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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. As far as tax programs go, there is a free one that works just as well as the ones you pay for. It is called studiotax, do a search if you like. As long as you understand the tax process, it is a very easy program to use, being free is all the better.


    DOH! Where was this a week ago!


    I agree with the DIY route. Unless you are getting into business tax.


    Bucktail, I claim the credits for my Mrs as well. Make sure you file her return (I did hers telefile for a simple basic return) as she should get any tax paid as a refund if no other income (investments etc..) and under the personal amount.


    As for H&R, they are moslty DIY'ers that use the same programs you would use if you DIY.

  2. IMHO your asking a LOT for $4000.....get yourself a new truck and you will have a warranty to go along with it.


    If I could suggest another option.


    Buy a used truck around $5000, take the $500+ every month you would of spent for a payment, save it. In a year or so you'll have a down payment for a house, rent out the house or a couple rooms.


    There is lots of time in the future for the luxury of a new truck. Nows the time to build your financial foundation. I am not a financial guru, just wish I had this advice when I was your age.

  3. I think coach Babcock is doing a great job, using Crosby for the penalty shot is just playing the percentages, if it works he looks like a genius, if not, chump.


    I can see your point here if it was a close game. Kind of like the on side kick deal.


    I know they are pro's and suck things up to get the job done, but there has to be a competitive dealio amongst the players(always there when I played, especially in all star games). To be sidelined while someone else takes YOUR penalty shot, when your itching for your first goal in the olympics and there is a 4-0 lead, I think that would be alittle demoralizing to a player of his caliber.


    Edit - I just read your post above, you have a valid point

  4. Up 4-0 and you don't let a player take his own penalty shot? I don't care what the International rules are. You just ripped the heart out of one of your players. I can't even begin to express how much I think that was a terrible decision by Babcock.


    I agree 100%


    Can only imagine what the mood is like in the dressing room.

  5. I have never had to use it (knock on wood) but I have CPR and Defib training for work.


    The instructor told us of two stories where those who had administered first aid where sued.


    1. a lady was embarrassed that her blouse and bra where ripped off when compressions were administered. (If it's me in the future, feel to strip me and keep the clothes)


    2. a man had a couple ribs broken from CPR after he was found VSA and brought back to life. (personally, I'd donate an arm to research after)


    Sad, but these and others stories wouldn't scare me to act if I had to.

  6. $3 one deck blackjack at the Imperial Palace.

    $20 buy in poker T at the Flamingo.


    Bring some moola, everything in Vegas is $$$$.


    Have to hit the club in the Hard Rock, great place, lots of scenery. Saw Paris Hilton there, not even close to the hottest in the club. If appraoched in the club by a hot gal, she sees $$$. IF you approach and she's into you, she see's $$$.


    Besides that... its one of the best places on earth.

    Have fun.

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