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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. That was a fun read. I do like the puffed out chest look. lol
  2. Your son is a little trooper, bet he wasn't giving up on the walk.
  3. Great report and pics. Special of you to go back and get your son and for him to land fish. Thanks for sharing.
  4. What size are you shoes again??? LOL Thanks for the laugh.
  5. That was an excellent report! Great pics too.
  6. Shop...look at men's shoes. haha, sorry couldn't resist, still affected by previous thread.
  7. Much nicer than carp.
  8. LOL - well...hate to spear ya where it hurts...it's both! But as for your passion for fishing...absolutely go for it...but do make time for your schooling. Have you read the thread on HOLIDAYS...be smart about your future and go for as many vac days as you can in your career cuz you are hooked to fishing. lol All the best to you in your studies.
  9. Hey Milty - welcome to OFC - heard much about ya from Bowshep. Enjoy your weekend, looking forward to your report and pics. Oh and don't burn the tent.
  10. Now that's Love! Great job to all involved. How very special you must feel Lew.
  11. Beautiful!
  12. Have been to Lovesick a few times myself but wasn't into fishing then - nice lake. Poor little fishy's head. Have a great time in Vancouver.
  13. So what happened? Are you bathing in tomatoe juice? lol
  14. Welcome! Let's see, pic number#1 could be possible - actually I think it is pic #1. Number 2 you are just too darn happy. And pic #3 nahhhhh. Actually you look so different in each one...but I'll stick with pic #1. Looking forward to more reports. Nancy
  15. Well I am still lower than the average... started at 3 weeks vac, had to work 8 years before I earned 1 more week, and I believe I have to work yet another 8 to earn either part of a week or another full week. I do get the same amount of sick days too but I seldom use them - you just never know. (I work for the government) When I was in the private sector...I started at 4 weeks vac. But then again after working 10 years for the same non-profit agency I was still at 4 weeks and lost numerous sick days as I had banked the maximum. I do feel for my American friends. I am fortunate enough where I am that I am able to work an additional 50 minutes a day (compress hours) and that gives me 2 extra days off every 4 weeks. yyyyaaaayyyyy
  16. What a great read, and pics too. Will be on Lady Evelyn myself in September, so looking forward to it.
  17. Excellent! Very nice fish....enjoyed reading your report
  18. Well you should be! I got in trouble because of you - and most likely will again. Rick, OFC, is great. A sense of humour will add years to your life. Stay and enjoy it....don't fret over the small stuff.
  19. Bowshep (Ken) - is likely sitting in the stands, with a beer in one hand and an umbrella in the other refusing to take No for an answer. Hope it's a go for tomorrow.
  20. Beautiful shots - love the baby birds.
  21. Bluffer, bluffer, bluffer. LOL
  22. Wow Cliff, I really enjoyed that. Played it twice and was "bee bopping". Good stuff and I too am looking forward to the OFC song.
  23. LOL - Great shots.
  24. Awesome report. Great smile on your Dad Troubles or not....what a trip!
  25. I must get me some of those. - great report and pics.
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