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Everything posted by wvfisherman
They are a good reel. Smooth running. First one made in USA now like everything else my new one is made overseas, Korea. Cannot wait to try it out in the Niagara next month.
I enjoy beets also. How do you peel your beet? Boil or wrap and bake in the oven. It would take long time to peel a bushel of beets.
I have a 16 foot Crestliner and it was almost 10 years old and the wood rotted on the deck. Crestliner replaced the the whole deck, wood and carpet without any charge. That is service.
You cannot tell me the United States or Canada does not have facility to build this car. What has happen to the Union for the U. S. and Canada Auto Workers?. Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland abcnews.go.com With the approval of the Obama administration, an electric car company that received a $529 million federal government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work. Vice President Joseph Biden heral...
Too much fishing.Where do YOU draw the line?
wvfisherman replied to mercman's topic in General Discussion
My parents had a house on a lake and left it to me. I am retired could not keep up both home and house on the Lake. Too much to keep up both homes and money to pay utilities, insurance, taxes and membership dues. Sold the house on the lake. Family had house on the lake before I was born. Spent most of my years on and around the lake fishing and hunting. It was hard to give it up. Would love to keep it for the grandkids. I don't know how my Dad was able to keep up both houses. Funny how things were so important when you were younger but don't mean as much when you get older. -
Do you remember back in the 60's when they found a vacine for polio? you do not hear of polio today. I pray that they would find a cure/vacine for cancer. BUT do they want a cure for cancer? How much money would the doctors, hospitals, drug companies and research would loss. Cancer is BIG money. But we need to pray for a cure.
How is everybody? Fall is coming the best time of the year. Going to try to make it up to Ontario this Fall and have a couple of questions. 1. Have the salmon started to move up the Niagara and 2. Has anybody open the Birch Island lodge on the Georian Bay? Spent a week there a few years ago. Did not catch a lot of fish, but it was nice to sit back and Thank God for such a beautiful place. Enjoy each day and every day that God gives us. Bob
I know somebody out there can help me. I have a 16 Ft. Crestliner with a side consol and I broke about 3" off of the left side of the windshield. What type of Glue would hold this heavy plastic or how can I repair this? It broke where the left side fastener attaches to the consol.
Everybody is to greedy anymore. I just retired from banking after 40 some years and the Banks have become theives. In the late 1800's and early 1900 people would rob banks with a gun, now the Banks rob the people and they do not have to use a gun. When I started banking the banks cared about the community and the people. The managers would work with the customers but now all the Banks want is fees. All the Banks care about is the profit and the all the managers care about is their bonus. When I was a Loan Officer for a local Bank we would make loans with the customers deposits and make a good income for the banks and pay good intrest to the depositor and not charge all kinds of fees for the deposit. Now the Big BANKS have taken over the small local Banks and as I said they do not care about the community or the customers unless it will increase there profit. Before the Big Banks taken over the local Banks wanted the employees to belong to civic clubs and work to help the community, now they want the employees to do is calling customer and getting more money for the bank and find more fees to charge the customer. Just like your daughter's O D Fees.
I Miss my 14'5 Gruman and 15 hp Yamaha, which I have fished from West Virginia to Northern Ontario and Quebec,including Niagara River a number of times. Did not have any problems with the boat and motor on the Niagara and fished all the way to Lake Ontario. Just wear you Life Jacket. Because of my son, I traded for a 16'5 Crestliner Fish Hawk with a 40 hp Johnson which I would gladly trade back for a 14'5 Gruman with a 15 Yamaha. I caught more fish in my Gruman and it was easier to tow. Don't ever trade your Gruman for a bigger boat.
Lew. I have read the number of Posts you have made on OFC, but this post and painting has to be tops. You must be a great guy. Hope someday when I am in Ontario I can meet you. Bob
I had a 14 ft. Gruman Deep V with a 9.9 hp motor. Fished all over WV and fished from Niagara River to Owen Sound to James Bay and over in Quebec. Easy to tow and easy to launch. Caught a lot of fish with that 14 ft boat. Traded for a 16 ft Crestliner with a 40 hp. and my fishing changed. Harder to tow and Launch. Plus caught less fish. With the 14 ft Boat I was more in touch with the water and fish. Plus takes more gas to tow. Keep Your 14 ft Boat.
