye and it didn't really happen till after the slots were put in place. Coincidence?? I don't know. But I am not going to take the chance and miss getting another 17 pounder. The one in my avatar is 16...right out of Lake O and others have had many similar experiences. So far there has been a general unwritten consensus amongst those who know where these fish are that all fish that can be returned will be until we have an idea on the population and the level of toxins in these fish. Personally I think we have a great mix of sport and food fishers. There is nothing wrong with taking home fish to eat and we have all at least come to the point that we understand it is a finite resource and we have to be responsible. It is a learning curve for all of us and civil discussions like this help to further the cause. I commend and applaud all you guys in this thread for being civil and respectful...thank you!
  2. We are aware of the PM's. Just ignore them. The accounts have been removed. Let us know if you get any in the future. It is just part of an email harvest attempt. Don't send the person an email unless you enjoy a few thousand spam emails a day. Thanks for letting us know and we are taking steps to try and prevent it from happening again.
  3. Put up some pics and the reg number for us, Kevin. We got lots of eyes on this site and we cover most of the province.
  4. Welcome to the site!! Not trying to be a smartass, but do you eat the suckers? Just be wary of their toxin levels. I don't know your experience level but in some lakes they are not safe to eat. Nice pics...thanks for sharing!
  5. Be well bud. We'll try and order you a cute nurse
  6. jmarion- Let me welcome you to the site. You have to admit that your post made it look like you were fishing two lines. Now, the guys did take it easy on you, trust me. Like another member said, had you been a regular that should have known better, this likely would have been worse...much worse. But because you are new, you got a heavy razzing. I read the post and really tried to see how I could give you the benefit of the doubt..but it was not possible. Now let's say I posted in May about catching in huge bass. And let's say I left out the part that I was using jigs and worms chasing walleye and moved 10 times to get away from the bass...one would easily assume I was targetting the out of season fish....details are important. The MNR reads this site every single day..I promise you that. Not to nail people but to get an idea of whats going on out there. It is a valuable tool for them...like have a few extra field reporters letting them know whats going on. We have been contacted by not only the MNR but by the Coast Guard about some posts that were indicating OBVIOUS AND SERIOUS violations. That certainly is not going to happen in this case..but I am trying to illustrate a point. We cannot make you follow the law, but we can point you in that direction. I do not want to see you not return, but I do hope you learn that what you post will be read. Don't use hyperbolic replies or sarcasm... you either violated the law or you posted poorly...either way learn your lesson and move on. None of us will here are without sin and we will not hold it over your head...unless you come to one of our trips then you will likely get teased about it. All that aside, I will lock this thread down and it will disappear and we will have forgotten about it in a day. for those of us over 40 we will have forgotten about it much sooner than that...lol.
  7. No...the selling of game fish is limited to commercial fishers only.
  8. Its not just that either. These fish have shown disease resistance, have encountered all type of water and weather variations and survived. Those are the genetic traits you want to pass on. Disease resistance and the ability to adapt to changes are the keystones to a successful fishery coupled with the characteristics BB named... camouflage, predation, speed and size.
  9. Hmmm....I'd have to pick Dave Mercer, JP Derose and Pete Maina all in the same boat all fishing for tarpon cause a double header would be a total blast. Ohh....and we'd need Roy there on the flydeck directing traffic.. that would be some fun times. I am still 0/4 on tarpons....one of these days, tho!!
  10. Great post...thanks..a little bump up for ya here. Hope they find their way home...
  11. Maybe its just as well that I have no idea what the heck is going on....
  12. Slots, at least the ones I have dealt with, do include harvesting larger fish, but usually only ONE. This is more to appease guys who get that once in a lifetime fish or to reduce wastage when a large fish does not survive release. The slots protect high volume reproducers and high quality reproducers. It is a simple but effect method of ensuring a stable population and future generations of larger fish.
  13. I think it is quite amazing how, over the last 15 to 20 years, the entire ethos of anglers has changed and most everyone is onboard with the CPR and selective harvest. The effects are obvious and fishing opportunities remain as good as they have been in spite of reduced stocking and resources. It is a testament to all those who have shown responsibility of ownership of our resources. The science is behind slot limits and we have seen the success of it.
  14. Nice fish ) That Flea Flicker line is/was great...do they till sell it?
  15. No it is not a good choice. Running 8 lb test line for fish that are regularly over 20 pounds is not a good idea for either fishing success or for successful release.
  16. No salmon yet, pat. Eels can be caught some nights down at Queenston on the lower Niagara River. Havent heard of them being on the piers yet, but with this weird summer, its hard to say.
  17. It was only added to the Club skin Terry. Just seeing where the new ****** is going to go. Making sure it is in the right spot so ***** can make sure the ***** will ***** in the ****. Once it is ready it will be added to all skins. That's all I am allowed to say, really...
  18. Well I am a little late with our second quarter report. But here we go. Page Views- 2.6 Million...one our top quarters so far Unique Visitors- 657,000 A NEW RECORD!! Our membership increased by more than 10% in that time. We had over 32,000 posts which were viewed 1.4 million times... We had a few minor server issues and a very serious hack attempt which cost us some time as well as DNS issues with Rogers (again). Overall it was a very good quarter and the membership is growing very fast. You guys and gals have been great and we only had a few minor issues to deal with. It is a great testament to you that a site like this can exist with such minor problems and on behalf of the admins, thanks very much. There is going to be a few huge things coming... keep watching that little spot that says 'It is coming'...cause it is and we promise you will love it.
  19. My favourite Les Paul player... Tom Sholz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcsVPis1iNs
  20. I tried four times to write something that wasn't going to get me in trouble...finally I gave up...but you guys are funny Glen is quite right, tho. It is an ad for a light. We don't have porn ads here...though I am sure it would push revenue up quite a bit, however the loss in traffic wouldn't be worth it....lol.
  21. So much more than that...he allowed musicians the freedom to be more creative with his inventions and, of course, his guitar is still the Rock and Roll standard.
  22. It does not matter what website you go on. Privacy on the internet is an illusion. The web crawlers index every pic and post everywhere. Do not post an image you don't want the whole world to see...simple. Get a GMail account, use Firefox and remember that Google sees all. But also keep in mind there are billions, if not trillions of posts, images and assorted stuff on the internet...so your stuff ain't that special
  23. We're all here, putting out our best thoughts and prayers!!
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