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  1. Joey, it is hard to diagnose your foot just from your picture, but it does not look good. Lateral part of your foot is showing excessive ecchymosis (bruising), which is a sign of bleeding under your skin. It could just be your blood vessels that are damaged which heal quickly. Bones also have their own blood network and this takes longer to heal and it needs medical intervention to correct it. Go to the emerge and request an X-ray to be done and get cleared by a physician. Ice should not have contact with skin for more then 20 minutes at a time as necrosis of tissue will occur. No one at the hospital will put a cast on a broken toe but if your toe is broken you need to prevent contracture or else wearing any of your current shoes might become uncomfortable when your toe heals. You can buy a finger splinter at Shoppers which you can modify to fit over your fifth toe. You would have to wear sandals for a month if you decide to go this route. Since most of toe fractures occur during summer, wearing sandals is not an inconvenience
  2. I just received an e-mail from Dell.ca and I would like to share this deal on a nice point and shoot camera. Rather then keeping a fish, take a memorable picture Reviews are really good on this camera. Enjoy Enter coupon code Q1KK1CP0PSNK2B to get another 10% of http://accessories.dell.com/sna/products/Digital_Point_Shoot/productdetail.aspx?c=ca&l=en&s=dhs&cs=cadhs1&sku=A6751469&baynote_bnrank=0&baynote_irrank=0&~ck=baynoteSearch&dgc=that other site&cid=3881&lid=77903&acd=CAqD7bLWUPI-47toJbf38G1zcq7IZABXLA
  3. True canadian outdoors. I just stumbeled on it by mistake this past Saturday while looking for a place to refill my printers tonner... Really nice store with live bait and all immediate necessities Here is the stores info taken from their card that I grabbed, 3175 Rutherford rd. Unit H46,vaughan, ontario, L4K 5Y6, 905 7619666, www.truecanadianoutdoors.com
  4. Me and my wife liked, good luck
  5. Hey, get a Roam mobility SIM (available in Canada) OR a T-mobile SIM package from Walmart, Bestbuy in the US....
  6. Way to go Jamie !
  7. Thanks for sharing Rich, great pics:-)
  8. My condolences.
  9. Its a lot of money for a 3 year plan on a smart phone. It's a jail term. Current plans, $65 ($70) with tax for a 1 gb data, 200 min with evenings and weekends free from 6 pm to 7am + $200 phone + 3 years = equals $2540. If you go over anything in your plan it adds up even more every month, and you will ($10 extra a if you go over 1 gb in a particular month). Mobilicity, public mobile and Wind are good if you use your phone within the city since their coverage area is small. Most of their plan sales go for $20 a month unlimited everything, but unlimited is more like 3 gb of data, if you reach that they will cap you. Compared to states, my friend is with one of the biggest carriers in the states, pays $45 with tax unlimited data, unlimited talk within US, unlimited text nationwide with an Iphone 4s on a 2 year plan. There is no 3 year plans in the states. I recently wanted to sign up, but I won't with the current plans. Over the next 3 years $2500 buys me a lot of good things that I'll need more then a cellular phone.
  10. I have a presentation next week and I would like to show a youtube video, problem is that there wont by any internet connection. Is there any way to download a video directly to my computer so I can play it directly from my comp ? I used to have a program that did this but once I formatted my HD I'm no longer able to find it... Thanks guys !
  11. Rip Calcutta TE Very disappointed of Shimano, inferior reels and still no good left hand reel like the Tranx or Trinidad.
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