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Everything posted by bman32

  1. I only use Super Slick for my musky reels. 65 lbs Timber Brown. Never had any problem with it.
  2. I listen to a project in high school on Millhaven and Sainte Anne des Plaines, both are built off identical plans with a SHU added (special handling unit) basically 23 hour solitary confinement. They represent our Max security prisons replacing Kingston Pen. and i remember hearing that the guards are armed with C7 assault rifles on patrol vehicles
  3. Can't really build a prison to be impossible to break into. They are designed to not be broken out of. I'm assuming guard towers with automatic rifles would ruin a helicopters day. Not like the civilian models are armoured.
  4. I wish there was a government website where all 3 parties could post their own information regarding their platform. Any one of my friends have no idea what a candidate supports except what they glean from the attack ads
  5. No kidding I couldn't care less about these two teams. I just dislike NY more so I'm hoping they get swept out the door. However there is a problem if your watching the cup finals and a team has won in 4. Ranger are supposed in theory to represent the best in the east
  6. Bought 2 of those stinger bug zappers from costco, its the only thing that stops us from being eaten alive at the cottage
  7. Yes sir good call.
  8. When the ipad is synced and i mean synced as in "iphone hotspot" it allows the wifi only ipad to use the iphones gps functionality and then i dont need to go buy a external receiver. I didnt buy the 3G model tablet, because i only use it at University and wifi is plentiful. But if you do have the 3G model then you're correct, no cellular data connection is needed. Syncing the phone allows me to get around the wifi only problem. The sync also allows any iMessages and emails can pop up on my ipad, instead of pulling out my phone to see the message. Basically just working with the tools i have haha
  9. App works well when you sync your cell phone to your tablet. My Ipad is in a waterproof case so i can lay it by my feet.
  10. The West will still steamroll the winner of the east regardless. If a strong talented team starts pouring shots on Lundqvist, hes going to give up goals. Just look at Team Canada vs Sweden.
  11. Sail has crimping kits near the musky lures. Might be easier to crimp such heavy line.
  12. They're going to start burning pictures of him.
  13. Nice dinner plate sizes, looks like you guys had fun
  14. Yeah we are across the shore from the twin islands outside of nogies creek. Our dock normally sits about 1.5-2 feet out of the water. If we had it in it would be completely submerged by a foot.
  15. Here is another funny one from Dude Perfect. Same guys that do the crazy trick shots. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_a7AZbJGNM
  16. I did a couple of those, the hard lures are pretty sweet but you end up with a lot of sample packs of soft plastic creatures.
  17. I'll agree that Bernier is better than Remier but he shouldnt be on team Canada. Leafs had an easy first half schedule, now with tougher teams in the second half they are going to start losing games. Bernier won't be as good with a higher voulme of shot coming on net, especially in the olympics when everyone is a high calibre player. Mike Smith was a solid choice, i'm glad he was chosen. I wouldnt hesitate to throw him in net if Price starts to waver.
  18. Right on man, I was contemplating using my pin too for shore fishing
  19. Steam whistle a great Toronto beer, love going on tours there. It was refreshing to learn they used caledon spring water and not lake O.
  20. Thanks for all the replies and the welcome. St. Croix seems very popular and I will definitely look into the tackle industries,I have a 7'6 mh xf crucial flipping stick, I wasn't too sure if that would be the wrong rod for a musky, considering its more of a bass rod, and if a good sized musky would over power it
  21. I'm looking at investing in a new rod for musky fishing up in the Kawarthas. From what i gathered a 8'6 Extra Heavy, Moderate Fast to Fast rod is somthing i should be looking for? I primarily want to throw spinnerbaits, like Mepps Musky Killers, and some hardbaits. I'm a pretty tall guy, 6ft+ so rod length isnt really a concern. I'm not really into trolling around, mostly throwing lures. Any prefered brand?
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