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  1. maybe you can poison the whole canal... the asian carp has it in lock down so all the other species are dead anyways. kill them all and reintroduce the native species back. i'm no expert so I know if my idea is stupid or legit.
  2. well said Dave. Not having a license with you and not having one at all is totally different, why should the ticket be the same amount. Hopefully they'll change their rules about it in the future cause right now it does seem like a cash grab.
  3. a CO can't fine you for beer + fishing. But he can fine you for Beer + ATV/snowmobile
  4. Really? I thought as long as they think you are fishing (judging by seeing you with all the gear) they can searching all your stuff including boat and car.
  5. Never had a problem with a CO. doesn't matter if it's a derby, a guy fishing with his buddy, group of people renting a hut, the CO should check us all. And as many have said already, if you're following the rules, nothing for you to be worried about.
  6. I doubt they will just let will sail and cabela's take all their business. I know many people from Barrie make the trip down to Vaughn to get stuff (and everywhere else) Kickingfrog, do you know where the 2 stores they are building will be?
  7. never said it wasn't. The point I was making was that people that are more in tune with grammar will tend to over analyze sentences causing the confusing stated in the OP. Also the confusing from my post and yours.
  8. is it the comma that is after "18 years old" confusing? If anything, it's people who don't speak English that will understand this clearly. For us folks who speak English well and have taken grammar classes, the wording is confusing!
  9. Cold calls from the dealership itself is a surprise! I wonder if they're going to go back to 90's sales tactics are bring their cars door to door asking you to test drive it on the spot. haha i wouldn't pick on or hassle the employee making the calls. They're just doing their job to put food on their table. Pretty sure those are minimum wage jobs too. Sure, it's annoying as heck, and I want to annoy them back, but if you take a step in their shoes, they don't want to call you either, they're paid to by the higher ups. I just say i'm not interested and if they keep pressuring I hang up.
  10. try dave's fish huts. They operate more than a dozen huts and I doubt they're all filled at any given time. They charge $45 per person. That easily covers the ride out and a bucket of minnows. They really chills so I think it shouldn't be a problem if you want to go solo. I hear you when you say buddy always flopping. Hard to find a few friends that love fishing as much as we do.
  11. It's a shame what our society has come to. They have turned on the faith that has lead our countries to what it is today. Seem's like everybody's just looking out to be politically correct than keeping it real.
  12. nice pictures. did you make or purchase that bird feeder?
  13. I feel exactly the same way you do. It doesn't matter what they promise, who ever gets elected does two things, screwing us over and doing nothing about it. The next election will be to vote for the party that will be involved in the least amount of scandals.
  14. 1 guy died in that. It's crazy. People coming out of their cars assessing the situation and the pile up is still going on.
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