Billy Bob
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Everything posted by Billy Bob
IF you replace the bearing you must replace the race also....
Best advice you have so far.......been doing the Jack...Spin....Rock and Roll End Play check for about 17 years now (same bearings) if I remember correctly and I don't even have Bearing Buddies....but if you like to get REAL greasy and dirty and clean and repack the bearings....then go for it....me, I have better things to do in the spring....like cut the friggen grass...LOL
OMG........Roy, I just pissed my pants....
LOL Where there's a will, there's a way..... Stupid is what stupid does.....
I'm sure you all have seen Leno at night where he has clipped out news articles showing stupid stuff...for example business signs that don't make sense, etc.......well yesterday I got a letter from Sam's Club warning me of a recall on a product that says..... "Today, we were notified that TRUCO ENTERPRISES LP in conjunction with the Food and Drug Administration has initiated a Recall on its ON THE BORDER 64OZ (Pina Colada Only) due to undeclared allergen (tree nut - coconut)". I realize that it's the law to declare all ingredients on a product.....but come on....Who would of thought that there would be "coconut" in a PINA COLADA...DUH...BTW I never purchased this item, so that tells me Sam's Club is sending this letter to every memember... Also in yesterday's mail is a small settlement check from a Currency Conversion Fee Antitrust Litigation....it's a postcard type mailing that you have to open up....on the inside it has what they call a Record Update Verification that you should fill out if they have the incorrect address for you....DUH again. It never ceases to amaze me how governments and sometimes business waste precious dollars on stupid stuff, but then claim they have no money for way more important stuff....
OMG.....Darren, I hope things speed up for you ASAP Socialized medicine is good in one way terrible in another....in 2014 we are taking our first step towards socialized medicine.....it could get ugly or better...depends on who you listen to...but in my experience...thing never get better for the middle class...
Now that's a good one....they are like asking your car salesmen how much you vehicle can tow.... Insurance agents are good for one thing and only one thing....take money from you, take a cut of said money for themselves and pass the rest onto the insurance company.
There you go....lovetofish did some good....they must of seen he's video...
OMG....you couldn't be more wrong....we have MUCH larger bucks here in NYS then PA...that's why in PA they introduced the minimum points required on a buck....first time I hunted PA (1975) my partner took a 7 point buck that weighed 145 lbs dress out(average size here)...it was the largest buck in the camp ground where we stayed....then we went into Coudersport that evening (beer drinking) and all the bucks hanging in town were also smaller....the next day I banged on a average PA buck (5 pointer) that didn't weigh quite 100 lbs...our NYS does all go over that.....maybe your dad was bring home fawns that he shot... Bill, you need to get up to date on this things.... Got to go...we'll talk later....you have a lot to learn about NYS Bob
I don't know it that is true or not....but I'm leaning NOT....if you think about it then almost every "accident" would be denied for one reason or another....you went thru a stop sign....you were speeding....you were driving without the proper caution for the weather conditions that day....the list could go on and on. My son is a insurance underwriter....next time he's home (next weekend) if I remember I'll have to ask him about something like this. Bob
I was....oh wait, I was actually making fun of you....LOL And I hunted and fished PA for years....but now our deer hunting and fishing is so much better in NYS so why would I purchase their license...
1) you're required in PA to wear your fishing license on your hat. 2) we are are required in NYS to wear our Hunting License on our backs while hunting...and I have EVERY hunting license since I was issued one in 1970 and none have dissolved, ESPECIALLY the new DECAL licenses....maybe your chewing on yours.... Learn the laws...then make fun of them..... Bob.....
PA makes you wear the friggin thing on your hat..... .....what do you do there....put a plastic bag over your head.... BTW I have my wallet on me while I duck hunt...it's in my breast shirt pocket....when I'm fishing I'm in my boat where I find solitude away from the crazy stream anglers.... Now go catch a fish, Bob
All fishing boats should be towed with a big, strong and dependable Toyota TUNDRA pickup truck...Silver is the preferred color....LOL.... I don't think you will have any problems going that short of a distance. Good Luck, Bob
Mike, because of that Res station proximity to Canada they are taking advantage of you and every other Canadian.....the Res gas station I use is currently selling gas at $3.17 per gallon....key word here is "currently"..... We have 3 different Reservations here and the prices vary greatly depending on a lot of things. Bob
LOL.....you do realize your suppose to put it in your wallet or purse, not drag it around behind your truck.... BTW where are these DEC officers you speak of....I thought they went away with the Dodo bird......last one I seen was about 12 years ago living next door to me...
Talk to the Skipper, he's sending me 8 family club cards that will save me double the amount over the 4 he originally offered.....maybe he has some of those Innisfill town park passes he can send you....
Yes, I seen that but don't understand it...and it's only 3 reviews. Here on the main site of this charger where I once purchased it, it enjoys a much higher rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars.....go figure. Either way at $79.99 it's almost too good to be true. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Boating/AutoBoat-Batteries-Chargers/On-Board-Chargers-Inverters%7C/pc/104794380/c/104698080/sc/104465880/Cabelas-Advanced-Anglers-ProSport-II-On-Board-Marine-Battery-Chargers/734150.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fboating-auto-boat-batteries-chargers-on-board-chargers-inverters%2F_%2FN-1100565%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104465880%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104794380%253Bcat104698080&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104794380%3Bcat104698080%3Bcat104465880#productChart Bottom line it has Cabela's name on it and they stand proudly behind each and every one of their products.
Skipper, could you send me 8 family cards so I can double my savings...I'm always looking out for a bargain since I'm on a fixed income....
Sure...but you have to offer free shipping....
No, not really....Since I'm a Cabela's Signature Card holder I get sale notices that are not advertised to the average smucks like you guys....LOL...so I thought I would pass on this great saving opportunity....BTW I have this exact charger on my boat and love it.
Yes you are.... Only IF you are a business owner who benefits from increased traffic from outsiders do you welcome outsiders to use said park....if you're a resident all those using "your park" is nothing more then a nuisance to you and the town that has to clean up the park. MANY town parks here that took no Federal or State money to build said park restricts those parks to residents ONLY...nothing a outsider here can do about it but complain to the wind. Once you get a group of town folks getting together and attending town board meetings, anything can happen....the squeaky wheel get the grease.
I'm not sure if this price is available in Canada, but if it is and you're thinking about a on-board charger....then you cannot beat this deal. http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/search_catalog_command.cmd?fromProductSearch=true&item1=IK-021785