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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. Harrison,why not use a brokerage if your buying? Doesn't usually cost the buyer anything and you spread the wealth a little between brokerages.There hungry I heard hehe. Using the listing brokerage is fine if your okay with multiple representation, some people are not. Also nice to have someone representing you if you get into multiple offers and counter offers as time is of essence. I agree tho, no problems with selling your property on your own. And no I'm not a sales sales rep.


    I was just thinking of ways to maximize my budget.


    If the listing agent sells the house they get 5% say, now the buyers agent gets the other 5% each minus broker fees and expenses.


    I just negoitated with a seller agent that they would take a lower commission if it meant selling the house with-in my budget considering now they would get the whole 10%. I sign a deal with them for this individual property only and put in an offer. The little savings on the real estate fees may put me in a house I otherwise might not have had a chance at.


    Not in real estate either, just a family man on a fixed income.

  2. Actually I was approached by many realtors wanting to show the house to clients.

    All to a T were willing to negotiate with me.


    The people that bought our house were represented by a broker. They paid our full asking price and are paying the agents commission themselves.


    Now there's a win win!

  3. I'm glad it worked out for you Solo. My buddy was relocating to Ottawa and put his house up for sale (FSBO). He had lots of lookers and no takers for 3 months. He then listed it with a brokerage and it was sold in 14 days. :dunno:


    Congrats Mike, now the hunt begins.


    Private sale is the way to go. IMO,no brainer.


    Fishburn, majority of realtors will not show a private house to their clients because there is no commision. One thing I did was place the Ad in Kijiji, and offer a $500 finders fee to realtors if they brought the buyer in. I didn't need to as it sold quickly, but I got a few more calls!


    I am looking for private sales now to buy. Or I'll find it on MLS, and use the realtor selling the property instead of sigining with one, as they would get the full commission and may drop a couple %'s to get the sale.

  4. Nice pic Phil! I think its the pink jig head myself! :) They really work, no matter how much I get picked on about them :)




    I hear ya bud, I actually stole my Misses pink nail polish one time after running out of pink paint powder. I have orange, chartreuse, red powder etc.. But had to have pink.


    So between stealing the nail polish, panty hose for roe and taking maribou feathers from her hair thingys, she is beginning to wonder what type of fishing I am really doing! :whistling::D

  5. Sorry Harrison, I didn't get back to you. Just got back from pickin Fiddle heads. The small Bull Whip is the wifes and the other I bought at the Police auction. I don't want to part with them. Thanks anyway


    Great rods Farmer! Police auctions can be a steal if you hit the right one. I got a 13ft and 6ft Team Daiwa rods at one, as well as a leather wallet, scope, $20 mountain bike, and a stihl crete saw.


    Never know what you can get at one!

  6. Hey all, I totally forgot about this picture I took a while ago. While working on another project I found it on my puter. Thought I would post it here with walleye opener around the corner and all. Hope you enjoy it.


    I'll also share a tip, as the picture displays, I like to use 7 inch worms, trim a couple inches off and use a mushroom head. Sometimes the longer/slender profile will get'em to go over the grub.


    Good luck to those heading out for opener.



  7. I fish docks almost exclusively on certain lakes and won a few sheckles doing so. I have run into all types of land owners. Some nice, some not so nice, and some plain evil.


    I try 110% to be as careful as I can and if I do snag up, I WILL get it. Even if I have to jump on the dock to do so. I always have an extra bag of plastics on the deck to throw incase I run into kids on shore or a half decent owner who comes down for a chat.


    Then there is ethics and simple manners too, unfortunately this can be lacking on both sides. If someone is fishing on their dock, you swing way wide, wish them luck and move on.


    There are no style/kind/depth of dock that won't be fished by someone. I know some owners rap there docks in rope and others snags to deter guys. I actually look for those docks to fish, more structure for them.


    Cliff, it is frustrating, and I pretty sure I know your dock if your just up from the mouth of GB, there is no fish in the area! lol :blink:


    One owner had a sign on his dock that said something along the lines of "hook free zone, Kids Swimming" I thought it was a good idea. May not stop people, but maybe make them a little more conscience.

  8. I hit the smaller eastern trib yesterday, she's loaded. Super spooked however. Had to walk down stream and drift somewhat blind before getting close to the pool and shutting it down instantly. Singles and itsy bitsy stones were the ticket. Wish I had a couple of the ones Spiel tied!


    Water level is pretty low but the creek still looks healthy. A good rain and they should clear out in a hurry.

  9. I feel for you Daryl, sure puts a damper on the day. If I was with my daughter I would leave too. However, if I wasn't with her, different story.


    I know of two areas on Pigeon you will try and be kicked out of, one is a trailer park and the other is a "residential area".


    Sometimes it's not worth the headache of dealing with the police etc... however, sometimes it is. Terry nailed it, they normally just defuse the situation.

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