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Everything posted by walleyemen

  1. LOL ya we were in the boat!It's about a km or so away from the top.
  2. After waiting most of the day for the rain to let up , myself and Kevin decided to hit the upper for some smallie action, Kevin managed to go 12 for13 and myself 8 for 10, was a great evining to be out fishing , managed to see another deer on shore again, i guess the deer are our lucky charm LOL.
  3. You'll find the $12 bucks is duty, = to the g.s.t. i get hit once in a blue moon, getting stuff shipped across the border.
  4. Johnnybass if you get another chance to fish the upper for smallies, grab at the chance simply amazing fishing!
  5. Decided to hit the upper niagara river this mornin for some smallies, just as we got around the back side of navy island i spot something big in the water, head over to it and hold and below it's a deer, struggling in the water and looking very dissoriented, so me and splitshot coral her around and point her towards navy island, finally she makes it and walks ahore stopping briefly to look over her shoulder as to say thank you, left us both feeling pretty good, so off to fishnig we go, we hit a nice drift and start banging fish , or i should say Kevin (splitshot11) starts nailing some fish, spent the whole morning drifting the same spot, i went 4 for 7 and Kevin went 14 for 18, great morning for smallies!!
  6. Had the rare occasion of getting to fish with my oldest boy, seems now adays there to interested in girls and a different social life, day started slow but me managed to hit the lower nniagara river and got into a mess of large mouth, went 12 for 20, also saw about 40 gar pike that looked to be spawning, all in all a great day but the best part of it was getting to do it with my oldest son, here's a few pics of the boy out doing the old man!
  7. Thanks for the clarification Jack, we were fishing from the middle of the bottom break wall, there is a 2y painted on the wall, and drifting north east to the little wall by the factory, glad to know we were not in the wrong, at least from i understand from the map, thanks for doing the foot work, still nice to now someone still cares enough to go the extra mile, thanks again ,and we'll have to get out for a fish sometime in your boat or mine! Wayne
  8. Thanks for the reply Jack. Ya it sucks somedays not catching fish, i have 2 of the best fishin buddies around and would not have changed anything that day at all, sometimes it's not all about the fishing but the fun you have doing it, and man my guts are still killing me from laughing so hard all morning long, it's the best theraphy in the world, we've been doing a sunday fish for almost 8 or 7 years now and the only thng that stops us is crappy weather, we usually meet up around 5 a.m and fish till noon, then head home for some familly time.
  9. JAck we checked the regs and it stated 500 metres south which puts us out past the break walls to the left allittle and they have a floating buoy there stating that, If for some resaon we were in the wrong i i personally aplogize as we read the regs quite intensivly, and felt we were o.k where we were, if i felt at all in doubt of where we were i would not have posted, nor would we have fished there, Again if we were wrong i apoligize, but again i feel we were with in our boundaries, heck this was the first time any of us fished our own waters in fear of disturbing any of our local spots, we've been fishing the U.S side till today. Wayne
  10. Well day started out with me with no one to fish with out of my boat, so i went with my two buddies and we had decided to hit erie for some eye's, launch out of port colburne, get just past the break wall and holy crap ,not the wind the weather had forcasted, decided for plan #2 and fished in side the break wall, usually not a very productive place at best, but today it was on fire, we boated 11 of 20 fish with the last being a nice muskie caught by my buddy Kevin, and yes today i couldn' pay to get a fish in the boat, call it bad luck because i wasn't in my boat or what, i lost everything at the side of the boat includding a nice muskie that followed me the hole way, all in all a great day with somme great friend!!! All fish were released quickly especially the musky!!
  11. Sorry to her about your loss.They never can be replaced but i'm sure ther is another one out there that needs you just as much as amy did.
