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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. No kidding that's a biggie!! Would be interesting to track...meaning how many times that monster has been caught and released.
  2. So all those rumours are wrong....you really can fish. lol
  3. This topic is so close to my heart for many reasons and therefore is difficult for me not to comment. I try to keep my personal life private but sometimes you just gotta speak up. I too was a single mom. Yes I was a recipient of "welfare". The goverment/tax payers supported me and my son for 4 years. I qualified for a partial grant and enrolled in a 2 year Diploma Program. I never needed the goverment's assistance again. The sentiment I wish to convey is this.... I made a mistake and I needed help. I had absolutely no assistance given to me outside of the goverment (and I refused to ask). It was no picnic believe me. And the silent and not so silent judgements placed on me and the negative predictions placed on my son were hard to take but the hardest and most challenging struggles for me were...washing the cloth diapers in the bathtub and hanging them up to dry because I could not afford pampers or the laundry mat, and opening the fridge to see a single pickle in a jar .... those were my biggest challenges. We all have a story...in my teenage years I was the most judgmental person you could meet. Life had to knock me down in order for me to truly have compassion for the not so fortunate. I just want to say thank you for helping me. My son, who "they" (mostly professionals) believed would amount to nothing but yet another "welfare bum", is a hard working, brave and dedicated Police Officer with Peel Regional Police. He risks his life everyday for all of us. Sometimes I look back on life and those oh so lonely hard days were my "schooling". I have not been embarrassed nor ashamed about that segment of my life for a very long time. I have a richer understanding of what "hardships" mean and how one has to find their way. By the Grace of God go I.
  4. Just buy your wife the camera...problem solved.
  5. LOL...nice legs...I mean fish
  6. That was great. Glad I came back to watch the video...thought maybe there was something wrong with my computer when I couldn't view it before. Anyhow...you yourself impressed me. I have yet to take a hook out of a fish and here you did it without pliers....I am impressed. lol
  7. I really enjoyed reading your report. Loved the pics too. Especially liked your expression of respect and love for your Dad.
  8. LOL - you are a "braveheart". Not one bit offended...but you should put on sunscreen, both you and you bud are getting pink. Love the tattoo.
  9. AHHHHH!!! What a cute little man!
  10. Good for your crew. Now I just have one question...why do you fry the fish with the heads still attached? Do you eat the heads? I'm being serious...I have never seen that before.
  11. Nice report, ugly carp, cool sunset, very long snake...sounds like you had a great time.
  12. So many close calls in your reports where I'm thinking you lost the fish...you two are great together...but I do agree, they are ugly fish, huge, but ugly.
  13. Loved the blurb and the panfish pic LOL Awesome sunset. And the best is yet to come with your son...
  14. Congrats!!! Was just telling my "man" this morning that I would like a fishing honeymoon. hmmmmm Temagami looks very interesting. Best Wishes.
  15. Probably was a spider bite. Great report and pics. They are not the prettiest fish but sure are huge.
  16. Welcome! I am fairly new myself...I read so much loads of info here and lots of chuckles too.
  17. I have mixed feelings. Many years ago while living in Vancouver...I went to an outdoor rock concert with another girlfriend. We spent all our money and did not have any for the bus fare home. We had to "beg". It was the hardest and most humiliating thing I have ever had to do. I gave up and told her that she would have to do it on her own. She did and after about 30 minutes we had enough for bus fare each. I worked for the Elizabeth Fry Society in Ottawa for 10 years counselling women in conflict with the law. Had a client who would put on old clothes, running shoes with holes and a very light jacket (winter time) - she would sit in front of a busy downtown goverment building early in the morning with her head down and a hat at her feet. People would bring her hot coffee, muffins etc...and within 1 hour or less she had enough to get her that hit of cocaine. I was tempted to do the same and pay off my mortgage sooner...but the Vancouver memory is still there.
  18. WOW!!! Big Fish. You two should fish for $$$$. lol Great report and pics - no need to wish you luck
  19. Such sad news. No doubt you and your brother are missing each other right now. Thank you for sharing your love and your respect for someone so special to your heart. I believe he will visit you, often. And if he liked to play jokes on ya...well...you may find a lure in places you knew they just couldn't be.
  20. Great pics, loved the Eagle...waiting for part 2. Get r pregnant eh!!! Why?
  21. lol Dave, can't wait to come for more either
  22. Halelu'ya!!!! I had my doubts hahaha just kidding. Stubborn or not you are a keeper. Just stop casting in your sleep - I am not a Rainbow...wait...I can pretend. tee hee
  23. Dave...you are giving me competition.
  24. Excellent! See...Dads are quite capable. Are you looking to take a few more with ya lol
  25. If I were closer you bet I would be joining you and your wife...I look forward to meeting both of you one day.
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