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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. No. That 2pm start last weekend was too good to pass up with a 5 year old who's bedtime is 8-8:30. Too much spring cleaning to do before the lakes open up for fishing now.
  2. Some guy brought a train horn. Darn near crapped myself when he gave it a blast. This wasn't some boat airhorn, this thing sounded just like a train.
  3. I understand the symbolism but Poachers aren't going to care if they have their licences revoked.
  4. Nope. There is always hockey to watch. The Colt's game last night was a barnburner. I'm still a little hoarse.
  5. I understand former players taking these type of jobs. They've been highly competitive their entire lives and then they retire. They miss the rush. As to the teams that give them jobs when they have zero experience??? Inbreeding.
  6. Goal of the year candidate? The first shot doesn't show much, but wait for the close-up. http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/gotta-see-it-incredible-geoff-platt-goal-lokomotiv-gagarin-cup-khl/
  7. Should have figured Costco would have good prices. Thanks.
  8. Where do you find the best prices for Marine batteries?
  9. Just because someone can put the puck in the net doesn't mean they can run a NHL team.
  10. Greening's bay (just a few bays up from you Bernie) at the bottom end was showing signs of opening soon on Sunday. There was a flock of geese there and I swear they were jumping on the ice trying to break it open.
  11. It's a start. They do migrate and since the greatlakes mostly froze over this year any that would have normally stopped there would have had to move farther south. Don't know about the taste, but other fishy tasting critters are eaten so lets have at it. Cormorant recipes anyone? I'm guessing a lot of bbq sauce might be needed.
  12. Yes and no for me. I like watching the older games 60's through the 80's for nostalgia but the quality of players, from 1st line to 4th, is higher now. The water ski era mid/late 90's through early 00's was, and is, painful to watch. Kids in junior hockey have puck skills that even the best nhl players from a short while ago just marvel at. Remember when most NHL teams had one big shooter? Now most junior players shoot like only a handful of pros could only 20-30 years ago. (Yes, the sticks play a role but there is more to it as well). I also miss the days when goalies had to make saves. Now it's: move into position, drop to knees, shrug shoulders, repeat. Off to the Colt's game...
  13. 6 years is not "quite a while ago". It's 5 regular season and one bettmen sized one. That's not long, and at the time you said you were not a fan. But what do I know?
  14. Fans can pick their teams however they want, whenever they want and change as often they want. However, to then run your mouth about consecutive play-offs made And claiming long term fandum you are going to eat your words.
  15. Why would we now believe you??? Posted 13 April 2008 - 10:35 PM I dont really like the Red Wings, but they will score tons, and go far.(At least I hope so!!! ) --- Stoty --- http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17868&hl=wings&page=3
  16. If I remember right, someone went long on the wings back when they won their last cup. At the start of the playoffs he said he wasn't a fan, just thought they were going to go far. Now he shows when they make the playoffs in the east in the last weeks of the season. For those keeping score at home, the wings haven't won since and have a some spectacular collapses. "Favourite" team change coming in 4, 3, 2.....
  17. Forgot I was talking to the participation generation. Everyone gets a ribbon.
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