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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. ^That was a joke by the way. Just so someone doesn't think that there is some sinister plot at the pvr manufacturer. Or that my wife doesn't know how to use the pvr.
  2. On a side note, my wife set the pvr to record the new season of The Biggest Loser and so far all she's had is habs and sens games.
  3. That's the closest, longest I've been to a deer myself. He'll expect me to now track one down every time in the bush.
  4. Entertaining as heck, and I (and most fans) want more of it, but the coaches do not. The smaller goal pads help with a few between the legs and/or by the skates.
  5. Ya, light blue with tractors wouldn't have been my first choice, but his feet stayed dry.
  6. I had no intention of going hunting today. The forecast was rain and thundershowers and there is still lots of leaves on the tress. But after eating a late breakfast the weather looked good enough to try an outing. My son will be 5 this winter and I didn't think he would be ready (or I wasn't) for him to go grouse hunting this fall. He's been grilling me about hunting and hunting season for the last few weeks and after much inner, and outer, deliberation it was decided that this fall would be his first trip. On the way there the questions were flying even faster then normal, hard to believe given the Gatling gun pace that 4 year olds are capable of. Rule number one of course was gun safety and that was all my job. Rule number 2 was be quiet… He's 4…. I had my doubts. Snacks packed, we set off on the trail. He was great at not talking on the trail, however how someone who is less than 50lbs can make so much noise is beyond me. He did do well at picking up his feet when I told him and that would last for a bit. We flushed a bird that we never could have seen. Short time later he was hungry so we stopped for a granola bar, an apple and some water. I was on guard duty to make sure any grouse didn't eat his snack . It's been a long time since my first trip in the woods with my dad and I wondered if I had asked him to watch out for grouse that might try to steal my lunch those many seasons ago. To make it home for dinner it was time to turn around shortly after. We hadn't gone too far back yet when I realized that I was staring right at a deer that was staring right back at me. I was sure she would be gone before I was able to get Ryan's attention but she just stood there, watching us, watching her. After a bit she went back to feeding and even came closer. I figured I could chance it so I dug out my phone and snapped some photos. Less then 20 metres. We talked back and forth and the deer just kept on eating and watching us. I didn't want to leave but since the deer seemed to have no intention of leaving anytime soon it was up to me to end this close encounter, dinner would be waiting and that was all Ryan needed to hear. The walk back was uneventful. Ryan was sleeping before we were on the graded road. One grouse flew across the road but the land was not public. We'll be back.
  7. I'll be going dark here for a few hours while the game is on. PVRs are great, I haven't watched a commercial in years. Saturday night, is hockey night.
  8. Lots of boats out on K bay the last week or so. I'm sure the perch derby has contributed to the numbers some as well as the nice weather.
  9. Starting the season on the road is not necessarily a bad thing but going back to back nights on the road in different cities and the both hosts having their opening night ceremonies and coming out with 4 points and not giving up any is better then most would have hoped for, or expected. Still 80 to go.
  10. Every list of "biggest play-off flop", "choke" and "meltdown" begins, and ends, with teams that were up 3-0 in games and then lose the series 4-3.
  11. I've been kicking around what to get myself. I've been using my dad/brother's 10/22 but I want my own. It will be a bolt action but other than that I haven't narrowed it down much.
  12. Isn't cute how the habs let the peewees skate on the ice before the game.
  13. See above. No hockey expert would ever say he is one of the most complete players in the game as you have proven by stating he is. An argument could be made that in one half of the ice Stamkos is one of the best players in the game. I would counter that he not enough of a passer to qualify as the best, but I would listen. He is a star. He is someone who sells tickets (not in Florida). He is the type of player any team would want to have. He may play a key role in the Olympics for Canada. He is, however, not a complete player. It is unlikely he ever will be. That's not a knock on him, just on anyone foolish enough to try to declare that he is. Maybe if you spent less time figuring out how to come up with put-downs worthy of a school yard hair pulling fight you understand things a little better. However we'ed all miss the car wreck quality that you bring to things here.
  14. And that right there is why no one has any respect for anything you have ever said.
  15. They know how to resolve this issue. They have chosen not to.
  16. Ya, thick is one way to put it. They'll start to drop soon.
  17. I think I had a similar thing when I tried my Lowrence after using a hummingbird. I needed to go into settings (or something similarly labled) and choose Central Ontario or some such.
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