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Aaron Shirley

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Everything posted by Aaron Shirley

  1. I am an electronics junkie, and I switched from Humminbird side imaging last year to try the impressive looking HDS units. I got an HDS7 for the dash and an HDS5 for the bow, and I couldn't believe how amazing they were. They have such incredible detail. It did take me a while to get used to the new menu system from Humminbird, but once I figured it out, I didn't look back. The HDS units are the best electronics I have had on a boat bar none. Well worth the extra money IMO. I got lucky with my units, no moisture at all, and they have been soaked with rain and snow. Guess I got mine after the recall. Aaron
  2. Thanks everyone. It was an adventure! Msp, That's one heck of a nap! Bill, Tony's accidental secret was the garlic container, man did those bags reak of garlic. They were giant 'golf ball' sized bags though Aaron
  3. Wow, what a trip, what a laker! WTG boys! Aaron
  4. Tony and I fished the lower Niagara River yesterday, and let me tell you, it was a wild day of fishing! while people were shoveling out their driveways, we headed for Bill's Bait and Tackle to pick up common shiners and head down to the Niagara for a day of walleye fishing since it closes at the end of Feb We were the only boat down there on the canadian side. This picture is what greeted us on the way down to launch the boat. It didn't take long for the heavy wet snow to build up in the boat.. and slush up the river heavily We tried jigging, rigging and slow trolling, but found it very difficult to properly present our baits due to the heavy slush impeding our lines and trolling motor! We persevered regardless, but Mother Nature proved to outwit us for walleye fishing, as the icy Niagara slush set in and kicked our butts in the back eddies. After hours without a bite through difficult conditions and frozen wet fingers, we decided to try steelheading faster water where the icy slush may not be as bad. This was a great decision! We got 14 bites in 3 hours, but only landed 7 or 8 of them. Still, a great 3 hours of fishing, and a great way to spend a snowy winter day. Rainbow roe tied in Tony's secret bags worked like a charm. I got to really put the new Rapala Volt reel to the test with line-peeling steelies, and it was flawless. The best depths for us were between 18' and 22' along breaks. Water is clear with about 6' of 'steelhead green' heaven. The launch was a tough go, it's a good thing I took a shovel (thanks for shoveling Tony!). We eventually got out at the end of the day with 4 wheel low and shoveling. A few more pics from the day with Niagara winter steelies A really tough and slow start for us, but we salvaged the day with a bang catching the more reliable chromers the Niagara River is so famous for. Good fishing! Aaron
  5. Unreal! WTG Aaron
  6. Any LCD unit is capable of moisture in the unit. I have owned about 6 Humminbird LCD units, all had bad moisture but one. Tony's Humminbird now has bad moisture as well. I had an LCX-15 Lowrance with bad moisture once. I dropped into the Mississauga shop about 10 years ago and it was a month past warranty. They hooked it up, said it's bad, here have a brand new one. I was shocked, and really happy they were so good to me. I will always remember that. I think the HDS units have a 2 year warranty? So far my HDS units have had no moisture issues, hopefully they stay that way. Aaron
  7. The Humminbird LCD and Vex FL-18 have interference issues for the Humminbird. Vex if fine. Humminbird flasher should be fine? I sold my LCD and got a used Vex FL-18 recently... I am not impressed at all with the FL-18. Very limited unit. I am looking for an ice case for my Lowrance HDS5. Anyone know where I can buy one? Aaron
  8. Awesome report! I have fished your neck of the woods a bit, you are a lucky guy with some great playgrounds Aaron
  9. How come the poll features don't work in this forum? Tried for the life of me and can't get it to work. Nevermind, finally got it to work. i had to enter the same question in two seperate fields. Aaron
  10. Just curious, as I know lots of anglers with Blackberry's, but only one angler with an iPhone. What kind of cell phone or smartphone do you have? If you have an iPhone, you will want to check this link out! Navionics Mobile Aaron
  11. It was another great event, the best yet. Glad to be a part of it again. Everyone looked like they had a good time. Congrats to the winners. Aaron
  12. Tony and I attended the fishing for Tyler event on Saturday at Innisfil Beach Park and met some friends of mine up there, Glen & Melanie and their friend Dean. It was a fun day out and there were lots of fish caught. The event was a success with a record turnout of about 170 people. Lots of prizes were handed out and money raised for a great cause. If you didn't know this: Tyler is autistic and needs a lot of therapy. This is the 6th year for the event and has helped Tyler and his family a great deal. I would recommend this event to anyone, as it is only a $10. entry fee with lots of prizes. The fihsing was pretty slow for the most part. Tony had the hot hand with a W7 Jigging Rapala in the old firetiger colour. We couldn't get a bite on the new firetiger colour! Man, I wish I had a bunch of those in the old firetiger, as I never got a fish on a jigging Rapala, despite my efforts. We fished until the end of the event at 1pm, then after the event, we headed back out for a couple more hours of fun. During the event, Tony got a few whities and Dean got one on a minnow, the rest of us three got nothing. After we went back out, it was game on, and Tony lost an absolute giant, then Dean lost a giant. Neither got to see the fish. We figure the giants were chasing herring, as I got