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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. It is. It is also lesson in geoeconomics. If you chose not to understand one, the other is going to appear to be smoke and mirrors.
  2. While you're agitating, price out heart surgery and cancer treatment while you are at it. Shop around can you can get good deals for those.
  3. higher minimum wage health care available to everyone higher employer costs small population (relative) huge geographical area Doesn't mean I like paying more, or that we are not getting hosed on some prices, but there are some legitimate reasons for a price difference.
  4. Hard to beat brookies. I made the mistake of having a photo of a brookie on fb. Many of my "friends", who do not fish and some who do, thought is was absurd that I had posted such a small fish. Some people just don't get it... and never will... all the more stream for the those who do.
  5. Wonder what dear old dad thinks of the video of his son trying to light the rag in the gas tank, and when that doesn't work, he takes the flaming rag and throws it into the cop car. Having said that, I know there were times that my father defended me to the very end outside of our house , but he kicked my butt inside of it . Though it was nothing like attempting to set fire to a cop car
  6. Definitely the autofocus is the culprit, but understanding how your aperture settings influence depth of field would help as well. I can't explain it well enough in print, (or I too lazy on a Friday night to try) but I would think that you could find some information on line.
  7. This teen steps in when an adult is driving drunk. http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3174090 Barrie teen helps police curb drunk driver 'He hit the car so fast it was like a pebble on a road' By IAN MCINROY, Barrie Examiner Updated 9:45pm June 16 James Sanna isn't used to seeing big SUVs bouncing off the curbs of his east-end Barrie neighbourhood. After watching a Chevrolet Tahoe slam into a parked car on Codrington Street Wednesday night and push it like "a pebble on a road," he quickly dialled 911 to alert Barrie city police. It didn't take long for Sanna, 19, to figure out the driver — who fled the scene when his vehicle finally came to a stop — was impaired. "I saw (the SUV) go on a curb and off a curb and I ran towards it while it was still in motion and saw it hit the Golf," he said from his Codrington Street home. "He hit the car so fast it was like a pebble on a road. The way it impacted, it must've been going 80 kilometres per hour." Barrie police Const. Toni Dufour could not confirm how fast the truck was going in the 50 km/h zone when it struck the car. "I know that the impact was strong enough to cause both vehicles to mount the curb and come to rest on the front lawn of a residence," she said. When the motorist was exiting his vehicle, Sanna's suspicions were confirmed. "He got out of the truck. As he opened his door a beer can fell out." Sanna says the Tahoe "was smoking like crazy" so he jumped inside to turn off the ignition. But he had concerns about possible occupants in the Golf, which was badly damaged. "At the time, I didn't know if anyone was in the car," he said, adding he when police arrived, he pointed them in the direction the driver fled. Officers cornered him not too far away near the bottom of Puget Street at Shanty Bay Road East. A 37-year-old man was returned to the police station to provide breath samples which — according to police — showed he had four times the legal limit of alcohol is his system. Barrie police are commending Sanna's actions. "This citizen notified the police service of a criminal act in progress and stayed in the area to ensure police located the suspect," Dufour said. "Because of this citizen's actions, police were able to attend the scene and arrest the suspect quickly, ensuring no loss of evidence." Sanna said he was following his conscience when he decided to call 911 and investigate the scene prior to police arriving. "It was the right thing to do, I hope everyone would do the same thing. I just don't like drinking and driving," he said. "My family — my mom — all use this road. He could've been driving down this street and hit me (instead)," Sanna said. "When it comes to cars, you shouldn't be doing that. It's a two-ton vehicle. "If you don't learn you never learn. If he didn't get caught he'd be back driving drunk next week." As a driver in Ontario, you are allowed to use your cell phone while operating a motor vehicle if you are calling 911 as a result of an emergency, Dufour said. "It is important that citizens call police and report situations like this one. When police and the community work together, it makes Barrie a safer place for everyone," she said. [email protected]
  8. I contend that very few of the 19000 people inside the arena had anything to do with the mayhem outside on the streets. And Vancouver lost game 7 in '94 in NYC.
  9. Calgary (2004) and Edmonton (2006) lost the cup in 7 games and this level of destruction did not happen.
  10. You'd think a goalie had never played a big role in his team winning the cup. :blahblah1:
  11. Thanks Burt. The single note you play is old and tired bob. Toyoto had nothing to compare for what I wanted/needed. If they had I would have driven it because they do a good job.
  12. Ha Ha. Auto correct. I meant to use too and two.
  13. Has someone already said: The same place I've been going for the last month? Have fun, stay safe. Bass opener doesn't hold the same appeal for me as the others. I guess most of it has to do with the fact that I've been out on, or next to, open water for a couple of months at least by the time bass opens here.
  14. Your just going to have to relax their bud. That one and a dozen others drives me nuts as well.
  15. I used language like that once, I didn't have the time to sensor myself and was courious to see what I thought was an automatic program would turn my phrase into. I was a very suprised to see that it went unchanged right to the board. It did serve its purpose by drawing attention to what I thought was an offensive statement. Not one of my finer moments. I did also receive a pm from a mod about my behaviour as well.
  16. Someone really needed to tell the bozos in the booth that Seidenberg was sliced by Thomas' skate. How many times did they show the replay? And they still had no clue. "He grabs his knee, after he bangs it on the ice." Two villages are missing their idiot. Craig Simpson is the second best sports personality in his family. I am indifferent to the winner (although the van fans and the commentators are becoming insufferable) I want entertainment, so I am happy with seven games.
  17. Exactly my problem with the one brand we are considering. To top it off, what I want is a little hard to come by anyway.
  18. Suppose you buy a car from a brand dealer in one city. Can you regular/warranty repairs done at a brand dealer (same company) in another city? Believe me, I would rather buy from the dealer closer to home, but some things are beyond control.
  19. Getting close on pulling the trigger on a new car purchase. I know some of the does and don'ts, but thought I'd hit-up the wealth of knowledge here. In your past experience what things have you found dealers willing to haggle over?
  20. ... and some flyboy dropped in on him, then posted the photos on the net.
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