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Everything posted by evster

  1. Ya, its mint condition for 100 bucks. Does the slower gear ration mean its going to retrieve slower? The one I have now is 6.3:1. I was hoping to use it for jigs and anything else I see fit. I'm still new with baitcasters so I have no idea what is good for what. So far I have been happy with my 6.3:1 reel for jigs and spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. I think it might be hard to burn a spinnerbait with the slower reel, but should it not work ok for jigs?
  2. Has anyone used these? I found someone selling one that they haven't used for a pretty good price. Opinions?
  3. Man I wish I could get out as much as you do! Great fish again and a great report as usual. Keep 'em coming!
  4. Great fish! That sure is a hawg. And great report as usual.
  5. Kennyman, We were just up a bit east from you. We put the boat in at Wellandport community center and worked our way east. The first day we worked our way around two of the big bends and then yesterday we went and started where we left off and worked both shorelines to about where the river runs along Old River Road. Where we finished looked like a prime spot, and so you know its just before a while bunch of buoys. Not sure what the buoys are for but I know the logs before them hold some good bass. There is definitely a lot of river to fish. We are going to try and find some more spots to drop in so that we dont have such a long boat ride with the little 9.9hp motor. I'm surprised you guys didn't get anything. I think next time we go we are going to work our way west a bit and try it out. But you are right in saying the water looks like fishing heaven. Its a beautiful river.
  6. I was at my brother in laws place for the weekend in Vineland and we had planned on doing some goose hunting and then some fishing in Jordan Harbour saturday morning. The rain and wind kept us in bed until about 8 then we went down to check out the lake to see how it was, too rough for our 14 foot tinny so we needed another plan. My bro wanted to check out a "creek" he heard is good for duck hunting so we loaded the boat into the truck and hit the road. This "creek" was actually the Welland River. Got there and loaded everything into the river but the motor wouldn't start and it turned out the hose on the inside of the gas tank had fallen off so it wasn't pumping gas. So back to my bro's shop and we fixed it up and went back. By this time it was about 3:30 and we were moving down the river by 4. Our main goal was looking for hunting spots but the logs and weeds on this river were too hard to resist. Pulled this guy off of a lone log with a green buzzbait. He hit right after the bait bounced off the log, so remember to run your baits right into the logs, they can't resist it. A bit later my bro got one about the same as that with a chartreuse spinnerbait. And just after that I thought I nailed a monster, but it turned out to be a cat fish, caught on a spinnerbait! That was it for the night as we had to be back to make supper but we decided to give it a go again in the morning. Got there about 7 the next morning, the river was beautiful and flat as a pancake. But boy was she cold. Not too long after stopping at a nice looking tree I picked up a nice little bucket using a white spinnerbait. Things slowed down a bit for about an hour until the sun came up and started warming up. My bro was loving fishing with the spinnerbait and used the same one the whole time. In one spot he kept feeling a bite over and over, I just wrote it off as a stick that he was nicking, but then he pulls out this crappie. Another thing we didn't expect to catch on a spinnerbait. Soon after that I flipped a Jig 'n Pig beside a downed tree and again thought I hammered a big bucket. Ended up being my first bowfin, a bit disappointing but its another species I haven't caught before. My bro is still throwing that spinnerbait and tosses it deep into a nice tree, looked like a beauty spot. Big hit, and the fish streaks towards us and goes right past the back of the boat. He only had about 10 feet of line out when he got the hit and the fish actually spun our boat. Brings it to the surface and its a nice pike. The locals sure were right when they said you can catch pretty much anything on this river. I picked off another little bass off a tree right by where this pike was. Getting near time to go back in but its tough to leave. We come up to a log and my bro point it out to me so I flip the jig right beside it perfectly with no splash (a rare occurrence which makes it worth mentioning), and wham, fish on. Just a little guy but i'll take him. Now its definitely time to go as we've worked our way down the river pretty far, and have a 30 minutes drive home and we are supposed to be back in 10 minutes. But up ahead about 30 feet I see a dark spot, away from the wood and away from the weeds, it must have been a log, but I pitched to it and finally pulled a decent sized bucket into the boat. I caught 3 or 4 more bass all about the size of the first one, not huge size on average but still fun. It was definitely a good few hours spent on the river though and we will definitely go back again since it is nice and close to my bros and really easy to hand bomb the boat in, and there is a decent free launch there to for when we get a trailer. Next time I want an electric motor though because with some boat control i'm sure we could work the trees much better and pull some good fish out of them. Most of my fish bit either a white spinnerbait or a black/yellow jig with a craw trailer, ALL my bro's fish bit a chartreuse and red spinnerbait, and all of our fish came from the wood and not one from the weeds.
