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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. You might be right. I did a home lube job after last use. The spool isn't sliping. When I turn the handle under pressure the handle will turn and the spool stays still. If I turn up the drag it takes more pressure to slip.
  2. Arent they all ambassadors? C3,4 Record?
  3. Packing the boat I realize the crank is slipping on my Abu Record. Realizing I'm not getting parts at this time I'm in the market for a new reel. Called BP and found out the record is discontinued. What would be a similar reel in price and quality and available in lefty Thanks
  4. Thanks for all the replys. I took up Lews suggestion on the petite Dragon, well priced and great location. Mark, I'll give you a shout this weekend. If your around when we are trolling your area we'll defiantly stop by fer a pop.
  5. The winds last weekend post poned my LSC trip but the forecast looks good for this weekend:) The plan: Launch Sat morning from the Thames or Bell river and troll the main lake. If we can find weed beds do some casting. Sunday the wind picks up to 10km NE so we will launch out of the Detriot river The questions: Any recomendations for hotels/motels in Windsor or Bell river areas? Any areas I should worry about leaving my boat over night? What will the water clarity likely be this weekend DR and main lake? No rain forcasted Thursday 15km NE, Friday 10km NE, Sat 5km E, Sun 10km NE? Thanks Steve
  6. Very cool pics! Love the edit. Always look forward to your fall Muskie reports
  7. Congrats on the PB dood!!! Ive trooled that spot before, its crazy having Jones and his budys bomb casting buldawgs from shore as you trool by. Love the vid!
  8. Looking at the 10 forecast and I think I'll post pone the trip till next weekend
  9. I'm on the fence about fishing Kawarthas or LSC this weekend. The Weather is much better at LSC but I'm not sure if the wind will be too much for my 16' bass boat? I checked modis and the lake seem pretty dirty as of yesterday so my plan B of hiding from the wind on the Detriot might be out? Would Mitchell's bay be protected from the west wind? Any skis in the bay or are they out deeper this time of year? Thanks
  10. I saw a bloom of them on Baptiste Lake about 7 years ago
  11. I have had 3 compre Muskie rods for the last four year and love them
  12. Great read Pete! Man that 55er has a funny looking head.
  13. Wow again!! Another great day on the water. Congrats on the PB
  14. Bad ass pic!
  15. Good day on the water and a cool video. Are you using a go pro camera? I gotta pick one up. Looks like fun
  16. Great fish guys!!! Congrats on two giant fish. Bad net jobs make for great memories. Love the vids. Had a good laugh. Can't wait to hit LSC in the fall. Keep the vids coming.
  17. My first spool on a musky reel was 50lb power pro, end up loosing $75 in lures that day. Re spooled with 80lb power pro and never lost anything since.
  18. Pm sent
  19. I've fished 4 cranberrie lakes in the last two seasons
  20. Nice fish!! I saw the moon last night and thought someone is having fun somewhere
  21. Dam! Thats a great June Larry!!!! Looks like a season for me minus the sturgon
  22. Lol! I was thinking the same thing. $1500 is not too bad to begin with
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