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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. Congrats on the PB and welcome to the board. Cant wait for the pics.
  2. Thanks for the heads up.
  3. Lightning.
  4. I spent alot of time last year looking for a boat under 7 Gs. For 4 grand you'd find a 98 Gruman with an older motor, trolling motor yada yada and end up spending the money in the next year or two. I'm sure he will get hit with a 100 kijiji offers for 2-4 grand range but hopefully someone with a good eye will give him asking. Lots of lemons out there in the used boat world. Quality boats sell
  5. My guess is you will get around $6000 for it. Looks like a great clean buy with all the up grades. Anyone spending more than 6 Gs on a boat is probably expecting to get a longer boat or one with a console. Post it on kijiji well above what you want for it. Wait a week or two, reposting every few days so it dosent ger burried and see how it goes. Good luck
  6. Good stuff. Congrats!
  7. She hit during a cloud break in a wind protected area out of some junk weeds 2-3 fow med-fast retrive. had a follow on a white spinner bait fast retrive. Other than that I washed the box with no response.
  8. Things were slow so I went to the go to lure Mepps 3 long shartruce.
  9. I tried launching at the public launch yesterday at Canal and it was too shallow me. I saw two boats on the water and the one guy I talked to said he used that same launch. Ended up putting in on Mitchell with no problem. Spent 5 hours on the lake with one 30 inch pike to show. Other than that we saw two small pike move and that was it.
  10. Looking to get the boat out this weekend as the weather look amazing! Just wondering what my options are? Zone 17 pike? Frenchmans bay? Canal or Mitchell ice out yet? Zone 16/20 perch? Simco fishable? I know Erie is an option but I wouldnt know where to start. Anything open lower Niagra?
  11. Thanks Terry, I wanted to be sure before heading to BP to catch the end of the sale.
  12. I think my question was answered in the other thread but in the BPS flyer the XPS 1000 starting battery says its recomended for outboards over 200 hp and ill be useing it for a 90 hp. Just wanted to be sure im not getting the wrong battery for the job. Thanks
  13. Great link MrEgh thanks.
  14. Read some of the trip advisor reviews. Good laugh!
  15. I'd be happy to cull some pike from Canal and Mitchell. Ive never fished Kawarthas so early. Any guess how much longer till ice out? Looking forward to some pike reports.
  16. Im an avid muskie fisherman and ended getting a bunch of these lures as a gift last season. The smaller lures are pretty good quality and worked great for bass. The 7 1/2 inch crankbaits seem a little lacking. Not for me. The price looks right. here's a link http://gcttackle.110mb.com/main-en.html
  17. Thanks for reposting the link. I spent hours watching these web cams last year.
  18. I picked up a 75lb Motorguide wireless series bow mount motor from Lebaron for what seemed like a great deal at $630 tax in. When I got it home I realized the mount is not best suited for bass boats. It looks like to get sufficient clearance from the bow out of a six bolt pattern mount ill only be able to use four. Is there an after market bracket out there? My old motorguide pluged in at the bow. Now I have a wireless unit what is the best way to wire it clean? Do I install a switch or plug at the motor? Any suggestions would be great. Thanks Steve
  19. Last season I spent alot of time fishing a lake with a beach launch and only realised at the end of the season the damage I had done to my keel on my fiberglass boat. Im looking at getting a keel guard for this season and was wondering if I should repair the keel before aplying the keel guard? Also I was wondering if anyone had a cheeper solution they have used rather than buying a Keel Shield at bass pro for $140. The price seems crazy of 6' of sticky plastic. Thanks
  20. I know they have a sale this time of year. Anyone know what week the no tax deal falls on? I couldnt find anything on there web site.
  21. I'm looking to retire my 43lb Motorguide cable steer on my 16' bass boat. What I was wondering is if I go to a 70lb trust would I loose the finess of the lower speeds because my boat is light? Two models ive been looking at is the 70lb motorguide cable steer thats on sale in the BPS spring flyer as I realy like the price tag or a 70lb wireless motorguide that ive found a good price on else where. Any input would be appreciated
  22. Good tip! I'm heading to Orlando at the end of April. Any info on licences? Hear is a link on the rentals http://www.myfwc.com/RECREATION/FW_Offices...ando_Turkey.htm
  23. Also had it for a year. Paid $9.99!!! Best money I have ever spent.
  24. My best of 09 And the one that got me
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