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Everything posted by walleyemen

  1. Hit cabela's, the best gander i've ever been to is in maraquette, but that's a real good drive LOL
  2. Defeniatly get one, i use one and won't trailer with out one, lots of stress on the power trim hydralics with the motor up and it bouncing around or flexing on the transom, they make them for a reason, all the weight of the motor is transfered to the trailer not the transom, what do you suppose would happen if you blow a tire, that trailer will bounce like crazy, i guess it all boils down to preference, but you can never be to safe and it takes seconds to put it on!
  3. Should probally receive it in 4 to 6 weeks if i'm lucky LOL. I will post some pic for sure.
  4. LOL no it's not the lottery but the next best thing, i belong to the north american fishing club for about 7 years now, filled out there live catch and release form and sent in a pick of a smallie i caught last year, editors picked 25 photo's from hundreds and had the club members vote on them, low and behold yesterday i get a registered letter saying i was 1 of the 10 lucky winners who won a $1000 fishing tackle package, i'm blown away!! i never have won anything in my life!I guess i better go out and buy a lottery ticket.
  5. Depending on what type of vechile you own, most newer trucks and vans the computer in the vehcile needs to program itself for the type of driving your doing, this usually takes about 20 min or about 60 miles,, computer makes changes to shift patterns ect to compenssate for the load on the tramsmission, had the same thing happen to me, but it's alway wise to check the wheel bearings and trailer brakes if it has them, you can never be too safe.
  6. glad to see things worked out, and i,ve never had a problem either (knock on wood) LOL
  7. The stores on secord drive LOL Close!Pete was agreat guy , and his wife and employe Brandon have done a great job to keep things going after his passing last year, he is greatly missed, i remember as a lad when i was with a buddy buying his first baitcaster he tookhim outsside out back to the parking lot and showed him how to use it and practise, great man!!
  8. Cliff i sent away and they sent me the one for my area pertaining to the card you bought, shows lots of detailed structure.
  9. Bill you have to tune the eye you tye to on the lip,bending it left , right what ever, tie it on and see how it trails threw the water then tweak it to run true, not very difficult, just a pain somtimes, but neccessary.
  10. LOL tracker has lifetime aswell, if this problem was as serious as people make it out to be i don,t think they'd offer lifetime on the hull.Also no one know's what leads up to these cracks as well, maybe not telling the whole story!!!Sometimes care and common sense are do.I,ve seen some pretty bad boaters in my time and guyz with new boats to boot, i watched a guy back in a dock once in a new crestliner and trashed the trnsome, his reply was oh well it's warrantied!! LOL
  11. Reef runners were smoking for me in lake ontario last spring for lakers , the bare naked was the most productive, although the storm thunder sticks were pretty good as well.
  12. I,ve owned a tracker for 3 years and i like it very much Pro Guide V-16 side console, i fish erie and lake ontario 90% of the time ,never a problem very stable, had a few warranty issues during the first off season, but they followed thru and kept there word, even as much as to drive from Vuaghn to st. catharines, to hand deliver me items personally from the head service manager, they are welded, never had a problem with mine ,but have heard problems with older models when they first started with the welded hull, i searched for 8 months before buying mine, dollar for dollar they are good in price, you might find a better price, but does it come with a fishing package, (fish finder trolling motor and battery, now legend has great prices as well, but a few of my buddies have had problems , cosoles coming loose , gauges falling out ect, still in all they like there boats, i think you'll find everyone has something to say about every boat manufacture out there, boats are like cars , there are lemons! Best advice is pick a boat that suits your needs and your budget, good luck with your purchase, be sure to let us now what ya got!!
  13. Was wondering what guyz were going to opener this year!! Where ya staying! i'll be there with bells on staying at perfect view!
  14. Gerrit great site! Thanks for the link!Godda luv this place!
  15. Blake it's too bad we can't purchase the u.s fishing licences here, i for one spend lots in fishing world and grimsby tackle, and would prefer the one stop shopping , I'm at both at least once a week, always a lure here and there, you guys have better lure and reel selections, lessons learned LOL, only real deals i have ever found are if you go down south, they use different gear and what we use here is usually a clearance item or at discount price, but not all of us are in Arizona or texas, as much as we would like i guess, my hats are off to you guyz for being so competive.
  16. headed over the ditch today to pick up my N.Y state licence, i have to say i was dissappointed, prices were par or more in fact, and the selection was crap, hit dick's sporting goods first then, gander mountain, needless to say the wife and kids spent around $250 plus and i didn't break past $90 and that's counting the $40 for the licence, beleive it or not our prices are in fact better guyz, just a heads up.
  17. i bought my drift sock from there, $58.99 plus taxes in any store and got it shipped to my door for $37.00. great seller tacklehockshop, shipping took awhile but it did make it here, over a week if i remember right, good communication though. What i find also is ,that what your bidding on is from some other inventory in a warehouse, i have purchased from one person only to have it shipped from almost half a country away from the seller.
  18. Give them a try,LOL Ya really hard to find anything unlesss you book early, i booked this year's opener the day i left last year, but Joann may have something available, if she does be smart and send her a deposit, if you wait much longer you won't get anything, i been to many places on opener and i really like this place, friendly clean, great docking and one of the weigh stations is there.good luck. Wayne
  19. I have never stayed a bayview, but will be at perfect view for opner , great place resonable, heat ,fridge stove washroom ,shower, 2 bedrooms ,4 beds plus couch, walk 15 steps out the door and your in your boat, 4 guys with entry fees accomedation and docking for 2 boats for 3 nights works out to about $140 a guy, gas beer, food extra.
  20. I've had noting but bad luck as well now mater what the model, like the other guy said you can see the other persons boat and can't contact them, flat and in the open ,junk i think, i opted for the vhf, work everytime, if you going down can you really reyl on someone hereing you!!spend the extra $40 and go vhf, more piece of mind if you get in trouble!!
  21. mush or grind up the meat, add onions and spices and make laker patties uhmmm amazing!! Great thing about lakers is there is enough oil in the fish to keep them from burning in the pan or on the grill.
  22. BillM try yhe Grimsby tackle booth, i just purchased a st. croix trimph rod, 7' med heavy for $59.99 no tax, they were packing up that day for the show, i believe they have the no tax thing going as well, tax from $200 sure make for upgrading to something better.
  23. I run kumo"s, a cooper take off i think , new31/10.5 for about $100 apiece, kinda look like a michelin, great highway tire and enough for the off road bit, i get about 3 years out of mine, all my trucks i've run a 31/ 10.5 tire and nothing else, even from new, dealership, to the tire shop then home.
  24. Map create is what i use. p.m me and i'll hook you up ,no need to by the program.
  25. i have the exact same boat and i use the scotties, with the flush mount base, ya have to drill, so grit your teeth and do not close your eye's LOL
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