Picture of 19 Point Doe http://www.wvmetronews.com/outdoors.cfm
Thought you would like to read about a 18 point doe from WV. Hunter Mike Tomey of Lewis County shows off the unusual rack of a 19-point doe he killed on the Friday of the first week of buck season hunting near Sleethe's Run, near the Gilmer-Lewis County border. Mike Tomey of Lewis County had high hopes for the 2009 deer season. All year, Tomey had spied a deer near his hunting area sporting quite a non-typical rack. "I'd been getting pictures of it on a trail cam all summer and fall," said Tomey. "I thought it was a non-typical 9-pointer." Tomey says in past years he'd see big bucks on his trail cam, but they be long gone by hunting season. Friday of the first week of buck season, Tomey was about to give it up for the day amid rainy, miserable conditions--but on his way out of the woods he spied the deer he'd been watching for months. "He dropped at the sound of the gun and I couldn't wait to get to him to see what I had and when I got down there I realized I had more than I thought I did," Tomey said. The rack was certainly non-typical, but with 19-points and three main beams. But that wasn't the most non-typical part. When Tomey lifted the back legs to begin the field dressing is when he noticed something was missing. "I actually was back at the house before I realized I wasn't seeing things," said Tomey. "I field dressed it and had it off the hill. My neighbor came over and looked at it and said, 'That's a doe with antlers.' That's when it dawned on me that I wasn't seeing things." The 19-points on the doe are still in velvet. It's a sight to behold, but not really a pretty one. "It's the ugliest thing I've ever seen," laughs Tomey of his buck-- err, doe with antlers. Even funnier is it's the biggest Tomey has ever taken. Prior to the antlered doe, the biggest buck he'd killed was a six-pointer. The chance of a doe having antlers is about one in ten-thousand according to biologists. Antlers begin on a deer's head in the summer with a burst of testosterone. They start as tender flesh in velvet. When the length of daylight starts to shorten, a second burst of testosterone hardens the antlers and the velvet sheds. The doe apparently got the first rush, but not the second. Biologists say a number of things can cause the odd condition. Hormonal changes during pregnancy are often the culprit. Tomey's deer is attracting plenty of attention. Locals have worn a path to his door to have a look, many returning to give it a second look just to make sure their eyes aren’t deceiving them. At the Somerville Exxon in Linn, where Tomey is a regular, it was a wildfire story when he checked the deer in. A couple of Conservation Officers were on hand to take a look, but before you wonder about a ticket the answer is no. Any deer with antlers longer than three inches above the head is a legal kill during buck season in West Virginia. "It's kind of odd, but I've seen a couple of them before," said Larry Somerville who checked in Tomey's doe. "A few years back a guy brought one in, but not as big as this one." Tomey doesn't really want to hang the deer on his wall, but hopes somebody will show an interest in the oddity. "I’m hoping I can get somebody like Bass Pro Shops or Dick's to maybe mount it and put it someplace for people to see," said Tomey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User Comments
I enjoyed your pictures. Every year I look at everybody's pictures and wish that I would be there with everybody. It looks like a good time. Do you have a Ford Freestar and if so what do you tow with it? I have a 16 ft crestliner with a 40hp and does not weigh over 2000# but the back end almost rides the back wheels. Do you have any special shocks or information that you have done to your van. Thanks. E-Mail me if you can help me. Again, enjoyed the pictures. Bob
Looking at a Kodak Easyshare Z8612 for $99.00. Does anyone have this camera? Or What do you think of this camera? Thanks for any advice.
Orvis is a good reel,but check out the reels at Albright Tackle. You cannot find a better reel for the price. http://www.albrighttackle.com/index.html.
Even though I live in West Virginia (Almost Heaven), I enjoy this board. It is my "number one" fishing board. I am in my 60's and do not get to fish as much as my younger days but I enjoy seeing what everybody else is doing. Fishing is number ONE, but as fishermen we are brothers and sisters who love to fish, so who else can we turn to when we have problems to talk about even if it is not fishing. Still enjoy this board after a number of years. Everybody have a "good day".
