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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDi....aspx?e=2242415 ICE-BREAKING OPERATIONS MIDLAND -- An American icebreaker will be in Midland Harbour next week to clear a shipping channel. From Monday until Thursday, U.S. Coast Guard cutter Mobile Bay will clear a path for various vessels into Georgian Bay. Anglers, snowmobilers and other recreational enthusiasts who frequent the harbour are being "strongly advised" to remain clear of the icebreaker's tracks, because it will cause hazardous and unstable ice conditions.
  2. How about a Banana Slug? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_slug Maybe the University of California, Santa Cruz needs another mascot? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of...nia,_Santa_Cruz
  3. Rednecks only know how to make a left turn.
  4. Ouch, a hockey insult from a yanke. We'll file that with the winter driving tips.
  5. That explains why you're as soft as the water you fish.
  6. Sooooo? Are you saying Drifter016 is old? Or BillM ??????? Fish fish!
  7. French press and grind your own. ...Soon to be on a top ten things that sound dirty, but aren't.
  8. It's hockey in Canada, if the team wins gold, all is good. If the team doesn't get gold, they are bums. '98: Gretzky sits during shoot-out, team loses= wrong decision. '02: Mario is too old, team wins= right decision. '06: Sid stays home, team loses= wrong decision It is a TEAM, you can't just take the 23 best players.
  9. Now you just need the temp to drop to 60 degrees to use it.
  10. Leaving Barrie Wednesday 8am. Here's the map: http://www.vancouver2010.com/more-2010-inf...nteractive-map/
  11. I had the honor to carry the torch when it was in Barrie in 1988. Now almost 22 years later it was back and I shared it with my soon to be 1 year old son. I wonder what will happen in the next 22 years? We were right by the DQ on Bradford St.
  12. If it matters, the Olympics are from Feb 12-28.
  13. I'm looking to get a float reel engraved for a Christmas gift, but I have a few questions: Should I even bother? Is there a chance that the engraver could wreck the reel? Any tips I can pass on to the engraver to ensure this doesn't happen? Anybody in the Barrie area that you would recommend? Thanks for taking the time.
  14. The article is below but I also would like to add these tips: Treat snow shoveling as a workout, warm-up (start with some easy snow), pace yourself (don't leave the crap from the plow at the end of your driveway for the end when you are tired), cool down after with some lighter shoveling or go for a short walk to allow your heart rate to gradually slow down (ever see how many fit people collapse (and die in some cases) at the end of a long grueling running race? In the end is a clear driveway worth your life? Pay a neighbourhood kid to do it. KF Link: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nation...article1406302/ The secrets to safe snow shoveling: a light load, 12 to 15 strokes a minute Although few outside the world of engineering would appreciate its subtleties, shovelling snow involves a complex set of physical and mechanical interactions From Saturday's Globe and Mail Published on Friday, Dec. 18, 2009 10:47PM EST Last updated on Saturday, Dec. 19, 2009 3:09AM EST The I-Shovel Autonomous Robotic Snow Shovel is programmed to spring into action the moment snow begins to fall. It is equipped with a digital brain and a plastic scoop, and it works until the flurries stop, oblivious to fatigue or depression. It sounds like every Canadian's dream – and for the moment, that's all it is. The I-Shovel exists merely as a working prototype in search of investors. That means most of us will be trudging out to our driveways this winter, armed with little more than a primitive tool that traces its origins to the Pharaohs: the shovel. Although you can dress it up with bent handles, polycarbonate blades and even a wheel – as the makers of a version called the Wovel have done – the snow shovel is a model of simplicity. But that doesn't mean we know how to use it. “Technique is important,” says Andrew Drewczynski, an ergonomist at the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. “But most people don't know anything about it. They just go out there and start flailing away.” . Although few outside the world of engineering would appreciate its subtleties, shovelling snow involves a complex set of physical and mechanical interactions. Holding the shovel too high on the shaft, for example, results in decreased leverage, overloading the arm muscles. Excessive bending at the waist overworks the torso by moving the lifted weight further from the body's centre of gravity. By outfitting shovellers with heart-rate monitors and digital strain gauges, researchers with the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety Center for Safety Research in Massachusetts learned that poor technique is both inefficient and hazardous. Their results were published in a 2001 paper titled The Effect of Technique and Shaft Configuration in Snow Shoveling on Physiologic, Kinematic, Kinetic and Productivity Variables. The researchers concluded that a bent-handle shovel design can reduce back strain by allowing a shoveller to stand more upright. Other experts have come to different conclusions, deciding that a straight-handled shovel optimizes leverage by allowing a greater range of lower hand positions. By analyzing the technique of professional shovellers such as grave diggers and construction workers, ergonomic experts have learned that the secret to efficient shovelling is moving a relatively light load at the correct rate. For most people, the ideal load of snow per shovel-full is five to seven kilograms. Each shovel stroke should take four to five seconds, or 12 to 15 strokes per minute. Although the greatest theoretical efficiency is achieved at 18 to 21 strokes a minute, this is an Olympic-type standard, unsustainable for all but the most powerful and well-conditioned. How far you throw the snow is also crucial. After extensive studies, experts have generally concluded that the optimal throw distance is about one metre. Mr. Drewczynski says many people bring a deeply flawed approach to the task of shovelling snow. “They don't like doing it, so they try to get it over with as fast as they can. They overload the shovel and they try to work too fast.” Another common mistake Mr. Drewczynski sees is improper equipment application – like using a wide, plow-style shovel to lift and throw loads of snow. For digging and moving snow, most people should use a light shovel with a relatively small blade. Mr. Drewczynski says many consumers are seduced by elaborate new shovel designs. But he believes in sticking with the tried and true: a straight-handled shovel with a properly sized blade and a D- or T-shaped handle on top. “The shovel is a very old tool,” he says. “The best design has emerged over time and it's not easy to improve. The majority of the new designs I see are just marketing gimmicks. People already have a shovel, so companies are always dreaming up ways to sell them another one.”
  15. Thanks for the reminder. Now I'm headed for the basement to check my card, I'll spend the next 2-3 hours down there fiddling with tackle, instead of getting things ready for tomorrow's Christmas brunch. After that, I'll come up for dinner and realize that I got side tracked by all the shiny lures and forgot to check my license, at which point the whole process will repeat itself. Thanks a lot.
  16. Cold and still last night. 9am today the Bay was flat and still with lots of mist rising off of it. We'll see what the next few weeks bring.
  17. Then by all means move 3 miles south and become one.
  18. I'm with you Rick, this is the first I've seen of this video.
  19. I use a swivel sometimes when I'm jigging and my mono or flouro leader is not more than 18inches long or so. It can be hard on your tip top eye if you reel the swivel into it, and I hate casting with a lot of line hanging off the end of my rod tip.
  20. http://www.nhl.tv/team/console.jsp?id=53979 If the link doesn't work you can find it on the NHL's web site.
  21. A surgeon's knot is one you can use if the lines are not similar in diameter.
  22. Ah, no mention of a yearly salary, just an hourly wage. No mention of 40 hours a week, or 52 weeks a year either. More folks getting mad about crap that may not exists, worry about facts and things you can change.
  23. Not sure if you are familiar with this site: http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/topo/map I'm sure someone must sell hard copies in your area.
  24. Physical hockey is great. Thugs, goons and cheap shot cowards take away from the speed, talent and skill that make the game special.
  25. That's not hockey, and never was, maybe someday we will be able to live that era down.
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