a herring just before Tony lost his tank. Dean lost another and I finally got one on a Williams Ice jig. Glen and Mel got the skunkaroo. It was a tough day in general (except for Tony), and the fish were not chasing much on sonar. A bit of a look then gone. Marked a lot of fish and moved around a lot with the same result. We didn't have a gps with the charts on it, so we guessed where the fish were and stopped with a 'feeling' on the first spot, which turned out to be the best spot for us. We were in the middle on a spot all to ourselves. Our productive depths were between 90- to 100-feet deep. All similar sized whitefish around 20", with two lost tanks we will never know what they were. Could have been big lakers or whities? Tony with his first of many on his hot Jigging Rap. Dean with a nice fish, his first whitefish through the ice I finally get a whitie Then it's the Tony show again. Tony ended up 5 for 6, I got one whitie and a herring, Dean went 1 for 3. Slow, but we worked hard and got some bites. Good to see you again Glen and Mel, and nice meeting you Dean. Nice going on a stellar day Tony! I need to find W7's in that old firetiger colour!!! Good fishing! Aaron
  13. Actually, if you check out the link to the left and click on musky rods, you can see them. The RType musky rods have traditional full cork handles, only one model has a split grip design Aaron
  14. The new Rapala RType Musky rod series are incredible (new this year). They are as good as the St.Croix Avid musky rods in my opinion, very light and sensitive, and extremely strong. They are really nice looking rods as well, and priced in your price range: Rapala RType Rods Just click on the "new" button on the left side and choose Musky Rods. I put these rods in the hand of some musky nuts I know, and they were shocked at how nice these rods are.. heck, I'm still shocked! The more traditional Rapala XLT musky rods are also really nice: Rapala XLT Rods You can't go wrong with the St.Croix Premier, Avid or Tournament rods either. Aaron
  15. I have the Rapala Magnum pack rod and really like it. I used it a few times last year and enjoyed it. They introduced a medium light this year. Check out the link: Rapala Travel Rods Aaron
  16. Don McCaw shows me this hockey stick rattle reel tip-up years ago, and it has been great. It is a dowel inserted into a door-stopper spring with a loop on the end. An egg sinker or slip weight with a split shot 12" up the line to a gammy octopus hook is the rig. Shiner hooked through the bottom near the anal fin and placed on bottom with a tight line. That's it, pretty simple but effective. Aaron
  17. If you want a great low profile baitcasting reel for a ridiculously low price, look at the Rapala RType reel (10 bearing), about $100. I have been using them for over a year now pretty hard, and they are a really smooth, nice-looking reel that casts well. They are holding up well with no issues. You can buy two of these for a similar quality reel by another brand. Even the Volt is a nice reel for $60. Rapala Reels Aaron
  18. Hey Sudzy, that is the secret. He told me in confidence, and I will never breach the trust of someone who shows me a spot if they want it kept queit, otherwise I would have no prob letting you know. All I can say, is that it is a very small place. Good fishing! Aaron
  19. A friend Darrell asked me to join him for a morning of fun-filled perch today on his secret spot, and I couldn't pass it up. We got to his spot while it was still dark out and set up. When it got light enough out, we absolutely hammered perch for about 2 hours. lots of smaller perch with some nice fish in the mix. We fished for about 3 hours, but the last hour was slow. We did get some quailty perch and we both lost a couple big fish, and just before we packed it in before 10am, I lost an absolute tank of a perch at the hole! Ouch. I had a small gammy octopus hook drop shot style with a shiner, and about 10" down a Blue Fox Big Crappie jig tipped with a small shiner. This was a really hot set-up for me. I was also using a Titanium Stringease strike indicator at the tip of my Rapala ice rod that helped detect the subtle bites.. it must have helped me get about half my perch, as they were hitting very softly after the first 1.5 hours. A few keepers from the morning Overall it was a great few hours of perchin'. Thanks Darrell! I wan't to try targeting the slab crappies there in the deep water next time Good fishing! Aaron
  20. Nice fish Paul. It has been a tough year to get out with all the muddy waters. Good to see you get out between blows! Aaron
  21. Hi Gil, Funny you ask that, as I haven't tipped the Foxee jig before this trip. I cut off the tail of a shiner and tipped the Foxee jig. It works well run clean most times, but since the fish were in a negative mood where we fished, I tried tipping it and it worked. I work the bait by banging it off bottom a few times to stir up the silt, then hang it just off bottom. When I see a fish on sonar looking at the lure, I reel the bait up quickly about a foot or more and pause it. If the fish doesn't hit at this point, I work the fish according to the action of the fish on sonar. Most times on most days I will see a lot of fish refuse before a fish commits. Electronics are essential for my success most days unless they are hitting well on tip-ups. Hope this helps! Aaron
  22. I plan on being there with prizes as usual. Aaron Shirley
  23. I will try to make the Fishing For Tyler event as usual. A little early for pre-fishing it though Aaron
  24. Thx. If I didn't just get this new Blackberry, I still wouldn't be able to get on-line much. I work two full-time jobs and look after a demanding baby when I get home. Thank god for the berry, now I can get on-line at breaks while at work Aaron
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