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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. I remember the Lung episode last season. Nice thing about the show is it actually shows real emotion. Or I like to think so anyways. You could see the concern in his kids eyes.


    He was a character, great sense of humour.....


    One of my favs was his self proclaimed ability to find the crab by looking for air bubbles on the surface, cause crab have to fart too.



  2. When pitching (bassy stuff Raf, lol). Sometimes they will eat the bait when it hits the water, "IF", you have to swith hands while "pitching" and sometimes "casting" there is a chance of a missed fish.


    For pitching/flipping it is wise to use your strong arm on the rod. It can be difficult to switch reels becasue your STRONG arm is usually the hand you write with. Low profile baitcasters that are used for the majority of "pitching" have a motion similair to writing with a pencil.


    So, when I switched to the left side reel 13 yrs ago now, I went to the Nuke and practiced on drum. I feel 100% comfy using a lefty and I beleive it is truly an advantage. IMHO.


    Good Luck

  3. Holy crap, when did I change my name to Grimace???


    Actually you had me, right down to owning a Tundra and still loving Ford, even down to the inlaws owning GM!


    The part that I didn't agree with.... Not wanting to be a member of a club. I am sitting on the fence on this one. Miss the boyz, not the politics. So now I renewed a membership to an old club I was active in a number of years ago. Perhaps you might know it, free membership, lots of free stuff to be won. Always upgrades and the best of it is: YOU CAN VENT ABOUT ANYTHING YOU WANT!


    I have been around this club I speak of for many many years and have made my voice being heard about 2149 times.


    I have met many many decent people in this club and have also received much useful information towards my fishing, driving, boating, dry walling, electrical, plumbing and what ever else you may want to know about.


    Actually, I think YOU ARE a member of the same club.


    Cheers, Ron...


    Good one Ron! Fellow clubbie when we going to Rice?

  4. Before you do anything attend a club level meeting, either of the ones mentioned above. Join as a non-boater, you can fish clubbie tournaments and learn the ropes for minimal costs. You can even use some of the Boaters gear(most guys don't care and offer it up) as we all started somehwere.

  5. First JOB was at Burger King for $3.90 an hour. Lasted only a couple months after being fired for eating food with numerous warnings.


    Right after I went to St. Huberts for a promotion, $4.15 an hour as a dishwasher. However that was short lived as I was fired after the cooks ran outta french onion soup bowls one night. Ever tried cleaning one, easier to hide them.


    So I got a job selling Baseball and Hockey cards at a flea market booth. He paid me in a cards, I asked him to carry over a few days and saved enough to get the first Upper Deck Baseball set still in the wrapper. Still have it, wonder what its worth today.

  6. Thanks Phil, you're also an artist of sorts. Everybody has to be good at something besides drinking beer. :D


    Buy them, no but I might be able to get a few out to you before opener.

    I may be at the Fishing Show but not to sell anything, strictly buying, they'll have beer right?


    Well, tell ya what Chris, how 'bout I buy ya a couple pops at the show then. I wouldn't need them till early May.

  7. That's all I've ever called it Phil, I thought clicker was the official, technical term :lol:


    Ya, not sure. I thought that was the name for the old style clicker. Ya know, the brown one that had the cable to the back of the TV and you switched the 3 level dial on the side and "clicked" the buttons. You were real high tech if you had the dail for the antenna too. :D

  8. Still some honest folks around. :thumbsup_anim:


    I lost my wallet one day between ice fishing the "bog" and getting home. After 6 MONTHS I got a call from the region, a work crew had found it in a ditch off of Hwy 12. Everything intact.


    Looking back I remembered having a few too many wobbly pops and asked the driver to pull over to "twittle". Not out of the ordinary for my circle of friends to get an easy laugh, they pulled right up to the edge of the ditch. Off course, I did a header.


    Good folks at Durham Region.

  9. A regular Sunday night, checking out ebay for dirt cheap deals and I stumble across a really sweet looking glidebait, top notch artist, at a really good price (time left 4 days).

    Hmm lets see what else he sells: OMG: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT


    I wish I could sell lures for $150. Wonder if its too late for college students to change their major to "Musky lure making". :lol:


    He has a monopoly right now, if a couple other folks sold similair products the market would be disolved. There was a guy who airbrushed smaller cranks and made a killing for a year or so, then others caught on and the market (except for loyal customers) all but fizzled out.


    There was another gent you added fibre optic eyes to used lures, took some well lite picutres and did quite well, now there of a few guys doing the same.


    If you have an origianl idea customizing baits you could have a very profitable product untill others check your completed listings and see the revenues. I know, I had a good thing going for a while (6 mths) then others caught on.

  10. As much as I would like to Phil, I got an invite to chase some crappie on Pigeon this weekend already. There is going to be a good number of us heading out with cell phones in hand. Hoping to spread out in a large area to see what we can muster up.


    Water is gin clear on Rice. We set up in a spot, dropped our lines and you could see your 1/32 jig down 14ft. We had to pull out from that spot too, a school of walleye came in and attacked the jig!


    Ouch, Pigeon will be a toughy, even harder then rice I think! lol DEEEEEEEEEP, has been the ticket for Rice, of course not just any DEEP water but finding the couple "things" associated is how I patterened them.


    Now for Simcoe, man, I have seriously tried to pattern the craps out there, I have never got one in the winter. They must just POD up in the big basin and suspend in clouds rotating the lake. I can't get on them. Now in the spring, pretty tough to beat Simcoe for them!

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