  12. Pflueger, reels work well, i have the trion model and love it, i also have a matrix pinnicle that is just amazing , as well as a quatum accuristII which i don't like much at all, all are new this year, so i can compare them equally, i think the pflueger would make a nice choice for a starter baitcaster, a good rod makes all the difference as well , i would opt for a med action 7 foot one piece, very versatile for most fishing conditions, or med heavy, fast tip of course.Lots of practice in the back yard will help you out with learning to cast it and remember to thumb the spoool, try setting up a pail in the back yard and try casting into it , moving it further away as you get more accurate, this helps the frustration of bird nesting it , also remember to set it up for every different lure weight with the little dial on the right side of it, when releasing the the bail button the lure should drop slow and even and when it touches the ground it should not nest up , if so readjust, hope this helps you and good luck with your purchase.
  13. Just got home this morning and i had to share some pics of my trip with the wife to Bermuda! wihile this was a business trip for my wife i took the time on saturday to go deep sea fishing and man i was glad i did, we managed 10 waho for the day plus one barracuda that was released beside the boat(out of season) and 1 marlin in which i think my friend Teri was very glad broke off! LOLFirst to the chair was myself then Teri and MAtt, and then Teri's buddy(sorry dude i forgot your name, enjoy the pics, i couldn't wait to share them!!
  14. I'll be in Bermuda for father's day and the wife set up a charter fish for me so, i guess that about has it covered, did i mention we will be there without the kids, should be a great trip!
  15. I'll be in Bermuda for father's day and the wife set up a charter fish for me so, i guess that about has it covered, did i mention we will be there without the kids, should be a great trip!
  16. Well it's sat and i have to work, bummer! Weathers nice, get off work at noon , what to do uhmmm, call my buddy Kevin and make plans to fish the upper niagara river on the N.y side for bass, get there around 5 p.m and start out quest for our first of the season bass, Kevin nails a nice one right away drop shotting a poor boy gobie... Drift some more nothing, must have been a lucky fish, so we head over to around the Grand Island bridge and decide to change tactics, this time it's the x-rap , bang Kevin nails another fatty... nothing much after that, took some nice pics of the top of niagara fall on our way back in to chippawa creek, wish i could get back out today but it's mumma's day!!!
  17. Stayed a perfect vue with friends ,Marco, Kevin and George, As usually Quinte did not dissapoint us, wet, windy, and cold, great for walleye fishing, sat we got some nice pike but forgot the camera in the cottage, Sun was our best day as Marco and kevin boated 7 fish and me and George limited out with some nice eaters, Mon was a wash as well, the big boys were tight lipped this weekend, good trip in all ,can't wait till next year!
  18. I just got part 1 of the $1000 in fishing tackle i won from the north american fishing club, thought i would post a pic of what they sent me today, just like x-mas!!
  19. Carl remeber as well the boating safety equipment regs are different as well, you will need a detstress flag, flares and a sound device, check the u.s coast guard site, they have quite a presence on the river
  20. If you have a g.p.s you should be o.k, but i too got the N.y Licence just to be sure and plus i get to fish bass earlier.Try this.... www.dec.ny.gov Click fishing, then freshwater and on the right side of the page you'll see licences. hope this helps ya!
  21. From what i read and can understand all we need different is the flares and sound device? Am i correct in this ?
  22. I got mine a Dick's a few weeks back, pretty painless was very disappointed in Dick's though, not much at all for what i was looking for Gander wasn't much better and the prices were higher for some stuff than they are here, that's why they call it shopping.
  23. Her's a pick of my fishng buddy Red!! Best dog i ever had ,not a mean bone in his body, loves kids nature and best of all me!!I know that sounds kinda selfish , but i bought him from a breeder 6 years ago and sent the wife to go look at him, she couldn't make up her mind, she phoned me and said come down to help her pick a pup, i got there opened the truck door and guess who jumped in .. Red! I told here this is the one, funny thing was he was the only one who was red like his father, and he was supposed to be the wifes dog, but i guess he had other plans.
  24. best bang for your buck, had mine for 2 years , still as good as new.
  25. A trick i i use is sand them down with very fine sand paper, then fill the grooves and cracks in between with wood filler ,sand again and there good as new.
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