  7. Jonny Bass, i've heard there a good pike in there, so i'm thinking next spring i'll try it out. Thanks!
  8. Nice going! Its really nice to see someone willing to take people out, and have them catch a TON of fish! Good work!
  9. Awsome! And like T.J. said, GREAT honeymoon.
  10. I needed to fish this weekend but was having trouble figuring out what to do. My cousin called me up and said he was interested so I headed down to my parents to grab their inflatable boat. Loaded it in the car and had it all ready to go friday night. Saturday mornings destination was Belwood lake in Fergus. This was the first time I had ever been there and expected the water levels to be pretty low, which they were. It was a bit of a hike to get the boat and motor down to the water but we made it and were on the water by about 7:30. The lake was low but still pretty deep, not sure exactly how deep because i didnt have my sonar, but definately not as shallow as Island lake. It was pretty windy and I wasn't sure what the game plan was going to be so we decided to cruise up stream a ways and watch for structure or weedbeds. Since the water was so low it was looking like most of the shoreline was a mixture of rock and sand, so i'm thinking dragging tubes would probably produce. After driving for a bit I saw a nice looking point up ahead which was all rock and the wind was perfect to set up for a nice drift past the point I thought that would be a good place to start. I went with a brown with green fleck tube and my cousin went with a white with silver fleck. We got the boat just past the point, shut her down and let the wind take it from here. Just as we pass the point I can start feeling the rocks. After drifting past the point I notice the rocks stopped and the tube is dragging smoothly, then WHAM! fish on. This guy was on the other end. I decided to let us drift all the way across the bay over to some docks on the other side just to give it a try and to cover some water to see if there are anymore rocks or weeds, but nothing. Got to the docks and it was blowing so hard I couldn't keep the super light inflatable boat close to them long enough to even get one good cast to them. So back to the point we went. Got to the same spot we started the drift and did it again. Lots of rocks, then the tube hit the sand, WHAM! fish on. This was a good one, fought him for a while then he came up and he was. I'd put him at 3 pounds at least. He was shy though and decided to go back into the water before I could get a good lip grip on him... ... so no pic Didn't drift as far this time and went back to the point, drift, and WHAM! Little pike. Another drift produced this guy. The wind shifted and slowed down so that was it for drifting over this point. We caught a bunch of little bass the rest of the morning but nothing big. There are definitely fish in there and I think there are some good smallies. Lessons learned from the trip...wearing a matching hat and PFD makes you look like a goof.
  11. Just for the year, i think its because of the low water levels.
  12. Oh...I should also add...none of the conservations areas in the area (conestoga, belwood, guelph, island) are renting motorized boats anymore.
  13. Awsome trip, you must have had a blast
  14. I was going to head back up to Island Lake and take my cousin fishing before he goes to teacher's college....but...they aren't renting boats anymore. I guess we could rent a canoe or fish from shore, but they aren't my favourite. Does anyone have ideas of a place we could get a boat? I need this to be as close to Kitchener as possible to since we have to be back around 2 in the afternoon. Thanks! Evan
  15. Great fish, glad you got into some good ones.
  16. I'm very glad to hear everyone ended up ok, I had a similar experience a few weeks ago when my parents got stuck in a massive storm in the middle of Erie. They were in a 35 footer but the waves were upwards of 12 feet and the winds ripped off one of their tarps and a bench off the back of the boat. They new the boat could do it but it definitely made them fear for their lives. After some of the things that have happened this year I will always wear a PFD especially if the winds pick up. Again, I am sorry you had to experience this but glad everyone made it through.
  17. Awsome fishing and great report. Thanks!
  18. Just wondering if anyone touches up the paint on weights, and what you use? I just have a lot of spinner baits, jigs and just plain slip sinkers that have been dinged off rocks and logs and all the paint has chipped off. They can still catch fish, but I like having nice looking lures . Any tips?
  19. My original plans for this weekend were to take my brother in law and dad walleye and steelhead fishing with a friend of mine who runs a charter boat, but that got cancelled due to a last minute charter booking so we had to figure out what to do. My dad has a boat in Turkey Point marina so we decided we'd drag out the inflatable boat and park out by pottohawk island and try out a weedline first thing in the morning before the boats all move in. Ended up not being able to find the weedline we were looking for so about 9 we tied the boat back on and dragged it across the bay to Bluffs Bar. Got over there and it was pretty rough, waves were probably 2-3 feet so we anchored the big boat in about 15 feet of water before getting to close to the bar and tried our luck there for a few minutes. We noticed a boat in awfully shallow water and people swimming around it and wondered why anyone would want to be swimming in such rough water. Not long after another guy comes over in a zodiac and asks us if we can give them a hand pulling this boat off the bar. Some guy got his 35 footer stuck dead center of the bar! I don't know how he got so far in but he did and he was good and stuck in water that wasn't even to my knees. So anyway, we used the two zodiacs to dig a trench in front of the boat and one guy cranked in the anchor. And slowly but surely we moved it out. It took about 4 anchor chain lengths and about an hour and a half but we got it out. After this the other guys didn't feel like fishing so after a grand total of 40 minutes fishing I was done for the day. Kinda sucked in terms of fishing but I was glad I could help someone out. And the moral of the story is....if you are driving at night, make sure you know where you are going.
  20. Nice catch! I was out on Lake Erie today dragging tubes for smallies and all I ended up with was a dog leash and a cowboy hat, i'd take your catch over mine any day!
  21. Glad you ended up getting out, and got into some decent fish.
  22. I've caught a couple decent fish in Jordan. You just gotta put the bait right in it's face since there is no visibility in the water.
  23. I don't have an electric so maybe I should choose somewhere else. I am taking a friend out who hasn't been fishing in a while and using my bro's boat who lives in Beamsville so I was thinking either hamilton harbour or jordan harbour. I might go to Jordan then if it is calm and drop the boat in at the launch by the beacon, is there a spot there to hand-bomb the boat in do you know?
  24. Hey All, I've been interested in trying out Hamilton harbour for largemouth but I only have a 14 foot tinny with a 9.9 on it. How rough does it get in the harbour? What winds should I avoid? Just looking for some input to see if I should even consider it or not. Thanks! Evan
  25. Sorry about the tough fishing, but it's always nice to get out an enjoy the day with some friends, thats for sure!
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