-hassle fishing on international waters Report only if you land in Canada April 6, 2008 Read Comments(2)Recommend (2)Print this page E-mail this article Share this article: Del.icio.us Facebook Digg Reddit Newsvine What’s this? U.S. anglers who take boats into Canadian waters don't have to report to customs officers upon returning to the United States if they do not make a landfall in Canada, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said this past week. "There has been some confusion about this," said Michael Balero, a Customs and Border Protection spokesman. "Nothing has really changed. (Boaters) do not have to report unless they land at a Canadian port." So here are the rules, as they were told to me by Balero: • If you go into Canadian waters to fish, and you don't land in Canada or tie up to the Canadian shore, you don't have to report to U.S. authorities when you come back to the U.S. side. • If you are fishing in Canadian waters, you are allowed to anchor. Anchoring offshore does not constitute "a call at a foreign port or place," the importance of which will become clear in a minute. • You do not need to have a passport to return from a fishing trip on Canadian waters. The confusion began a couple of weeks ago when Ohio charter boat captains were told by Customs and Border Protection officials in Cleveland that the rules had changed and pleasure boaters and anglers would have to report to customs if they motored into the Canadian waters of Lake Erie on fishing trips. Even if they merely entered Ontario Canadian waters and returned without touching land, the captains were told they and their customers would have to carry passports or other approved government IDs and either report in person or telephone from an authorized government reporting station at a marina. In addition, the skipper and crew of the boats were told that they would be required to fill out paperwork and learn new rules before the season, and charter captains would also have to fax in daily lists of their customers, including personal information like citizenship and birthdates. This is a big deal in the Ohio and Michigan waters of the Great
my brother could use your thoughts and prayers
wvfisherman replied to rickster's topic in General Discussion
My thoughts and prayers are with your brother. My son had this rapid heart for a few years and had to have surgery which corrected the problem. This is why this board is so special. It is the fishing that bonds us together but we are concerned about each other. Keep your faith. Your brother will be OK. -
I have been thinking about spooling one of my muskie reels with dacron line. It has been so long since I have used dacron line and I cannot remember why I quit using dacron. If I remember dacron was soft and did not stretch. But why did we quit using dacron. It is tough getting old and cannot remember some things or maybe it is good that we do not remember some things. Lew or any of you let me know if you us dacron or if not why. If you would like to read about a couple of WV Lakes, check out Stonewall Jackson Lake and Stonecoal Lake on the web. From Almost Heaven - West Virginia
I have been reading this board for a while and have made a post myself which may not be directed toward fishing, but fishing is what bonds or holds us together on this board. I have found out that most of us are interested in each others interest and if someone has a problem or concern there is alway someone to be there to support them and encourage them. So if it is about hockey, your new pet, your new boat or if you need prayers for a friend or family we are there, so I vote to keep the board as it is. We are all fishermen (women). If we don't want to read a posting we can just skip it and go on to the next posting.
Need your help again. I have a 2000 16 ft. Crestline with a 40 hp Johnson motor. Just last week I was looking at my boat and motor and found a piece broke off of my lower unit with about a two inch crack near my prop. I can get it repaired with a rebuilt lower unit for $1850 plus and the insurance company will pay $1350. I found a 2002 50 hp Johnson motor for $2250. What would be the best to do take the $1350 and repair the motor or take the $1350 and pay the difference and trade for the 2002 50 hp Johnson? I know that I have taken care of my 40 hp motor but don't know anything about the 50 hp motor, but I am getting 10 exta hp. and a newer motor. If I would trade and not repair my 40 hp, would that be dishonest with the insurance company?
Thanks for this board since sometime it is easier to write about somethings than to talk. This is a great board with people who not only love to fish, but caring people when one has a loss of family member, friends or even their dog, or have illness or other problems in life. Thank all of you for your reply to my posting last week about getting old and retirement. Getting old is something you cannot describe until it happens to you, just like so many other things in life. I (We) have so much to be thankful for but sometime we let life get us down. Again, I thank you and it would be great to fish with each one of you. As I have got older, I have found out fishing is not just the fishing but to have fellowship with people with the same interest and sometime problems. I use to go fishing by myself but now, I want to share this time with the young and old. I don't have a secret fishing hole anymore, since I enjoy sharing the fun of fishing with others. Would like to meet all of you and Lew, from reading this board you mus be a special guy to fish with. Thanks. One other thing, I found another problem yesterday. After I came home from church, I was looking at my boat and motor and found a crack in my lower unit next to my prop about three inches long. Never had this to happen in all my years of having a boat, but It will be taken care of in time. I am thankful for God, family and friends and friends that I have not meet. I know that Irishfield has a similar post about the folks on this board, but I wanted to say thank you also. And we need to keep his daughter in our prayers.