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Everything posted by beertech

  1. looking for a cheap bow mount electric motor to throw on the from of my 14 tinner
  2. I find gander is always a disorganized mess
  3. here is a pic of the splashguard trim piece. Its really just a piece of sharp tsteel bolted to the side that will catch and grab and bend if it bumps a dock. http://dundasmarine.ca/listing/polarkraft-156---165-side-consoles-35640.html
  4. I have one but fit and finish is not great. stuff like the splashguard is cheap metal clearly not deigned for boat. Also would not get up on plain without weight up front. Iv since moved on from it and would not consider another
  5. What do you expect hes nothing more than a high school drama teacher in a rush to get us to a trillion in dept all while chasing away industry with his over the top policies. Bash trump but he will eat trudeau alive, Hopefully in four years we will elect someone with a business education and experience to fight for jobs
  6. you may be right the about concentrated being off the market. However is is not watered down from the way the concentrated version is suppose to be mixed. The label is law on concentrated versions . Thats the best part about the pesticide ban , homeowners who think products will work better if mixed stronger than label says no longer have that option
  7. roundup is not banned in ontario. It is still registered for noxious weeds, eg poison ivy wild carrot eg. And it is the same strength and product as the usa. Also golf courses landscapers and farmers have never had super versions of the products homeowners used to have. It was the same stuff. Just a myth i would like to clear up
  8. I went to look at them the other day. One thing to consider is the floor and carpeting is one piece. Meaning if you have a leaky hose soft floor ect you will have to gut the whole boat. Lunds princecraft ect come out in sections with screws, main floor where you walk around none of it is barried
  9. manditory gopros in each boat should do the trick.
  10. Things look obvious but all im saying is whoever put them there could have been caught red handed. The tournament organizer owes it to everyone who got payed their entry fees to catch and convict. not just ask them.
  11. There is a history of people doing this and getting caught by clipping fins watching the spot ect. To me the tournament director dropped the ball by not getting solid evidence on these two. To ask them was the worst way imo
  12. can anyone recomend a good 4 stroke carb mechanic in the hamilton gta area
  13. chemong has bays dry. Isnt this getting kind of crazy that they are not bringing them back up
  14. That was the company who had the 15 hp on a 18 pontoon boat
  15. what bothered me more was all the boat show special prices included a way underpowered motor. One manufacturer had a 15 hp on a 18 foot pontoon boat. believe 90 was max. not one boat there came with max hp on it. but i guess i missed the ranger lol
  16. where would i find these listed when the time comes
  17. wondering what clubs circuits ect have bass tournament in the kawarthas. familiar with top bass and cfl but wondered what other options might be there
  18. thanks should have mentioned prefer something in the 16 foot range 60-90hp.
  19. does anyone make a fibreglass fishing boat that is laid out similar to the lunds trackers. ect. I have owned aluminum boats in the past and they seem to all eventually leak. so would like to go fibrglass
  20. buckhorn and pigeon were 64-66. fishing was really bad yest and this morning imo. Im sure there are better fisherman that caught bass though. I saw the temps and lost confidence in what i was doing in a hurry.
  21. stopped in sunday. will not be back bought nothing. It is gander mountain in buffalo. cluttered small selection high prices. spiderwire braid 125yards 21;99 sail 13.99/ koppers baitball 17.99. sail 1499 i believe just a few items i noticed
  22. Only two small largemouths for me today. did anyone find the bite really slow this weekend or was it something i was or wasn;t doing.
  23. what weight does everyone using for flipping worm. i was flipping a power worm on the weekend and was having troubles with it birdsnesting ect. by the way im new to this.
  24. thanks everyone. I will contact my insurance agent. I drive probobly 40000 km a year maybe 5000 are towing so a car may make some sense
  25. thanks everyone guess this wont work. another thing im considering is getting a little car to do most of my driving and keeping truck for towing. does anyone have any experience with a second vehicle and insurance. Is it normally cheaper for the second car than the first
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