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Lord Letto

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About Lord Letto

  • Birthday 03/13/1989

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    Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5M1

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  1. Grand River Bass Derby Canceled: http://www.grandriverbassderby.ca/
  2. Address of the store for the Rods is in the OP it's rod only, not a combo, so If you need a reel to go with it, I visited the Highland Hills location yesterday (875 Highland Rd W, Kitchener, ON N2N 2Y2) to see if they had any Fraser Farm Meatballs & Gravy that I saw there in the past (sadly I never saw any) & saw they had Zebco 202 Spincast Reels there for $4:
  3. Left them all there, don't need another rod at the moment, but I took pics & thought I'd post as I found it interesting that they had a brand name rod available there.
  4. Downtown Kitchener Location: 61 King St E, Kitchener, ON N2G2K4 upload image
  5. I know Fish'n Canada started back in 1986 (so 34 years ago), Started with Reno & Angelo, Pete never came on as a host alongside them till later, his first appearance (named appearance anyway, not sure if he could be seen in the background of other episodes) was Episode 10 of 13 in Season 1 (1986) I'm not sure how old Pete is, but assuming late teens/early 20's back then, he sure looks good for being in his 50's i'm assuming.
  6. Yep, Android only though, Apple wants him to buy a Apple PC to develop for iPhone & he can't afford that, at least that was the case 3 years ago :
  7. On the topic of Tagged Fish, they had Reno on the previous week & 1 thing they were talking about is how tracking showed just how far a fish can travel: For future reference, Angelo & Pete go live Tuesdays with a Q&A & on Fridays they have a guest with them & try to have a theme around it, streams start at noon eastern.
  8. I've been wanting one for a while now, looking lately & noticed prices of older models (Hero, Hero 2, Hero 3) are <=$100, Maybe Hero 4 if lucky (one local on Kijiji listed for $135 with extras)
  9. I'm 31 & if i'm not mistaken it's from Rocky & Bullwinkle.
  10. So I still have gift cards in my wallet, $20 from Canadian Tire & $50 from Walmart, 1 thing is was planing on getting at some point is get a telescopic rod to put in my backpack along with tackle & take the bus somewhere I can go fishing (Grand River through K-W most likely), I'm just looking for opinions, checking the Walmart & Canadian Tire sites, here's what I'm currently thinking: Rod: Zebco Ready Tackle Telescopic Spin Rod, $14.84 from Walmart, out of stock online & shows almost sold out at the local store I plan on going to : https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/zebco-ready-tackle-telescopic-spin-rod/6000095749318 Reel: Either a Shakespeare Durango 2235RB Spinning Reel for $10.97 from Walmart: https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/durango-2235rb-spinning-reel/6000016935292 or the Zebco Advanced Spinning Reel for $15.99 from Canadian Tire: https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/zebco-advanced-spinning-reel-0785555p.html#srp I'd like to have a decision made before the June 29-July 7, 2019 family fishing week so I can try it out before spending the money on my licence for the year.
  11. Just checked gasbuddy.com and from what I could see the average currently here in K-W is ~$1.14/L with the Costco price being $1.09/L, that's not as bad as small town Newfoundland back in October, Was checking google street view today of the town my mom is from & back in October it was $1.34/L (134.3) there.
  12. Hmm interesting, must have been this year. Got my 1 year sport at the HH in Elmira last year after going to the CT there, CT don't do it but HH was on the way home so tried there & they done it, if my local CTs & now HH don't do it this year, there's only 1 place I know of to go (Natural Sports) & now that I live in the city I don't have to worry about getting a ride, I can just get the bus to get there (along with possible fishing spots to put it to use & make it worth it this year).
  13. Hopefully things turn out OK, for the people living there, businesses & the fishery/wildlife. I've been to the French (Alban/Noelville area) a few times with the family & loved it, we weren't able to make it there this year but hopefully once things improve for us we could maybe go next year or the year after.
  14. I'm subscribed to The Fish'n Canada Show on Youtube & last week they started uploading episodes from Season 1 back in 1986! Episode 1 Episode 2
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