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Everything posted by scuro

  1. No pink Rapela? I'd like to get out for one last fish.
  2. Who doesn't enjoy that lovely turn of phrase of yours, the most unusual scenery, and the winsome supporting cast.
  3. Three trips I would do under ideal conditions: 1)Pike - just predictable enough to keep you in the game 2)Mountain trout - I love catching fish in a place where the scenery makes you ache 3)Tarpoon/snook/Bonefish/Cuda - everyone should do one trip down south fishing for one of these species
  4. Awesome report once again Drew...A grin broke out across my face as soon as I saw the pic of Float sticking his head out the door...
  5. I'm calling you Mr. October now What fall fish haven't you caught?
  6. Rates will only go down if US continues to lower rates. There is just too much inflation out west. As for buying the boat...I'd say fine as long as your not maxing out your credit to do so. Now is not the time to be holding a lot debt.
  7. I do put more passion into my fishing reports. You get the sense that some would like to see this thread end, I get that...if I am taking the trouble to put together a major fishing story I don't want to compete with Al Goregasm or "Farmer shoots pet dog". I was asking for the end of this thread about a hundred posts ago. If you want to let political threads live on this forum then basically you should expect this. Politics does bring out passion in people because you are dealing with huge issues. Me personally...I can't stand it when I see disinformation in a public forum without the record being set straight.
  8. -Al Gore had nothing to do with the formation of the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change which formed in 1988. It has posted four assessment reports, the first one was in 1990. Gore wasn't speaking publicly about this issue then. Both dates are before he was even the vice-president. The last assessment in 2007 stated;"Global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have increased markedly as a result of human activities since 1750 and now far exceed pre-industrial values over the past 650,000 years". -No the world won't become another Venus because of global warming. Simply if the models are true the most notable change will be radically different weather as we know it and a rise in sea levels that should put some cities like New York under several ft of water. Why radically different weather? Without a polar ice cap you won't have arctic air masses sweeping down from the north until the water over the pole freezes solid first. Global warming would predict that with less ice covering the arctic ocean, fall and early winter temperature averages should rise significantly in our region. With the huge melt of arctic sea ice last summer I'd take a bet that fall temperatures will be warmer this year. This is a trend that should continue. -When consensus statements are made critics usually attack anything but the issue. This time we hear about the scientists tricked into lending their name to the statement and the bucket load of scientists who believe we are going through solar system warming cycle. Can they not simply stick to the facts and if they believe their position to be right form a bigger consensus? The size and quality of scientists within a consensus does matter. -Only the loony Neocons of the US could come up with such a dopy theory that global warming is a fake issue created so that the UN can collect taxes from the world to be used by UN bureaucrats to control the world. Only those true US patriots and all those who love freedom can save us! Look out. Kofi Annan is coming to confiscate your handgun. The US hates the UN...and doesn't even pay most of it's dues. The UN is seen as being a feckless body. The EU has difficulty staying together, and free trade is shaky also...this in the developed northern countries. Yet all of Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe is supposed to be ruled by one world body that has authority over everything? Open your eyes, it ain't going happen in our lifetime.
  9. From Canteach-The most comprehensive educational and reference library on CANDU technology http://canteach.candu.org/ canteach.candu.org/library/20040708.pdf When a reactor is first fuelled, the fuel is called fresh fuel. This initial fuel load is good for about 6 months. After this we remove and replace a few fuel bundles each day, a state called equilibrium fuelling. Radical changes occur in the composition of the fuel between the fresh and equilibrium conditions. Three significant changes are the depletion of the U-235, mostly by fission, the build-up of fission products, and the build-up of Pu-239 (a fissile fuel)... Pu-239 is short for Plutonium-239.
  10. I'm not certain that global warming exists. Simply a body of evidence is building daily to support this theory, and as I evaluate the evidence I find it to be convincing. The ice cap is only one recent bit of evidence to look at, there are many, the speed of recent hurricane intensification would be another one. Sure it could all be natural cycles, there are times when Co2 peaks in the atmosphere, there are times when ice caps recede. What is unique is the speed of these changes. Generally most scientific communities accept the notion of global warming. Respectfully, we are on opposite sides of the coin on this one.
  11. So global warming is make-believe and really just one of the many ways used to control the world through mass fear. That's sounding radical libertarian...conspiracy stuff. Let me guess Freemasons are involved. How did they get the ice cap to melt? (1979-2005) (Summer of 2007)
  12. Nuclear power simply is uneconomical dollar for dollar. The immediate association I make when I hear the word "nuclear" is "cost overrun". Pickering has been a financial disaster and when those plants are all finally decommissioned I'm sure there will be further cost overruns. As far as toxic leaking goes the only real leaking into the atmosphere that I know of is Chernobyl. In risk analysis one looks at rewards vrs. risk. Sometimes a small put very dangerous risk can outweigh a powerful reward. The dangerous risks associated with Nuclear power is terrorism and to a lesser degree accidents. What is more disturbing is the fact that in case of an accident, and you and your property gets covered in fallout, our government has made it law that you can not sue them. One atom of Plutonium in your body WILL kill you. Finally the last risk of nuclear power is that the spent fuel can be used to make weapons grade nuclear bombs. You have to be careful where and how you store this stuff. To date we have not found a permanent storage facility for all of our waste. Deep bunkers under the Canadian shield have been suggested where it would have to sit for tens of thousands of years to become harmless. Those costs have yet to be factored into the final cost of nuclear power. I'd vote for natural gas power plants or coal power plants that have much better filtration systems added to small micro projects such as wind. We have a lot of water control systems in Ontario that doesn't produce electricity. Both NG/coal would still be cheaper then nuclear power and have better risk reward profiles.
