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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. For those interested in Atlantic Salmon from Lake Ontario....... http://www.buffalonews.com/wire-feeds/state/article612289.ece
  2. Congratulations Old Man.....how about some pics of that nice buck.
  3. I have some big flat areas in Lake Erie that have been producing very well for the last 3-4 years with Yellow Perch....that population is very high right now......I treasure a few of those GPS numbers right now...if and when the perch population falls so will my success at those hot spots. Bob
  4. And I can cook....
  5. The BEST place to get married IMHO......... SIN CITY USA
  6. THEY LOOK FANTASTIC...... I just love pumpkins......I drive my duck hunting partners crazy as I look for the cheapest pumpkins I can find after the hunt. A few years ago I was driving east on Rt 20 near the Finger Lakes around November 20th.....I came across a few fields that had THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of pumpkins still laying there.....just like a corn field but pumpkins as far as the eye could see....
  7. Don't know what kind of GPS/Sonar unit you have but my Lowrance LMS 520C unit records the date, time and water depth when I enter that waypoint in....I can also (and do many times) change the waypoint number to a name and enter a icon for that spot...my perch spots have a several small fish icon while my walleye spot icon is a much larger single fish. I wouldn't go on Eire without my GPS unit. Hope this helps, Bob
  8. At my son's wedding EVERYONE was from out of town including the couple getting married....they actually live about 40 miles south of Syracuse, NY where the wedding was held.....with EVERYONE getting rooms at the hotel that the wedding was held made it the best wedding I have ever been to....errrr...except mine of course...LOL
  9. My son just got married in July so I have a small feel for all the planning involved......first question would be......how many guest do they expect to invite.
  10. I would be VERY VERY careful when you call....because you do know what today is, don't you... and you might end up talking to someone who's not alive....
  11. Cute pup.......love the ears... Life Jacket ? ? ? all you need is a large bobber attached to the collar...
  12. For not being a good speller, you don't have any misspelled words that I can see and you used capital letters at the beginning of every sentence and even separated your thoughts into paragraphs. Now please tell me what's easier to read...the above posting of Cliff or this doctored one below. i can't sing i can't dance i can't play a musical instrument and i can't spell the music side of it is simple i have no sense or rythum and can't tell the differance between a C sharp and a D flat god just didn't give my those abilities as for the spelling well it just isn't logical words that sound the same but are spelled differently words that are spelled the same but mean different things depending on the context they are used in too many rules with too many exceptions and I have a problem with things that aren't logical give me a motor that isn't running right something that needs to be built or fixed anything that requires a mechanical aptitude or logical reasioning and I have no problem working that out algebra trigonometry geometry were all a breeze for me in college as were physics and science i also type at about 12 words a minute so very often when replying to a post on here I spend a lot of time composing my responses i suppose i could cut and paste and do the spell check thing, but for the most part I think people can understand what I am trying to get across even if there are a few grammer or spelling mistakes i do have a solution though, if my spelling punctuation or grammer are that much of a problem just don't bother reading my posts Believe it not I have read many posts like these and basically give up on them. But to each his own..... Like I have said before...just make a honest effort.
  13. I will predict the Cardinals win game 7 by the score of 6-2.....
  14. That's because GBW has hoarded all the weed in his mama's basement.... (I couldn't resist)
  15. Drag yourself out of your mama's basement...sell some extra weed and get us both tickets....
  16. We have a uniform that will fit him....
  17. ALERT....ALERT....ALERT....Grammar Police called in..... Your post should read "I hear they're going to sign "PIN BALL" for that one game. (who ever the heck that is) Now back to our regular programming....
  18. Edited done....Thanks Blaque
  19. That's another 5 minutes of my life I will never recover...
  20. Screw you Merc....and with a VERY LARGE SCREW DRIVER at that...
  21. It's right up there in your back yard (Toronto) this Sunday starting at 4pm against the Redskins.....Hard game to pick the winner...both teams has a lot of injured players with maybe Washington have more starters out. However, I believe they are deep in talent. Go Ralph Wilson, and leave the Bills behind.... Edited as per requested....
  22. HH.....THANK GOD you brought this up....now, everyone can't spell everything perfect or have perfect grammar or punctuation but for the sake of the Fishing Gods...PLEASE put in some effort....and at least scan over your post before clicking on the green post button below. LEAD BY EXAMPLE.... Now back to your regular nonsense programming....
  23. And the seat belt thread was closed...
  24. :good: If I know you, you have been giving those birds up there a good beating by now....is the season still going ?
  25. I did that last month with a goose wing during our early goose season.
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