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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. I beleive it is important to teach kids about conservation, but to also teach them where our food comes from, teach young enough and they will be successful in both aspects, knowing which size fish are best for eating is key to the survival of the fishery
  2. if the location wasn't there, would you have noticed?
  3. haha, wouldn`t catch me on a wind yacht, i`ll take a nice searay instead
  4. seagaur abrazX $22 but its very good especially on a pin i would not reccomend braided line for a main line pin setup, as braid will eventually sink
  5. you're right, its why everyone goes to their "lucky lure" when the fishing gets slow
  6. i saw that, but its a redundant system here, since its effectively done with the green dots beside the topics, i just meant if you had separated subsections
  7. why not? its really not that large of a boat, just sits really tall, especially if you forget to remove the mast lol
  8. not really, the expedition is built on an f-150 frame, and was the replacement for the ford bronco. just because its called an suv, doesn't make it an suv, its basically a 1/2 ton pick up without a bed
  9. if that were a chev, he;d be stuck where he hooked up the trailer! built ford tough!
  10. on another forum, they have everything separated into subforums, but on the front page they have a little widget that shows you new topics, and new posts, there's also a menu that will show you all new content since your last log in. its just a way of keeping the forum cleaner and not so jumbled
  11. either sandles or a pair of $7 swimming shoes from canadian tire, mesh top with a rubber sole, i also use em for wet wading in august an september. that way you're feet aren't sweating an you don't have to worry about stepping on a misplace hook
  12. these are good never understood the banana in the boat thing though
  13. Title says it all, so lets hear em Mine is I can't use a brand new setup, has to be old rod with new reel, or new rod with an old reel, my theory is the new gear doesn't know how to catch fish yet, so it needs to absorb from the old gear.
  14. thats a lot of shore line reconstruction, i know in a lot of parts of ontario, that shore line development is prohibited, that you must keep your shoreline looking natural, i know someone that got dinged because their deck was too close to the shore
  15. personaly, i've always wanted to go to lake of the woods, so this is where i would go http://www.bignorthlodge.com/fishing.html
  16. they still have the downtown toronto location
  17. hope they were barbless hooks
  18. i head ya there, make something that looks like a bug, hope it works lol i like experimenting, so i think this will be a good avenue
  19. that would be greatly appreciated, i'll have access to the entire deer carcass, well anything that isn't damaged by the bullet wound anyway, and their party usually shoot about 6 deer a year, the way im seeing it, its a hell of a lot of flies i won't have to buy. the turkey feathers i have came off the tail around the bottom edges
  20. yea i realize i'll need more materials then just the thread and furs/feathers, would mostly be interested in trout/salmon an bass patterns. the turkey feathers i got actually change colour depending on the angle, from jet black to copper, to orange to red to green kinda cool
  21. Hey all, as the topic says, I'm just getting ready to purchase my first vice to start tying my own flies, I work with a bunch of hunters so furs and feathers are definitely not in short supply. Just got some turkey feathers from a friend, so looking for any tips or advice/patterns i could tie with turkey/duck/goose feathers as well as deer hair in the fall, and possibly coyote
  22. haha yea, i see you're in london, maybe try a park around 10pm after the dew sets in, go out with a flashlight, its possible to collect a few dozen in an hour or two
  23. could always pick your own at night save the $65 for another case of beer
  24. even the fly department is hit and miss especially if you get the old skinny with the mustache, and their selection of flies is kind of lack luster
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