  13. Hey wrongo breath , ...give me one good reliable link that demonstrates that the price of oil almost reached $90 dollars today because of the cost of cutting emissions. There must of been a lot of emission cutting going on over the last year!
  14. The price of oil is related to demand. Global warming if anything is decreasing demand. It is the increased demand of many global countries, that are now coming online economically at the same time... that is driving up demand. Think China, India, Brazil...etc.
  15. Hey as far as being a member of this message board...I'm older then dirt. I must have joined the old board over five years ago but changed my name when they changed the format of the board.
  16. I don't know about the rest of you but I'd prefer to have a fishing discussion area and a general discussion area. Then one can choose to read fishing threads, non-fishing threads, or both. Has anyone else ever suggested this?
  17. The last time there was no ice over the north pole was 50 million years ago. They are predicting that we will see water over the north pole in our life time. Scientists are simply stunned at the rate of decrease and have had to adjust their models many years forward. This is a unique and noteworthy event no matter what way you cut it.
  18. You quoted from www.worldnetdaily.com. "A Free Press For A Free People". Below is the headline news for today from worldnetdaily. I only wonder what link of that website brings you to pics of the scantily clad girls. Keep in mind that what you quoted directly from came from this "news" source and it is their interpretation of the news that you shared with us. WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California Schwarzenegger signs law banning anything perceived as negative to 'gays' --WND WorldNetDaily Exclusive Mother accused of neglect for teaching own kids Describes litany of harassment, intimidation at public district --WND WorldNetDaily Exclusive Christian group apologizes for pro-life message 'We respect the separation educators need to have from the church world' --WND Teacher advocates 'sex play' among pre-schoolers Backed by child psychologists, doesn't want to stifle what comes naturally --Aftenposten, Norway Contraception proposed for 11-year-olds Officials say broad program 'totally needed' for middle schoolers --Portland Press Herald
  19. Weather will change. What is noteworthy are unique events such as the lowest Arctic ice coverage in history. http://www.physorg.com/news108986956.html There have been a few unique hurricane events also this year.
  20. Nice cut and paste job. Normally when you quote word for word you reference where you got that material from...or is that a problem for you seeing that website might have an address like WWW.GLOBALWARMINGHOAX.COM
  21. I call it taking a cheap shot. Why does this biased political thread still have life?
  22. Ya got me there. DOH!! I had five rods to choose from and my rookie brother was still working on his casts so that rod and reel you saw in the photo was a good choice for him. He was happy with the small rod and reel and I was happy with the resulting smaller percentage of potential hookups of his lure to my body. Over the two days he developed a unique backhanded over the shoulder cast more akin to a Vince Carter basketball shot then to actual proven methods of casting. He also tried fishing several times with seaweed on his lure. He thought it had some extra attractant properties to it!! You can fault me on this...but I felt the muskies were safe on his rod.
  23. I can't complain, it has been a good year with several personal bests and two new species...it would have been nice to a add a first muskie with my bro but that was not to be. I had previously taken out my brother and cousin Muskie fishing this time of year and we were skunked also. I have done some reading and slowly been improving the gear and tackle. We even waited until the last minute to book to make sure that weather would be ideal. We had a half day of cloudy breezy weather and a full day of mixed weather with sun and clouds. We focused strictly on muskie and unlike the last trip we picked a known muskie lake. the weather was good. It looked good at this point...we squeezed every second we could out of our time. my bro around the time we had to shut it down and pack er up Our results, not even one follow or look except for some waves that a large muskie made. We had pulled into a prime location and I stopped the motor. My brother looked over the bow, and asked what was causing those waves? From where I sat I looked over and said did they come from our boat? He said he didn't believe so. Then I asked if it could be caused by a current of some sort. Again he said he didn't believe so. We fished for a while and he then asked, if I had ever been to Marine land. I said no and he told me how much his kids liked it. About an hour later he comes out with he saw dolphin's that made the same sort of V wave patterns that he saw an hour ago So keep the dream alive and tell us where we could improve Conditions: Known Muskie lake: two selected spots highly recommended. A narrows, 59 degrees with access to deep water and big lake. A smaller circular lake with access to deep water in the top half middle half of the lake. Water temp 56 degrees. That Muskie we saw would indicate that she was moving slowly and cruising. With regard to water temperature what is ideal? With large pike it would have been the warmer water. Depth: we generally fished in 20 ft of water but fished in water as shallow as 8 ft and as deep as 30 ft. We mostly drift fished and threw everything from believers, to large Rapelas, to large diving cranks. We also tried large spoons, bucktails, spinners, large plastic..and smaller lures also. what didn't we try? Retrieve: generally went with a slow retrieve but also did fast, medium fast, and pause and start.
  24. Half day ehh...not bad, not bad at all.
  25. Love those times when the stars align and you have that great window of fishing. Thanks for sharing.
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