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Everything posted by Pasquale

  1. I believe the problem is the Encoder motor (actuator) which is mounted to the side of the transfer case. I have replaced a ton of these's at the dealer. 99% of the time thats what its is. The odd time there is a wiring problem or a faulty shift control module but more than likely it will need a new Encoder motor. Pretty costly just for the part. I have seen them range from $400 to $1200 and depending on the mechanic working on your truck labour ranged from 1/2 hrs to 2hrs. I hope this info helps.
  2. Misfish thank you for the cross bow it was a great deal. I couldn't believe what great shap it was in. I thought for that price it would be all beat up or maybe even damaged but I was wrong it is awsome. Thank you once again. its always great to meet OFC members you guys are great.
  3. Hey guys I think most of you understand what I'm trying to say, but for those of you who don't, I know in most bodies of water unless posted in the REGS your only aloud 1 rod per person, but I'm talking about right know the part of the lake my buddy is on is open, so he thinks 2 rods are legal. I think he needs to be part of this community so he can read and maybe learn something for all the post. I don't want to play favorites but this is probably one of the most helpful and fun goups to be a part of. Once again sorry for the RAMBLE!! Thanks FISHTANK
  4. Wow this may sound a little stupid, and I don't know if this question was ever asked before, but last night I was at a fiends house enjoying a few drinks, when the topic of ice fishing came up, now my buddy is a really smart guy, and I don't know if it was the alcohol talking but, we must of argued for about 2 hours. Too make a long story short, my buddy said " during ice fishing season your aloud to use 2 rods" Whick I agree with. BUT than he went on to say " SINCE THE ICE I ALL GONE ON THE LAKE HE COULD STILL USE 2 RODS IN OPEN WATER" Now I'm pretty sure your only aloud 1 rod in most areas and I know 2 rod are aloud during ice fishing. So WHO is right. SORRY for the ramble but its driving me crazy. THANKS Fish Tank
  5. Tank here!! When I started out fishing, I just purchased a few bob izumi rods. When I started getting more in to it, I went a little higher end. The I got into baitcasting, thanks to Ontariocarper. now for big pike and musky, I use my baitcaster. Like someone said, you have to start out with medium for all around. then you will figure out what your comfortable with. For a reel go 2000 0r 2500 size for all around. Hope this helps, Tank OCH
  6. Hey gonefishing. these were just for a laugh. what ontariocarper is saying is that yes you do need lady luck by your side sometimes and yes good gear and know how . But maybe I don't have horse shoes maybe I have a 4 leaf clover, hey maybe even a a rabbits foot. What ever it is lady luck is on my side this year. Keep fishing! "fish tank"
  7. Hey I can't say I have horse shoes. But ontariocarper is right. I"ve had some crazy luck this year. But trust me there no horse shoes any where.
  8. Awsome report. Great pics and Nice fish. Don't you just love hunting the pads for buckets
  9. WOW! Another great report. Keep on Carping!
  10. I'm Going next week for the whole week.I will let you know how I did! Thanks for the help,and I'm bringning my rifle with me cause its bear season!!!
  11. WOW! Great pics and excellent fish!
  12. Thanks alot,I really appreciate your help.I would love a map of the lake if you can scan it.my email is:[email protected]. Thanks again
  13. Yes thats the one, hows the fishing? is it worth the trip?
  14. Hey thats guys and gals. Just little help needed. I'm heading out to 5 Mile lake next weekend has anyone fished there before and if so is it worth it. Any info would be great.
  15. WOW! Great report. There's nothing better than fishing pads.
  16. Nice report. Great fish. Awsome pic.
  17. Great report. congrats on the P.B.
  18. All the great shows are on WFN. Charlie Moore Outdoors is great. Fishing University is an awsome show, lots of info.
  19. BRAVO! what an excellent report. Great pics. Looks like you had a great time.
  20. congratulations Rich!
  21. Another great report. To answer your question yes, I have a friend who is a hard core carp fisherman, if that is even possible. (lol) and he is always out fishing for carp right after a cold front, and usually is very successful, he acually says the bigger fish are caught right after a cold front. I'm not much of a carp fisherman so I personaly don't really know. great report.
  22. I'm in Newmarket right now and the sun's out but the wind is really staring to pick up.
  23. I vote #3 only time we keep fish is if we are having a shore lunch that same day or we will be having them for dinner that night. I never bring fish home so they can sit in the freezer.
  24. WOW this is great, it spoke to a couple of people about this web site and they said that the OFNers on this site are very helpful, and you know what you guys and gals are. So I guess the answer to my post is fish at your own risk and most of all fish with both eyes open because you never know what will hapen on the water.
  25. Sorry about the cap locks, and no I'm not yelling, I took the boater coarse apoprox- 4 years ago but didn't start baoting until 2 years ago. I know most of the rules but i just wanted to post a comment because I just found that there were alot of dump boaters out there. I see a alot of boats fishing in bewteen the bouyies which to be is not the smart thing to do. It just seemed like people just want to show off, which is fine but when your putting other people in danger to me that's not right.
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