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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. Hey all, supposed to hit Quite in the morn..but just called a friend at environment Can....


    They are calling for a NE at 50km blowing to 70k wind gusts.....


    Anyone thinking of being east of the Ferry or launching in Picton... be forewarned!!!!!!


    Brutal front coming through.. should slow things down for a bit fishing wise too...



    Just a head up

  2. Holy smokes!!!!.. what great shots guys.. these are no where close to your abilities..


    Ron, I would love the fullsize of the Owl in the cedars to blow up.. what a great shot..


    I have a ton of fishing pictures.. here are a couple when I tried to have fun with the camera....








    One I snapped while she was getting her shots done.... 2nding Slowpokes like of Candids



    And now my favourite Lil gal in the world to use up my memory sticks....







  3. RIP Uncle.


    ya, i wish.. if i have 1/2 his musical genes I'd be married to Kate Hudson or Reese Witherspoon or Charolette or......


    "Deep in the darkest night

    I send out a prayer to you

    Now in the world of light

    Where the spirit free of the lies

    And all else that we despised"

  4. i was thinking about going this sunday, with the cold snap coming in what changes should be made for ideal presentation?


    Finally, hoping maybe these cooler temps will open up some more water... even mid week now your zig zagging lines and boats. Busiest Ever.


    As for presentation with this incoming system, try higher in the water column and a slower/wide wobble bait...


    Good luck..

  5. Turn your big motor into the wind(or direction you want the bow to go)....


    If this still isnt enough, move the sock off the back cleat and put it mid way closer to the bow sock.....with motor turned too....


    Or constant power on the bowmount.. tighten the tension..


    Good luck

  6. Yep be safe all, looks like crappy driving weather out here in the east end today!


    We'll see ya out there, maybe pop in for a brownie and a Diplip BBQ saturday night.


    Maybe even catch Roy and DouG in mid stream Simon and Garfunkal again!


    Good Luck.

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