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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Well I think your wife should just take me with her, then that solves the whole problem Seriously tho, with a boss like that, you'll only add stress to your life. I'd go if I were you. Joey
  2. Ah, yes Fishergirl, thank you Joey
  3. I believe there was a movie with Jim Carrey in it (the name escapes me right now) where the dog kept doing that in his yard and the neighbours didn't give a crap. So he finally snaps one day and goes over to the neighbours house, takes the newspaper and takes a dump in their front yard while reading the paper. It was classic. You could try that. Joey
  4. WOW. What a great report. Thanks. Joey
  5. Well, no word of a lie, the "worst offender" as mentioned above, has just called for the 10th time!!! If it weren't for her, the phone's would not have rang all day I guess the guilts are really setting in for her Joey
  6. AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! That's painful to see. Now I'll have nightmares tonight, thanks Joey
  7. Hahaha, yep, same here. We have 8 employees. Only two of us in today. The first excuse on the answering maching was the receptionist who just said "I will not be coming into the office today." Then we got the next message from the worst offender here who said "My basement flooded." It appears it takes both her and her husband to stay home for that (bull patootie). And the others just said "I'm working from home." Except for the boss, who said "I'm not coming in, man the fort for me." Joey
  8. That's pretty scary HH. You are very lucky. Did you go buy a lotter ticket yet? Joey
  9. Enjoy your day Rick!!! I came to work and there's only one other person here. The receptionist called in, then the other employees called in, then the BOSS called in. Nobody else is coming. Guess I'll stick it out til I get bored then leave Joey
  10. Saturday at 10:15, don't tell me I have to get out of bed early for you AGAIN! I shall do my best. Joey
  11. That's just nuts man!!! I'm kind of attached to my fingers. Wonder if that will slow down their typing speed at all Joey
  12. This is an interesting post as my family moved out west (Calgary) when I was in Grade 10 because it was booming and my father got a fantastic job offer. The teachers treated us like second class citizens and failed me in almost every grade (I had a b+ average in Ontario prior). The people were friendly but annoyed with us for invading their territory (you may remember the saying that was out there. We were Ontario creeps and bums), and then when the boom ended, they laid my father off and we were screwed. Had to sell the house and move back here because there was no a job to be found there. Destroyed the family for awhile that's for sure. Just my 2 cents worth. Joey
  13. Ooops, double post. DOH! - See how excited I got
  14. Hey that's great. I like when companies appreciate the generosity of the average joe helping out when they need it. Makes me feel all warm and tingly inside Joey
  15. It's that darned Jet Stream, looks like it takes a left turn in Albuquerque!!!
  16. Oh great, no more mail for me again tomorrow Joey
  17. My chatty no workie I'll keep trying. Joey
  18. WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO, And BTW, Tybo posted the voting you off thing above. He's mean Thanks bud. Joey
  19. Jessica DiBen
  20. I'm voting you off!
  21. Dang you guys are fast. Good for you Bill Joey
  22. Nadrofsky Steelers
  23. DANG!!
  24. Rob Hyatt Tiller February 11 269 goals Yes I see the rabbit!!! Okay, I'm ready. Joey
  25. Mmmmmmm, pickerel. What time's dinner B? Great report and its nice to see the big guy getting out with you Joey
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