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Everything posted by brifishrgy

  1. Glad to hear that spot worked for you and your son
  2. tube and a spinner bait ... I love the 2 rod rule on Erie ... will set my sons rod up with a minnow on 1 and a crayfish on the other ... he will prob get a bigger bass then me again
  3. Lk Erie ... Great Bass Hunt week .... might even get one to enter for team 1
  4. Lake St Claire in the fall ... get them from shore in many spots and from the boat all year long ... got my first one there and go every fall .... first week of Nov is MUSKY weekend .... cant wait
  5. Did it right up to Rovers ... did a lot of canoe camping in Temagami and Algonquin and winter camping in Algonquin between Christmas and new years ...now im old enough to go to a hotel where its nice and warm
  6. Give Grundy Lake a try ... you wont be dissapointed ... if you decide to go I will give you a few spots to go (both in and out of the park)
  7. check the intake screen to make sure nothing got stuck in there (weeds ) ... had the hose from the exaust port to the pee hole pinch which blocked the flow .. could try flushing out from the pee hole .. just need a ballon filler that attaches to your garden hose ... good luck
  8. if you have a plumbers torch you can try heating it up a little (only heat the race not the shaft) .... best bet is to get a bearing puller ... I believe you can get one at loan a tool at crappie tire .. leave a deposit and return when done
  9. Looks like a whitefish to me too
  10. I just got mine done ... got it out last weekend for a test run of the old girl ... the 56 Johnson fired up right away ... just have to figure out the lower end leak and were good to go .. I removed the console and water catch ( also had to replace the transom)... took up too much room Before and now the after
  11. Very sad new indeed ... my condolences
  12. It sounds like your prop needs to be rehubbed ... as for the oil leak grab yourself a gearcase seal kit and replace the seals for the bottom end and all should be good ... if the oil is getting out the water is getting in
  13. just need the practice http://luremaking.com/catalogue/download/harness.pdf
  14. If it wasn't for Hasek the wings would be done already .. hes hit and miss and against an offence like Ottawa there is no hope for the Wings ... Ottawa in 6
  15. before you install the new one run some water thru the tell tale hose to clear out any of the broken pieces ... a water balloon filler works well to fit into the end of the hose
  16. I disagree with the warden... when you take a charter who sets the hook ... 9 out of 10 times the charter capt or his helper set the hook and hand it off to the client ... shoulda told him your son is paying you to set the hook
  17. you can find the schematics for your motor here http://www.marinepartsman.com/outboard-parts.html
  18. You may want to crawl under you Tribute to make sure they tightened the bolts
  19. Follow these steps 1. Go to www.google.com 2. Click on maps 3. Click on get directions 4. Go from " New York " to " London " 5. Scroll down in the directions to number 24
  20. take your time ... look at where the worm hole is (get your mind out of the gutter) and grab there ... that way if your slower you have a better chance of getting them
  21. anyone herd anything else??
  22. going to BPS .. I have a rod that needs to be re-tipped .. does anyone know if they do it at the store while you wait?
  23. interesting http://www.stoneycreeknews.com/scn/viewpoi...int_753878.html
  24. keep em if they are not over about 4 lbs ... still havent caught my limit of keepers in a day .... i like to eat pretty much any freshwater fish (carp, sucker, sheephead not included) ... tried catfish a few years back... cant wait to get some more .... come on open water
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