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Tarzan's Jane

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About Tarzan's Jane

  • Birthday 06/30/1961

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    Ottawa South

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  1. Simple superb! Wonderful to see you looking so great Jen. I went and picked up a DVD made by one of the trainers on the TV program "The Biggest Loser". The workout was all of 20 minutes (level 1) consisted of cardio, strength and abs. It was brutal...I had difficulty walking for the next few days...even lowering myself to sit on the potty was painful. I absolutely hate every second of it....haven't done jumping jacks since highschool....the only part I like is the "cooling down". But I'll stick to it....if you can do all that, I can certainly "feel the burn" for 20 minutes a day. Anyhow...I just wanted to say hello and tell you how excited I am for you. Thanks for sharing Jen's story Wayne. I'll just give you an update on my Pops. He passed away February 18, 2012. I was by his side and I was just so relieved for him when he finally left. Two days later, he came to me in my dream and asked me to not speak about his final hour anymore. He went on to say that his life was more than that last 60 minutes. And so I will honour his request and I have much comfort knowing he is home and that I will see him again. Although I will say this...the night before he passed....he told the nurse, "I've been seeing people that I haven't seen in a long time." Then he asks the nurse "Am I still here?" (He thought he had already passed.) Take care and God Bless
  2. I'm so happy for Jen, you and the rest of your family. I've been pre-occupied with my own family heartache but when OFC comes into mind I think of Jen and the relief I feel for all of you. Just a little update on my Pops. He is terminal. The morphine is helping....for now. And the anti-depressants, I believe, are helping him to cope. I'm not too sure though as I have fears about what's to come. I can only ask God to please have mercy on him. But hearing and see Jen doing so well is super news! God Bless.
  3. needs to get off the computer - big storm! Later....

  4. I think the toughest call would be the one where you disregard the needs of your family only to wake one day with the knowledge that some other man has taken over. Take care and protect that which you hold the most dear to your heart. 5 years is nothing - time really does fly. Enjoy your girls - enjoy your wife. All the best.
  5. An ordinary phone until you can pay for anything more should suffice. Don't pay the bill Dad. I'm just being nasty because my 17 year old wants a BB and I am NOT paying for any of it....I told him to get a second job.
  6. I enjoyed that....your son looks so much like you! Nice pics!
  7. Bloody hell....I feel so bad for you. I hope something special happens which will allow you to get yet another camera.
  8. Very nice pics....don't get rid of your camera!
  9. Thanks so much everyone....it truly is a comfort knowing that others are praying for him.
  10. Hi everyone, I would like to hold my Pops up and into your thoughts. He is so ill with stage 3 lung cancer. He finished 33 radiation treatments the end of June. Had two more chemotherapy sessions left this month but the doctor cancelled them. I had taken two weeks off work to help with the driving to his radiation treatments, I thought it was working. I went to visit him last weekend and oh my God I can't get out of my mind what I saw on his back. Brutal, just brutal. He has a burn from the radiation the size of a dinner roll plate I'm guessing 8" in diameter. His skin is purple and red and peeling. I don't want to think that he isn't going to make it - but I need to get ready. I don't think he weighs 90 lbs....they are to start him on oxygen. His eyes are different....it's like life is leaving him. I was told last night that he will be going into care August 2, 2011. I am hopeful that he will come back home. He is only 68 years young. Please say a prayer for Gary. Thanks Nancy
  11. I'll trade ya my 17 year old know it all. Very sweet little man you have there.
  12. Hi Cliff... If I could turn back time...would you be my Daddy?
  13. Excellent news....I feel so happy for all of you. Jen - You Go Girl!!
  14. I too have been away but thought of Jen a lot. Thank you Jesus. What a relief! Jen is special and is needed here. Wishing you a very successful recovery Jen.
  15. That was a fun read! Love the pics and videos especially the last video - the look on your face is priceless!! Great that you had Mike as your guide - what a nice looking young man. Very nice holiday you both had - thanks for sharing.
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