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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. both me and my other buddy had most of our fish off a power bait (white) squid
  2. Thank you Roy, I'll be sure to take more pictures for next time.
  3. Yo can't prove that
  4. Thanks Brian we only have one picture from yesterday, as Jeremy, Chris K and Pete can tell you I have a tradition of pretending to bite the first first i catch, well this time i decided to actually bit it.
  5. I missed the part of you suggested the adims take a look, seems like a great app. for now ill just stick to photobucket
  6. Just looked at the website for information on the app and I'll be downloading this app, thanks
  7. May I suggest that use both their phone and a computer like I do, I would suggest that you download the Photobucket App, It makes it allot easier and then you don't have to worry about getting your photos from your phone to your computer because as soon as you up load it to the app it will be on your Photobucket account, of course you'll need an account with them. I'm sure there are other sites and apps, I just happen to use Photobucket myself
  8. Earlier this week I was trying to figure out where and when I was going to go fishing this weekend, with both the Sportsman show and Bass Pro being in the early days for their spring fishing classic. Midweek Jeremy84 and myself decided that we were just going to go for some perch. Jeremy informed me that new was going to bring his girlfriend and I was planning on bringing a co-worker, so we said we were going to book/rent a hut on Cooks Bay. As we had rent from Terry Goy a few times in the past, this is where the story gets kind of funny, we both thought the other person was going to be booking the ht so neither of us called. So getting back too today, I went and picked up both my co-worker and Jeremy and we wanted to get out for first light. Jeremy informed me his girlfriend would no longer be coming along. We headed up and both had a Homer Simpson D'oh moment when we realized didn't have a hut booked. When we got out on Cooks we went to Terry Goy's hut to see if he had any open and no luck. So we asked a another operator and he said he'd see what he could do. So as we waited we noticed that one of the food huts was renting huts this year and asked them Family Ice Cabins if they had any available for the day, and luckily enough they did. He only charged us $40.00 a person and we were on fish for pretty much the time out. It was a slow start but with in the first half hour in the hut we started pulling out perch, nothing wroth keeping so unfortunately I have no pictures. We did have no exciting moment, after answering nature's call i got back into the hut only to see the tail end of a fish near the hole i was fishing out of. We have still have no idea what it was but at this point their were no perch in site. I think it was a big Herring. We only fished to 1 O'clock because Jeremy had to be back for 5 and we all wanted to check out the sales at Bass Pro. However we probably caught somewhere between 60-70 perch. So all in all it was a great day and I'd booked with this operator again
  9. don't forget about Fairy, sorry bud but that is 0-6 but i hope today made it wroth while and I think it deserves a write up, in fact I'm going to do that now
  10. I wish i could take credit for this
  11. me and Jeremy84 were talking today and neither of us can remember what song they play when the leafs score (at home), As for why I'm watching as bad as it sounds it is like people that rubber neck they want to see how bad it is. and it seems like the leafs are to busy looking back to see what is coming up right in front of them. as for the potential 1st overall, say the leaf to get it, what is saying they keep it away. and if they keep it, what is to say he is NHL ready next year? Look at Edmonton with all of their high draft picks, have Edmonton improved with all of these top 5 overall picks? How much better could they be if they spent time in the minors (AHL)? So my big question is as a Leaf fan is, What if Toronto doesn't get the 1st overall pick or trades a potential top 5 pick away again?
  12. wait did you say 109 in one season :worthy: :worthy:
  13. dam it, I want one even more now, seeing this after buying that reel you suggested doesn't help my itch, Great report pete
  14. the best thing about tonights game is that it Toronto's annual Canadian Forces Appreciation game
  15. So is Cabelas having any kind of big sale while al lthe shows are going on and while bass pro is having their spring classic

    1. grizzlybri


      just curious because i was at bass pro today

    2. misfish


      I seen no deals there today. Needed some new red hooks. My fisher girl needed some hooks and sinkers. A lunch trip to the new Donalds and alls well.

  16. i have a 5" swed bore that just needs new blades, that i dont use anymore, have an ad for it in the classifieds
  17. TSC had the Buddy heater on sale for $99.99, good for 1lb and 20lbs tanks just thought id pass that along

  18. TSC had the Buddy heater on sale for $99.99, good for 1lb and 20lbs tanks

  19. Actually a team can move up 4 spots by winning the lottery
  20. I didn't watch the whole game but what a finish
  21. Well I know I'll be going to the Spring fishing show and the Bass Pro spring fishing classic which starts next week
  22. They have the vendor list up now
  23. 2014/2015 -1966/1967 --------------- 48 years But I'll take the loosing streak, I want to see new a brand new set of passengers, for this sinking ship
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