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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. Sorry to hear this ... I am upset for all of you. Bloody hell....life can be so cruel. I believe Jennifer has been through quite enough. Makes no sense. Prayer is powerful but I would also like to help monetarily...you know for whatever Wayne. Is there a PO Box or a bank account that I could drop off a little something to help.
  2. I happened upon OFC when I was looking for a man I thought I hit the jackpot....NOT Still havent found a MAN here I wish there were more NF topics....I mean who cares about the fishing topics...why cant there be a different section for those fishing ones....geeze louise (like one of my girlfriends says: call a whambulance) Some know how I got here but few know why I stay.....I guess its a comfort thing, when I see that he is still here and active (just in case some other dip thinks I am speaking of him) - I am comforted
  3. I love blonde men
  4. Oh just start making her breakfast...you know you are whipped!
  5. Congrats....those boys need a sister :-)
  6. Awwww Geeezzz Brian.....are you fighting with your wife again.
  7. Half a dozen of this, half a dozen of that. I fostered children years ago. Very sad to say but some children do not respond to adult sit downs and talking. Some children are troubled. Some children need help. I know this from experience. Fostered a 7 year old, most mixed up little boy I have ever met. He was violent....so violent. I lasted one week short of a year - just couldnt do it anymore - I was worn out, completely. His story is a very sad one, after leaving my home, he went to two others - no other home could handle him more than 2 weeks. Both homes shut down and refused to do anymore fostering. I am not exaggerating -this was one very ill boy - at 7 years of age!!! I was told by CAS that the last home he was in, the police had to be called. Even the police had a difficult time calming this child down. The only thing that worked was placing the little guy in the back of the cruiser and turning the lights and sirens on at the little boys request. The system ended up placing this 7 year old into a group home and heavily medicated him. He would be 16 today. I keep watching for his name in the paper....as much as I hate to admit it....I believe he will seriously hurt someone someday and possibly take a life. Who do I blame....his mother. If she would have backed off, I had a chance with him and he had a chance with me....and I blame CAS for allowing that woman to hurt him time and time again. When an organization such as the Children<s Aid Society fails a child....I have no words that would ever come close to expressing how I truly feel about that. I just get too angry sometimes when I think of that little boy and how we all failed him. You did nothing wrong - hopefully the father will be given some resources on how to deal with his son.
  8. Have you gained weight. hahaha Just teasing ya - I miss doing that. Nice report.
  9. I was watching that without sound anyway maybe I missed something because of that. But your grandaughter is really cute, especially when she appears to be petting the fish. Good little fisher girl there. I just am wondering about the release methods used on some of the fish....never have seen that before.
  10. Thanks everyone. These milestones are giving me a few knocks. I am not sure why. Anyway.....gotta keep going on.
  11. I was 6 years old, living in Mattawa and a huge thunderstorm came through. We were in school and were told to go home. I remember being with my little friend and the lightning and thunder and the rain was so so scary. We held each others hand and started walking the 8 blocks home. At first we started laughing, then we began crying and then I peed my pants. There were other kids around us walking home too but it truly was my first experience outside in a thunderstorm and I was more than scared. I thought I was going to get in trouble for soiling my pants but then the thought came to me that who would know....I was already soaking wet.
  12. It was a beautiful wedding. One that almost did not take place. My son was in a serious car accident a few weeks ago and needed the jaws of life to get him out. Months ago I had been working on a little something to say at the reception but had put it away because I felt it sounded too much like I was at his funeral. When the accident happened I knew that should I ever find myself at his funeral, I would not be able to say a word for the grief would be too heavy. So, three days before his wedding I wrote him this poem. BRIAN All alone and quiet, one August Summer Night I was 7 months pregnant, with no future in sight Not a penny did I have, not a friend in my tracks I turned to God and I surrendered....Brian, I gave you back October 30th you were born, I thought I was going to die Not just from the pains of birth, but from facing up to a lie I had already given you back; my heart had turned to stone Once again I went to God and I no longer felt alone Your Heavenly Father and I, well....we go into it I was scared to keep you, but He told me not to quit I had no place to go to; He said trust in My Son And so I had to go on faith, for he chose me, to be your Mom There have been a lot of people, over the years that have come to us But especially so, those first 5 years, when it was all about trust First to come was My brother Michael, who still brings us so much love Darlene came soon after, whom I believe was sent, from up above Not long after that, I met your Dad, who gladly adopted you The Moore Family welcomed us, and all things became new You were after me for quite some time, to give you a little brother You named him Tyler, and your love for him, I saw was like no other You know the rest, which brings us here on your wedding day I still remember that phone call, for this is what you had to say Mom....shes so beautiful, shes so BEAUTIFUL I gotta have her Mom, I so need for her to stay You truly are beautiful Priscilla; your spirit is oh so kind I couldnt be happier to welcome you, right now, at this time You surely do love Brian; I remember our talk one night Your eyes gave up tears of love; I knew you were just right I thank God for all that has happened, for keeping you both safe And bringing us all together, so we could all celebrate I wish you both much happiness, much love and tenderness Please know that you have family, one of lifes greatest gifts.
  13. done....was that GCD on the boardwalk - well done.
  14. Raspberry Pie
  15. That was a really nice read. Love the pictures and your sense of humour. Maybe its an age thing, or maybe an attitude adjustment.... whatever it is....clearly you are proud of your family, you love your wife and you are a good friend to many.
  16. Never knew there was more to that one...
  17. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck If a wood chuck could chuck wood My son loved learning that one....
  18. At 85 years of age, Roger married Jenny, a lovely 25 year old. Since her husband is so old, Jenny decides that after their wedding she and Roger should have separate bedrooms, because she is concerned that her new but aged husband may over exert himself if they spend the entire night together. After the wedding festivities Jenny prepares herself for bed and the expected knock on the door. Sure enough the knock comes, the door opens and there is Roger, her 85 year old groom, ready for action. They unite as one. All goes well, Roger takes leave of his bride, and she prepares to go to sleep. After a few minutes, Jenny hears another knock on her bedroom door, and it is Roger. Again he is ready for more >action<. Somewhat surprised, Jenny consents for more coupling. When the newly weds are done, Roger kisses his bride, bids her a fond good night and leaves. She is set to go to sleep again, but aha you guessed it - Roger Is Back again rapping on the door, and is as fresh as a 25 year old, ready for more <action<. And, once more they enjoy each other. But as Roger gets set to leave again, his young bride says to him, I am thoroughly impressed that at your age you can perform so well and so often. I have been with guys less than a third of your age who were only good once. You are truly a great lover, Roger!! Roger, somewhat embarrassed, turns to Jenny and says: You mean I have been here before*! The moral of the story: Do not be afraid of getting old, Alzheimers has its advantages.
  19. Beautiful animals....excellent shots. Brave Man!
  20. Cant say that I would want a glassy eyed, stinky alcohol breath person looking at my feet....what if they start sucking on my toes!!! I could accidentally kick him in the mouth and knock out some teeth. Work is work, play is play. And as sad as it is for those 13 families...what in heck were those men thinking!!! Every now and then there needs to be a big wake up call....but some will never wake up...until its too late.
  21. Very nice
  22. Finally someone gets it! :Plol Nice fish....congrats to both of you.
  23. Very nice....congrats and wishing you both good health and much happiness.
  24. Thank the good Lord you came to your senses.....this is exactly why I am not a lesbian....stick with your own sex and avoid those dirty dirty females....wishing you many hours of flatulating the ABCs with your buds....I can make it to L Sorry, but men who whine about women are missing their Mommy.
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