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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Upgrade your browser and/or additional softwares like Java, etc.
  2. At the very bottom left of each page is a skin selector. Choose lo-fi.
  3. Tap-a-talk to be added in the next few days. There's an app for that... Tapatalk info
  4. Depends on the mood of the security guards. Go when it is raining and they won't come out and bother you. But if you just go fish, don't make any ruckus, it is usually okay...but then again, you might get tossed. No fines, just 'Get Out'.
  5. Okay the problem with a 100+ forum is that eventually all the action slides into there. Then we get the main section dying a slow death. We can deal with it this way... People can post any pics they want. Don't like it?? Too bad...go away. I have never understood this issue and it seems to be trout guys. You do yourself no favours by coming off as elitist idiots. Here..I will prove a point.. I have caught well over 100 ten pound walleye in Port Dalhousie from shore. I don't care who knows cause it will take a big amount of time and effort to figure out the rest. And if you are that dedicated, you deserve it. Heck if you PM me I might even meet you down there are show you how I do it. But there is still a touch to it... I have gone down with Aaron Shirley and other guys and it is alot of work..but well worth it. Supposed to go with Crazyhook but he keeps bailing We, collectively, own the fish...not just guys with fancy equipment. I see alot of guys complaining on other boards that they have to share the water with guys using a different system..that is amazingly arrogant. So lets just ignore and block the idiots and have fun doing what we do.
  6. Please feel free to forward those PM's to me and they will be dealt with quickly. No worries, they won't be able to bother anyone again after that. We will not tolerate cowards using the PM system to harass members.
  7. The MNR basically has to catch someone in the act. Just like fishing. But they can order a restoration..essentially telling him if he touches it again, say hello to the fine book. DFO has more authority..the town does too, but most don't have the resources to act on something like this.
  8. For some reason the upgrade didn't resize the profile images so some are WAYYYY to big and break the page. Delete your profile pic and reinstall it and all should be good
  9. FishNSled...if you are a little computer savvy you can load a portable browser from Firefox or Opera. put it onto a flash drive, plug into your computer via USB port and it will surf the web off the flash drive. Otherwise you can use the LowFi version of the board.
  10. I will be adding Tapatalk too. It is an App for iPhone that expands the features even more. Just don't ask when..I haven't done any housework or much else since starting the upgrade, so need to get caught up a bit around here. But it should be installed within a week.
  11. IE6 is obsolete...they don't make parts for the Ford Pinto either. NO ONE supports IE6 anymore...even Microsoft doesn't, and they made it. The VAST majority do not use IE6 so making it work on that format would cripple most functions for the others which makes no sense. You can install a better browser. IE6 is dangerous and useless. We will follow the international web standards as set out by W3C.
  12. Raf...I hope you are kidding. FishNsled, you have to upgrade to a newer browser. Just click Windows Update and get the new IE for free.
  13. I had a Lowrance Portable I used for that. Drilled the skeg of the trolling motor and stuck the transducer right on it. Worked like a charm. Ran the wire so that it didn't interfere with raining and lowering the motor.
  14. A friend of mine from St Kitts city hall saw this...can you PM me the actual address and access to the best place to get some pics please
  15. You are either missing a plug in or something is blocking the video. Norton is famous for stuff like that. Is your Flash Player up to date??
  16. Are you using some kind of internet security software??
  17. The dogs were on their own property actually. Anyone who has spent time around dogs could see that it was not being aggressive. The news story showed the dog afterwards quite playful and sweet. The cop made it worse...you could hear the one officer on the radio telling the guy to stop moving. Then the one cruiser pulled in tight to pinch off access and the other cruiser backs out again!! The dog was taken without incident and was assessed as having no aggression....which is why he got 'probation'.
  18. I guess it helps if I turn it on. Look for OFC Mobile A mobile skin is for use with cell phones, blackberry, etc.
  19. I'd give her one good toque...
  20. I have sent your screen shot in for technical advice, since I can't get it to happen. In the mean time, you may want to upgrade to IE8 since it is the most current IE version and has many security fixes that patch IE7 vulnerabilities.
  21. The Mobile Skin is online. I will be adding touch technology to it as soon as I can...within a few days hopefully. I want to run that software in a test enviornment first before I add it to the site. The new skin supports Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Mini Opera and Opera Mobile, Palm Pre, iPod Touch, iPhone Simulator, Mobile Safari and SymbianOS. Any bugs, report in the support sticky up top.
  22. Lake Ontario is at its summer normal, which is below spring normal. Usually about 2 ft higher right now, but Lake Ontario's level is regulated by dams, so likely won't go any lower.
  23. Watch this dog eat a police cruiser. I have no idea why, but stories like this always come out of Tennessee..lol. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  24. Which version of IE is that Dave? Can you update your Java and see if it still happens? I tried many times to get that to happen and I can't replicate it.
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